Chapter 2

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Writer’s POV The setting sun cast its warm glow on the landscape filled with a bunch of confused people and a heartbroken Ifrenia. Javiel’s brooding figure stood still as he rejected the only light that had been shining in his dark, cold light. He wished he could tell her that when he felt the mate bond, he felt even more happy than she did ; he could not wait to make her his, but he could not; his mere presence in her life would ruin her, he thought. He loved her so much, maybe even more than her, but the darkness that consumed his soul was not something he could let consume her too, so with great difficulty, he rejected her. *** With the weight of his decision crushing his very being and the sound of her hysterical tears, he stormed away from her while looking away. He did not want to look into her eyes; he feared that if he did so, he would not be able to let go. His steps carried him to the house that was prepared for him and his father, the echoes of his footsteps reminding him of the tumult in his cold heart. With a bang, he shut the door as he entered the room that was prepared for him, and he began to walk in circles. His mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions; he could bear the thought of a life without Ifrenia, but at the same time, he did not want her life with him to be mystery-filled. His always cold face, contorted in anguish, and his hands clenched into a fist, he approached the wall and, without thinking, he punched it as hard as he could, creating a large dent in the hard brick wall. He ignored the pain in his knuckles, and he kept on hitting the wall, trying his best to forget how he had put her through so much anguish. Without a knock on the door, his father walks in with a distorted look on his face. He had always hoped for Javiel and Ifrenia to be a thing, as that would bring the packs closer and help his plan move forward faster. Nobody knew how happy he was when he realized that his son and Ifrenia were already destined for each other and that he did not need to persuade her parents to let her mate with Javiel, but who knew all his years of hard work would come down just with a sentence from his son? Anger and distaste filled his heart when he thought about it. “By the rise of the seventh moon from now , you and Ifrenia will mate," said Javiel’s father so casually as he dropped a bombshell on him. “No, I won't, Javiel replied with a slight growl escaping from his lips that showed the animosity he had towards his father. Hearing Javiel’s reply, his father smirked and took a step closer to Javiel with a look of disgust on his face, as if he were not looking at his son. “I am not asking you, my boy," he said with an ethereal smile etched into his wrinkling face. “Do not call me that," Javiel growled again, this time much louder, which caused his father to laugh. A cruel smile then slowly curled at the edges of his father's mouth. “Do you remember your mother, my boy?" At the mention of his mother, he got defensive. “Do not say her name," he said in a threatening stance, which his father did not take note of. “Oh, you mean Dina, do you remember how she was so fragile after I took her away? I mean, how can you forget? I make you look at videos of her torture every day," his father said with a distorted smile on his face, which evolved into a chilly and demonic laugh. “I will kill her, Javiel; if you do not mate with Ifrenia, I will kill your mother." He said this, which forced Javiel to shift without warning and jump at his father. “Don't bother trying, my boy; you can never defeat me." His father said it caused him to stop in his tracks and transform back to his human form. His father's threat hung in the air, a suffocating weight that threatened to crush Javiel’s spirit. He closed his eyes, his hands trembling as he faced the impossible choice that was given to him by his physcopath father. Javiel clenched his fists at his sides, his nails digging into his palms and drawing blood. “The mating ceremony will go on," his father said as he took Javiel’s silence for a yes with satisfaction in his eyes, then he walked away. Javiel watched with hatred as the only epitome of a demon in his life walked away. His father had always been a psychopath who was crazy about world dominance; he could not do or say anything as his mother was held captive by the man she had once loved. His mother was the only thing his father used to compel him to do things, as he did not know about the love that Javiel had for Ifrenia. Javiel had a hatching plan in his head: he will definitely get powerful enough, and he will kill that father of his, but he had to get his mother from his clutches first, and until he rescued his mother, he could only endure. Little did Javiel know that his devil of a father had killed his mother a long time ago, and the woman that he had been seeing on the screen was just a doppleganger his father hired to decieve him. *** "Hello Master," one will be shocked to realize that the owner of the very submissive voice was Javiels deranged father. "I heard that he rejected her," the person at the other end of the phone said. “Don't worry, miss, I solved the issue, they will surely get mated." Javiel’s father quickly spoke with fear in his voice. “I don’t care about that any more; there is a new plan." The person at the other end of the phone said "May I ask what it is, Master?" "Don't worry, in a few days you will see my handwork, and you will be marveled as I finally take what is mine." “So should I cancel the mating ceremony then?"He asked. “No, let it go on."the person said and before Javiels father could input anymore, person hanged up on him.
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