Chapter 8

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Ifrenia’s POV Ryker and Vienn both collided at one point and the force at which they collided, pushed both of them back. The surrounding wolves howled in excitement and pawed on the ground, while I and Destiney were nowhere near excited, I looked into the crowd and saw Runia comforting the very troubled Kierra. Vienn, charged again at Ryker, his claws extended, but Ryker was too quick for him. He sidestepped Vienn and slashed at his exposed flank with his claws, drawing blood. Vienn howled in pain and fury, his eyes turning red with pain, this caused Vienn to lunge and Ryker again, he saw an opening and took the opportunity to bite off Rykers left ear, which growled in pain. Vienn took the opportunity once again to take a bite into Ryker’s shoulder blades and ripped out some skin, blood was everywhere. Ryker then shook Vienn off which caused Vienn to crash into the crowd and land on some werewolves. Runia wanted to run and help Vienn up, but Kierra stopped her as it was against the rules. “ End this V !” I shouted to Vienn. He ran back out to the middle of the arena. He kept on bashing Ryker giving him no chance to respond. Ryker just kept on taking hit after hit. After seeing an opening, Vienn wanted to s***h down on Ryker’s neck, but Ryker saw through him and immediately dodged, but he was not too lucky because Vienns claws then landed on his left eye and tore it out. Ryker rolled around on the floor in pain, Vienn paused and looked at Ryker, he was about to make his killing move on Ryker, although he was a bit sad since they had a history together, he would not let anyone challenge his authority as the Alpha. Me and Destiney looked at each other with joy in our eyes, it seemed like I was overthinking. “ Nooo!” I heard Runia scream which immediately drew my attention back to Vienn and Ryker, and what I saw shocked me, Ryker caught Vienn off guard and brought out a silver knife from the ground, without even giving anybody time to react, the knife went through Vein's chest. Vienn looked up feeling surprised at what Ryker had done. “ Vienn!” I screamed with tears streaming down my face, I started praying, for Vienn to be okay. I got ready to leave my post to run to Vienn, but I was held back by Destiney who had a worried look on her face. “ Leave me alone, Destiney what are you doing!? I questioned. “ Ava, Ryker has a powerful weapon in his hands right now he could hurt you,” she said. While I was still arguing with Destiny, Runia and Kierra had already ran into the stage and Runia supported Vienn with tears in her eyes. Seeing this, I immediately broke loose from Destiny and ran to the stage. “Where did you get this?” Vienn asked. He turned back into a human as he fell to the ground, Runia quickly supported him, with Kierra crying at the side. I stood beside them with a murderous look on my face. “ You did not think I would request a duel without certainty of winning, you are delusional,” Ryker said, which caused Runia to growl in anger. “It is against the rules, you will pay, and the pack won't accept you” Vienn forced out with pain as blood gushed out his chest and mouth. “ Don’t talk V, don’t worry, I will take you to the pack hospital” Runia said as she tried to help Vienn up so she could take him for treatment, but she was stopped by Ryker. “ You can’t go anywhere Luna, I have blocked all the exits' ' he said with a mischievous smile on his face. And I saw that he was right when I looked around. “ Don't worry Vienn, the pack will definitely accept me, I will make them” Ryker said in a more sinister than he usually said things, after he said that, he immediately stabbed Vienn again with full force and Vienn stopped moving, this shocked us all greatly. “ Vienn!!!!!” Runia screamed in pain. I knelt on the ground blaming myself for my weakness. Vienn was dying and all I could do was stand there and feel hopeless. “ What the f**k are you guys doing, attack!” I shouted to my fellow warriors, but to my disappointment, they stood still, and what saddened me the most, was Destiny, who also stood still with cowardice running through her bones. Ryker smirked then looked at the pack. “ Bow to your new Alpha,” he said, but nobody listened to him, all he got were looks of anger and disgust. Runia got mad, she shifted and charged at Ryker,’ she was in deep pain as she had just lost her mate, but all that was on her mind was revenge. Ryker did not see her violent attack coming, so he suffered some losses. Runia threw him around like a rag doll, all she could see was red. Just when she was about to kill him too, just like he did with Vienn, He counter-attacked. But it was not a killing blow. I immediately ran from Vienn’s side to support Runia who had shifted back out of weakness. I knelt down and I and Kierra cried in sorrow at the loss of Vienn who lay lifeless beside us and the unconscious Runia, we could not do anything, but cry. The entire pack apart from the warriors who disappointed me bared their teeth at Ryker, he won in an Unjust manner, and they had to uphold justice for Vienn, by taking Ryker out. Just when they were about to lunge at him, they realised that they were surrounded by other werewolves, all having within their possession, silver weapons, which was prohibited. The warriors put on a defensive stance, in support of Ryker, Destiny was among them too, she had a very guilty look on her face and her eyes were red from the tears. Destiny's dad was among those werewolves Ryker stationed for the ambush “ Destiny come here,” her father said to her, as he wanted to be on the same team with his daughter. “ Dad, are you also part?” she said in shock with a quivering voice. That is when it clicked for me and the pack, that everything was a trap from the very beginning. Ryker did not want a fair match, he had been planning for years, and he even built his own mini-formidable army, if they went against Ryker, more than half of them may lose their life. “ What are you doing, attack!!” Kierra shouted to the pack with the unconscious Runia in her arms and her dead father beside her. Kierra knew that all the odds were against us, but she did not want us to submit to Ryker, and I was with her. I and Kierra immediately attacked him together, even without the help of the pack, but we were both subdued in no time. I stood there filled with dread, I did not know why everything felt so familiar to me. I knew that I must have felt that exact same feeling before, the feeling of losing a loved one in a cruel manner. My knees suddenly buckled as I fell on the hard floor, Vienn’s blood smeared all over her hand making me realise how real the situation was. All the hope I had acquired throughout the years was gone. I knew the next people Ryker was going to kill were me, Runia and Kierra, then all of those who still chose to be loyal to Vienn, and my friend Destiny, was not my friend anymore, I only felt hatred for Destiny. ‘It's all over’ I thought. “ Bow to your new Alpha and you survive,” Destiny’s father said in an intimidating voice. “ Destiny do not, He killed Vienn, you can’t join him, if you do, you will also be responsible for Vienns death,” I said with tears in her eyes, I tried to convince Destiney with a little bit of love I had left for her, I wanted to give her a second chance, but I was once again let down by the person I trusted with my life. “ I am sorry Ifrenia, but I want to live” The once bubbly Destiny became so solemn and sad when she made that statement before she bowed to her new leader, Ryker. Seeing this, I broke down the more, I really wanted to kill Ryker, but I knew that I couldn't, I was just too weak. “ When some of the pack members saw Destiny’s action, some of them bowed their heads in submission while the rest hurled insults at her, she was a betrayer, along with her father and the warriors. “ The rest of you don’t want to submit, hmm.” He said while his bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face once again. “ Drag that one out,” he said to one of his subordinates to drag out one of the pack members who did not submit. And in a blink of an eye, his head was gone. This caused unrest in the midst of the werewolves who did not submit, but I did not feel anything, I’d rather die than to submit to Ryker. When they saw this, ninety-five per cent of them bowed in submission. Ryker then had the rest of them taken to the dungeon to be executed publicly the next day, his underlings also took hold of me who was emotionally worn out, the crying and struggling Kierra, and the unconscious Runia, I knew that they were taking us to the dungeon.
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