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Kelsie’s POV I and Connor are walking side by side as we exit Mr. Bane’s house. Fortunately, the visit went smoothly and it ended well. Although I spent most of the time biting my tongue to stop myself from talking back to my stepmother. Connor’s hand is snaking around my waist as we walk towards the Alpha’s house. I can sense my stepmother and sister following us from behind due to the sound of their footsteps crushing against the dried leaves and the sound of the pebbles making friction against each other as they step on them. I am keeping my guard up. I am not sure of the things running through their minds. What if they suddenly pull a stunt? I should be attentive! I hook my hand on Connor’s arm. I look up at his face. He is looking straight in front of us, guiding my body so I won't stumble. Based on the striking heat of the sun, I am guessing it’s about twelve noon. I raise my hand and place it on the right side of my face to cover myself from the harmful rays of the sun. “Too hot?” he asked. Connor paused for a moment and transferred to my right side. Since he is taller than me, the painful arrows of the sun did not strike through me. “Better?” he added. I lift my chin to look up at him. Due to his position and his face blocking the sun, he looked like a silhouette waiting for my eyes to unlock his godly features. Even with the heat of the sun, his dump-looking hair doesn’t look sweaty and sticky to him. I pouted. I place my hand back on his arm and we walk back to our path as if he did nothing that made my insides giggle. I spent the rest of the minutes struggling to not blush as the skin of our arms rub against each other. “What do you want to eat for lunch?” he asked and made a swift glance at his wrist watch. “It’s already late and you still haven’t eaten anything,” he added. So that explains why my stomach’s upset. I thought it was just a hollow feeling made by Connor’s cheesy moves. “Hmm…” I look in the upper right corner of my eye, thinking of what I want to eat for today. Connor pushed the door open for us to enter the house. Some omegas who are in the receiving area see me hooking my hands on Connor’s arm like a caterpillar. “What about steak? Pork? Barbeque?” he suggested. I pouted. I made a small distance between us by slightly pulling away from him. What does he think of me? An always hungry wolf that wants meat? Psh! I rolled my eyes inwardly. “I want soup.” His brows furrowed. We are now heading into my bedroom. Since he isn’t showing any signs that we should separate, I did not let go of him either. “Soup? You should eat something heavy,” he replied. “But I’m craving soup!” I said in a childish way. We reached my bedroom. Connor twists the door open and we both walk inside. He closed the door behind us and looked down at me. He gently pushed me by my shoulder and planted a swift and soft kiss on my lips. “Are you sure you don’t want any meat?” he uttered. Since we are only an inch closer to each other, his breath is brushing against my face and his minty breath devoured my nose. “Who says there’s no meat? We can put meat in a soup, right?” His lips were on a thin line but slowly, the left side of his small lips slightly stretches upward as if he was trying to stop himself from grinning wider. He inserted his hands into his pockets and straighten his back. He fixes his stance and stands in front of me. “Alright, how about a chicken soup?” he suggested. “Chicken soup will do. But do we have ingredients for that?” I innocently asked. His right brow arched as if I asked something dumb. “I mean, I am not sure if we have all the ingredients needed. I don’t cook if there’s a missing ingredient because it won’t taste good,” I quickly added. “You’re going to cook?” he asked, in a confused tone. My brows furrowed. I cross my arms over my chest and tilt my head while looking at him. “Yes. Is there a problem with that?” I asked with a little bit of annoyance. I know I’m always portrayed as a spoiled daughter of the alpha, but I know household chores! And I know how to cook. I once cooked pasta with my mom when I was a kid and she said it taste good. Also, my father agreed! If two people agreed that my food is great, then it’s probably true! He let out a deep breath. He places his hands on the sides of his waist. He lowered his head for a second and tilted it while looking at the floor. It took me a second before I realized that he was chuckling. His shoulder shrugged but stopped immediately after I softly hit him in the chest. He lift his head and looked at me with a trace of a smile still plastered on his face. I frowned. “Stop reading my thoughts.” “I told you, you should learn to block your thoughts.” He made a step backward to provide a gap between us. "I'm learning! Don't pressure me," I pouted. He flicked my forehead with his two fingers. I frowned and instinctively covered my forehead with the back of my palm. "Alright. You're going to cook. All of the ingredients are in the kitchen." I smiled at him. I'm pretty confident in my skills. To be honest, I do not know when was the last time I stepped foot in the kitchen to cook, but I am certain that I can do good. If I managed to pull it on the pasta, then maybe I can do it on the chicken soup too. After all, we have a cookbook here! "Thanks! I'll do my best," I wink at him. The small upwards curve on his lips stretches out to reach his ears. “I’m sure you will,” he uttered. He straightens his back and fixes his stance. He inserted his hands into his pockets and stand straight in front of me. “But before that, we should take a bath first,” he said. My jaw drop at what he suggested but he did not see it since he already turns to face his back. He started walking towards my bathroom. “W-Wait!” I called. My hand reaches out to him but he’s already steps away from me. I watch his back stepping inside my bathroom and causally closing the door between us. I quickly follow him and stop him to ask what he meant by that. I was already a step closer to the currently closed bathroom door when I thought of locking the door. I went to my room door and checked if it is locked. I do not want Garnor or anyone to catch us again in my room. Although I am aware that some of them already have an idea of what is going on between me and Connor. Unfortunately for them, I have no plans of clarifying our relationship with anyone. My focus right now is the pack. I want to show them that I deserve to be his partner and their future Luna. To do that, I have to focus on the tests. I already failed the Guardian’s test so I should make sure to ace the next one. The Salutary test is my stepsister’s field of expertise. It doesn’t bother me at all since I don’t consider her my competitor. I compete with no one other than myself. When I made sure that the door is properly locked, I immediately walk towards my bathroom. I grab the towel hanging on the handle of my closet and stopped right in front of my bathroom door. From the outside, I can hear the sound of the water dropping down the floor. I take a deep breath. I narrowed my eyes as I try to remember what lingerie I was wearing when I dressed up earlier. I should start investing in good underwear. I never thought those things will matter to me not until I entered into a relationship. I reach for the doorknob of my bathroom door. I twist it and realized that it was not locked. Slowly, I pushed it open. Connor's broad back welcomed me. The steamy fog from the hot shower filled the room. I watch the warm water from the shower drip down from his hair and down to his body. He is wearing black tight boxer shorts-- the only piece of clothing he has to cover his body. He turned his head to the side when he sensed that I stepped inside the bathroom. He immediately switched off the shower and completely faced me. His damp hair and the drips of water from his head down to the sides of his jaw caught my attention. My eyes traveled down and stayed on his abdomen. His six-pack abs proudly expose themselves to me. My eyes lower a little and notice the bulk in between his thighs. I gulped. I know what it looks like already and how massive it is. Right now, I am certain that it's not even awake! "What are you doing here?" he asked, making me shift my gaze to his face. "H-Huh?" I asked confusingly. I did hear him speak but his words did not register in my mind. My thoughts are still floating and my eyes are darted into him. I feel like I was hit hard on the head when his lips rise for a smirk. "Kelsie..." he uttered my name and shake his head while looking at the floor. He reached for the bridge of his nose and pressed it as if I did something dumb. What? Why is he laughing? I thought he said we should take a bath first-- My thoughts were halted when I realized something. My jaw dropped and I shut my eyes closed. 'Oh, Lord...' I uttered in my mind. Connor's laugh bounces on the corners of my bathroom. I glared at him, warning him to behave himself. I am already embarrassed enough about what I thought and his laugh isn't helping at all! "Did you think that I--" "Shut up!"I yelled, cutting him off. He said we should take a bath first. He said 'we'! Of course, the first thing that will come into my mind is he was asking me to take a bath WITH him. I never thought what he meant was, we should take a bath SEPARATELY before we eat! "You...!" He shakes his head with a wide grin plastered on his face. I frowned. I can feel the heat crawling up to my face. Even without a mirror, I am certain I look like a tomato now! I turn on my back, reached for the door, and was ready to run away. Just when the door slightly opened, it was easily slammed shut by his hand. I look up on the upper left and saw his arm stretches out from my behind while his palm is pressing the side of the door to keep it close. "Where do you think you're going?" he asked in a husky voice. His breath brushes against my neck. I can sense his presence inches away from me. My heart started pounding. It was a slow beat yet it is loud. Connor, as the alpha, has more heightened skills than others. The fact that he might hear my heartbeat made my heart beat louder. "Face me," he ordered. I can sense him advancing and I can already feel the heat from his body. I could not move. I am certain that if I face my back, his body will welcome my eyes. I bite my lower lip. My pounding heart still continues. And now that he's closer to me, I am certain that he can hear my heart beat. Connor removed his hand from the edge of the door that he pushed earlier to shut it close. I can now freely get out, but it looks like my feet were glued to the floor. His hand reached for the sides of my waist. I slightly flinched, surprised at his sudden move. He motioned me to face him. My body obeyed. He pinned my back against the closed door and pressed his body against mine. I look at his eyes with a straight face. All this time, I was so nervous that I could not even part my lips to speak but here he is, standing in front of me with a grin on his face. When he realized I wasn't smiling, he pressed his lips together, but it only took him a second before his lips pursed, trying to hold his smiles back. "What are you doing here, Kelsie?" he asks while struggling to stop himself from chuckling. I glared at him. "You think it's funny?!" I said in a low yet irritated voice. "Yeah," he replied languidly. Gone is his mocking smile. I pushed him with my hands in the hopes of making a space between us two. However, my palms accidentally pressed into his broad shoulders. My bare hands touched his n***d skin and his protruding muscles felt by me. I blushed. Since when did other people's biceps, triceps, abs, or whatever muscles have attracted me? My father had a bunch of guards before! They have a more bulky body and I've been around them too but I never fantasized about them! "Connor I--" I did not mean to crash in the bathroom while you are taking a bath-- is supposed to be what I will be saying but my words were stopped by his lips pressing against mine. I was too stunned to kiss back, but it only took me one good squeeze on the sides of my waist before I sensually closed my eyes and equaled the level of intensity he gives. He sucks my bottom lip, asking for an entrance. I give him what he wants. I parted my lips and let his tongue explore every corner of my mouth. His left hand is resting on my waist while his free hand crawled from my abdomen and up to my right mound. He cupped it and gently squeeze it. He repeated his moves several times and it became a routine: His right-hand strokes my abdomen and crawled up to my right mound and massages it. I arch my back, asking for more. His moves are being memorized by my body and it started seeking something different. His lips withdraw from me and pressed his forehead against mine. "You want more? Hmm?" He uttered. Our faces are only an inch closer to each other that I can sell and smell his minty breath against my face. I am supposed to give him a decent answer, but when my lips parted to reply to him, a moan escaped. "Answer me," he said in a commanding tone. "Y-Yes! I w-want m-more, Connor..." I said, giving in to the l**t my body was seeking for. Connor expertly remove my top and unclasped my brassiere. He sucked my left mound, making my head fall back and my lips form into an 'o' shape. When his lips left my mound, they found their way back to my lips. He cupped my cheeks and planted a swift yet deep kiss on my lips, making me ask for more. "Kelsie..." he called. I hook my hands on the back of his neck and grind on top of him, ignoring his call. We are both half-n***d and I can feel the thing in between my thighs throbbing with desires. Connor firmly pinned me down by my waist to stop my hips from grinding on top of him. I lift my chin to look up at him, asking for answers. "I'm not going to hold back. let me know if you can't take it anymore. I will stop," he said. I nod at him even though I do not know exactly what he was saying. Before I can ask him, he made me face my back, reach for my wrists and place them on the sides of my head with my palm pressing against the wall. "Do not remove them there. You understand?" he whispered while stroking the sides of my mounds down to my hips. He then expertly pull down my bottom clothes. I was about to step out of my shorts but he stopped me. My shorts fell on the floor but were still hooked into my feet. I am still processing what he was saying when he gave my bottom cheeks a hard slap. I gasp. His palm stayed on my b*tt and squeezed it. I can still feel the pain from his hit, but it confusingly felt good. "Part your legs," he ordered. With my palms still on the wall, I did what I was told. "More." He slapped my inner thighs when he was not satisfied with the gap I made. It took me a hard time since my shorts are still on my feet. He hit my inner thighs endlessly until I made the gap that he wants. I am way shorter than him, but now that my legs are parted, it made me look smaller. "Don't move." I firmly stood on my ground and pressed my palms harder on the wall to obey what he said. "Ohh!" I moaned when I felt his fingers on my folds. He parted the lips of my cave and pressed his finger on my love bud. He moved his finger sideways until I can hear myself gushing with wetness. My legs started shaking, struggling to hold my stand. He is hitting the right spot and moving his fingers expertly. He teased my hole by putting half of his middle finger in and pulling it out. He did it countless of times until my legs bend and my knees touched the wall while my body shakes. "Stand properly. I'm not even starting yet, Kelsie," he whispered. ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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