Chapter seven

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As Destiney shifted into a werewolf, she shouted to me, "Catch up.!” When I heard this, I immediately started running after her, and I eventually caught up with Destiny. A huge smile washed over my face, knowing that I had improved a lot during the past two years I spent in the pack. I worked as hard as I could and successfully became a member of the prestigious warrior pack. I wasn’t looked down on as much as I usually was two years ago; I had spent so much time trying to become the best version of myself that I became powerful enough to go head-on with a werewolf, although this was mainly possible because of the secret weapons I modified. They had poison that had a high lethal rate, but it did not work on extremely strong wolves. Destiny, on the other hand, had a bubbly attitude that was in zero correlation with her fighting skills; she was one of the strongest warriors, and her bubbly scale reduced to -10 when she was in battle mode, and I admired this about her. I finally felt my world coming back together after all the time I spent in the pack. I had learned all about the different packs and the werewolf world from scratch all over again. I really hoped that one day a miracle would happen and she would have her wolf back. I just felt incomplete without it. Catching up with Destiny was never easy, but I got faster and faster the more I practiced, which made it a lot less stressful to catch up with Destiny. Still running, I stretched her arms wide and inhaled the musky scent of the forest. I always felt free and alive any time I went on a run with Destiny. After we both finished our shift of patrolling the borders, we both made our way to our respective homes. When I got home, as usual, Vienn was in his office doing some paperwork, so I went ahead to greet him. “Hi V,” I said while waving at him. Even though our first impression of each other was not the best, over the past two years, I and Vienn had grown to become very fond of each other; he was basically like a father to me. “Welcome home," he said. As I was about to go to my room, I bumped into Ryker, the beta of the pack. I did not have any good feelings for Ryker; part of the reason is that he was one of the few pack members years ago who suggested to Vienn that she take my life to be safe. Ryker always had this sinister smile on his face, and what always confused me was that nobody else seemed to notice the ever-growing greed in his eyes. Even his appearance suited the regular villain stereotypes: he had dark hair, was very muscular, had very dark eyes that gave me chills when his gaze touched me, and his voice sounded deep and menacing to me. I walked past him like he did not exist and went up to my room. I swung my room door open, and the next second, the scowl that was already on my face turned into a deeper scowl. “Kierra!" I screamed, and on hearing my scream, Runia, who was in her room, had a knowing smile on her face, as it had become a usual occurrence in the house. I made my way to Kierra’s bedroom with heavy steps and swung her door open. I stood at the entrance of Kierra’s door with my shredded clothing in my hands. And on the bed was a guilty-looking Kierra, who tried to hide herself under the blanket. I took further steps into the room and stopped directly in front of Kierra’s bed. I violently dragged the blanket off Kierra’s body. “How many times have I told you to stop stealing my clothes?" I shouted. “Well... “ said Kierra before I interrupted her. “Why would you shift in them? Couldn't you take it off before you did that? And you little dog had the nerve to put these torn clothes on my bed!” I screamed angrily, with my voice getting louder and louder with every word. “Let me explain, let me explain, ouch," Kierra said quickly because I was dragging her ear. "Go on". I said. “First of all, I am no dog, and yes, I saw your dress and tried not to wear it out, but it just looked so good on me, I had to show my friends. When they started running, I got excited and shifted without thinking, Can you let go of me now?" Kierra said. "Aaarh!" I screamed in frustration before I threw the shredded clothes on the floor and stormed out of Kierra’s room. I then made my way out of the house, on my way to Destiny’s house to vent. *** After a while at Destiny’s house, my phone began to ring multiple times, but I chose to ignore it when she saw that it was Kierra calling. “Just pick it up, love; she would never call you this much if it was not important," Destiny said. “Or Runia made her call to apologize to me.” I rolled my eyes as I came to that conclusion. "rrrrrrrr" This time, it was Destiny’s phone that was ringing. Destiny picked it up and put it on the loudspeaker so that I could hear what Kierra had to say. “Destiny, Ava, come to the fighting arena now!” Kierra’s anxious voice sounded over the phone. "What, why?" I was confused I asked; I did not know what could have rattled up Kierra so much. “It's Ryker; he has challenged Dad to a duel." " What!" Both I and Destiney shouted in shock. “Calm down and tell me why," I said while I was still in shock. “He said that Dad is no longer fit to rule and he wants to set things straight; what are we going to do?" cried Kierra. “Don't worry, Kierra, Vienn will certainly win," I said with certainty, to which Destiny nodded. I knew that Vienn was more powerful than he showed, and even though Ryker also had formidable strength, he was still no match for Vienn. I and Destiny rushed to the fighting arena to find Kierra and Runia. Destiny was still in shock over the fact that Ryker would betray Vienn. Vienn, on the other hand, had always had a sketchy feeling about him and knew he was up to no good, but I did not think he would have the guts to challenge Vienn’s authority. When we got to the arena, we weaved our way through the crowd to get to the front, and there we saw Runia and Kierra. Runia looked very calm, as she already knew the outcome, so she was comforting Kierra. We made our way to Runia, and when we reached her, we gave each other a hug. After that, me and Destiney left Runia and Kierra and ran to where the warriors positioned themselves in case of any event that would endanger the pack during the duel. In the middle of the arena stood the smirking Ryker and the very calm Vienn, having a staredown. The entire wolf pack formed a circle around them, waiting for the battle to unfold. I stood at the side, and a little worry showed on my face. Even though I knew Vienn was obviously way more powerful than Ryker, I just felt like something was wrong somewhere. Why would Ryker suddenly ask for a duel? Was he not self-aware? ’ Only if he has some tricks under his sleeves, I came to realize. But I could not stop Vienn from fighting because, according to the rules of the duel, the only way to get out is by dying. I just had to hope for the best, and whatever trap Ryker laid, Vienn would not fall for it. “I am giving you one last chance, Ryker; step down. We can settle this without shedding blood," said Vienn. “But that is not the rule of the duel," Ryker said with his ever-so-menacing smile. “You are crazy!” Vienn roared in anger, to which Ryker laughed very casually. “Don't worry, I will make this quick," said Ryker with a sinister smile on his face, which gave everyone chills. The crowd surrounding them threw hateful looks and words towards Ryker because of his challenge to Vienn, as they preferred Vienn’s leadership to Ryker's. I booed for Ryker along with the crowd, which made the head of the warriors give me a disapproving look, which made me immediately keep calm. “I can't guarantee your life," Vienn said. “And I can't guarantee yours either ," Ryker scoffed. In a blink of an eye, they immediately shifted into their werewolf forms. They then circled around each other, snarling and baring their teeth at each other with their eyes locked on each other. Anger was very evident in Vienn's eyes, while the only thing one could see in Ryker’s was his crazy thirst for bloodshed. The clouds separated, and the full moon was evident in the sky. Vienn looked up and howled at the sky, while Ryker followed suit, along with the pack. They suddenly growled as they lunged at each other. Vienn pulled down Ryker with full force, which caused Ryker to hit the ground hard. It made Ryker angry, and they lunged at each other once more. They were so fast as they kept on hitting and tearing each other’s skin, but it was very obvious that Vienn was overpowering Ryker.
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