Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Ifrenia’s POV I woke up to the soft golden rays of the morning sun peaking through my window, casting a warm glow on the lavender curtains that adorned my room. Fresh pine fragrance filled the air, serving as a reminder of the forest that surrounded our territory. The pale blue walls seemed to shimmer in the morning light, casting a peaceful atmosphere. My room was a reflection of my personality—a mix of cozy comfort and nature-inspired aesthetics. As I stood up from my soft, plush bed,the excitement that was rising up inside of me was almost palpable, and the polished oak floor felt cool beneath my feet. I was so excited because it was the day of none other than Javiel’s arrival. Javiel was the next-in-line Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack, but he had always been the Alpha in my heart. Since the first day I had ever set my eyes on him, I knew that he was the one for me, and ever since that day, I always made sure to pray to the moon goddess to make us mates when we got older. The thought of his return made my heart race like never before, and even though he had always been distant and cold towards me, I could not help but feel the unwavering love I felt for him. As I began to dress up, my thoughts could not help but replay his image in my head over and over again. His towering height, his black raven hair that never went out of place, and his dark brown eyes that showed no emotion yet seemed to have so much to say I groaned, realizing that I was torn between my adoration and love for him. I decided to inwardly pray to the moon goddess again to let sparks fly between me and Javiel when we met. Since it was going to be the most memorable day of my life, I had to put on a cute outfit, so I put on a straight-forward yet lovely gown that was a mixture of casual and formal. When I looked in the mirror, I could not help but marvel at the beauty my mother gave me: my silver long hair, my icy blue eyes, and due to the nature of my pack, I had tattoos all over my body according to my achievements. My pulse was pounding with excitement as I walked down the stairs of our magestic pack house. I looked around and noticed that excitement and nervousness were bustling through the air as my pack was preparing for the arrival of Javiel and his father, who was the current Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack. My parents, who were the Alpha and Luna of the Moonrise pack, had good relations with Javiel’s pack, so they always tried their best to receive them well whenever they made a visit. As I walked down, my very best friend virtually bounced to my side with an exuberant smile on her face that always seemed so refreshing. “Cassidy, what do I say to him? I am so nervous," I tell her with a hint of excitement and nervousness in my voice. "What if he is not your mate?” Cassidy whispered in my ear, obviously trying to scare me. “He has to be Cassidy, I love him so much with my every being; we have to be soul mates," I said with a shaky voice while squeezing her hands. “Ouch! Okay, I get it. Can you let go now?”said Cassidy while exaggerating her pain, which caused me to laugh out loud. "Ifrenia, I really hope he is your soul mate, but you have to also keep in mind that he may not be the one the moon goddess has chosen for you, and if that happens, I want you to know that you will find someone better," Cassidy suddenly said with a rare serious face. “I understand Cassidy. Thank you for always looking out for me; I love you so much," I said while giving her a hug. “I love you too, Nia, and remember that I will always be by your side no matter what happens." She patted my back with a smile, then immediately went back to her bubbly self. “Girls, what are you talking about? Come help!” My mom, Efraya, shouted from the kitchen. *** The enthusiasm in the pack house grew more and more as the day went on, and I could say with a full chest that no one was as excited as I was. The moment for Javiel’s arrival finally arrived, and we stood in front of our pack house as the envoys of the Blue Moon Pack filled the compound. As my father moved forward to greet the Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack, my heart raced a million times because my mother's grace was evident in her actions, and it stood in contrast with my father, who was towering and intimidating. Javiel’s father emerged from the car and gave mine a firm handshake, but I could not think about anything other than seeing Javiel. And my long-expected wait finally came to an end when Javiel stepped out of the car. His dark brown eyes scanning around the surroundings were so typical of him; he had grown to look more mature since the last time I met him. “Welcome to the moonrise pack, Javiel," my father said with a mixture of formality and friendliness, to which Javiel nodded. After some time, the eyes of me and Javiel finally locked; the time felt suspended in that singular moment; it was as if the world ceased to exist, and I just felt like the both of us were bound by an invisible thread. The magnetic pull between us was undeniable as it was drawing us closer until we touched hands, and a spark ignited with that simple contact. We were almost brought out of our own world when Javiel’s father laughed in satisfaction. “It looks like the Moonrise pack and the Blue Moon pack will be more than just friends," Javiel’s father laughed, which caused dad to laugh along with happiness etched into his face. “Frenia, honey, congratulations, you have found your life partner," Mom said as she walked towards me to give me a hug, as did Casidy. “We should celebrate," Cassidy said happily. "We should," Dad said with a huge smile on his face. I looked back at Javiel, and I was only able to say “Javiel," though my voice came out weaker than I had expected, and my anxiety immediately creeped in when he removed his hands from mine. “Javiel," I said again, but not with the sweetness of last time but with the fear of what was yet to come. “I can't do this," he said with gritted teeth, which shocked everyone and immediately brought tears to my eyes. “Javiel, shut it!” His father screamed with anger—the same expression my dad had while my mom looked worried. “What do you mean, Javiel?" I whispered as tears uncontrollably streamed from my eyes. "I can't be your mate," he said once more. “I Javiel." He started, and I immediately knew what he was going to do, which almost brought me to my knees. “Don't do this, Javiel, I love you," I said as Cassidy stood by my side and kept me from falling. “I, Javiel of the Blue Moon Pack, reject Ifrenia of the Moonrise Pack, and break the oath the moon goddess has imposed on our souls," he said while clenching his jaw, and as he looked aside, a resounding sound was made as he father slapped him right on the face, but I had not time to feel shocked as I was suffering from the immense pain that overtook any other feeling in my body. I fell to the ground as my breath ran away. It felt like a million little fire ants were stinging my body at the same time I felt like I was having a heart attack. I became mentally shattered when I felt the little thread that was holding us together snap. I had to come to the realization that I was rejected by the person I had been loving and fantasizing about my entire life; he did not even think twice before he rejected me. “Frenia, look at me," Mother said as she tried to bring me back to reality. “Who do you think you are, Javiel? You are going to regret this, I promise you, you have rejected the only good thing that happened in your sorry little life!” Cassidy shouted to Javiel, who began walking away. By this time, I was already aware of the things that were going on around me. “I am so sorry about this. If Ifrenia allows, their mating ceremony can still take place; they don’t need to be real mates to do that." Javiel’s dad offered with a somewhat anxious look on his face. “My only daughter will not be mated to someone who does not cherish her, someone who has rejected her!” My father shouted in anger; it was the first time I had seen him that pissed off. “I will do it, Dad," I suddenly said as I stood up from my mother's lap. “Nia, no," Cassidy said. “I want to, Dad," I whispered. I had always been one of the most powerful females in my pack, both in the act of war and also with my character. I usually never took nonsense from anybody, but I brought down my dignity just because I could not imagine my life without Javiel in it. "I am disappointed in you, Frenia," my dad said before he angrily walked away while I broke down in tears.
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