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Kelsie’s POV My brows automatically furrowed as I watch the two most currently hated person in my life in front of me. My stepmother’s eyes shifted from me to the man beside me. Her unpleasant expression immediately turned soft. Her eyes glistened and her face lit up. “Alpha, you’re here!” she exclaimed. The excitement in her voice slightly went downturn when she realized Connor arrived with me. “C-Connor!” Kristine exclaimed. She stands on her seat and walk towards us. I am more than surprised that she ignored me than seeing the excitement on her face when she talked to Connor. “Good day, Mrs. Tamaska… Kristine,” he nods to my sister and casually greeted my stepmother. Mr. Bane stands on his seat with the help of his cane and greeted Connor. “Good day, Alpha!” “Good morning, sir,” Connor replied with utmost respect. Mr. Bane’s lips curled upward and a soft chuckle bounce on the corners of the room. “It feels nice calling you Alpha than ‘future beta’. Everyone already expects you to be a Beta but no one was surprised that you became the Alpha. I guess almost all members are in favor of you,” he complimented. “Thank you, sir,” he replied. I am watching the two exchange compliments and respect when I notice Mr. Bane’s eyes on me. I feel a sudden awkwardness. Kristine, on the other hand, stayed in front of us, looking alternatingly at me and Connor. Her eyes stayed on the small gap between me and the love of her life. I know what’s going on in her mind. I spend the rest of my teenage years with her. I know the meaning of every movement of her eyes; the way her brows move; and the smirks and smiles on her face. “And what brought you her, princess?” My thoughts about my stepsister was put into a halt when Mr. Bane interrupted my thoughts. Even Kristine removed her eyes at us and looked at him. My lips parted to say a word and ready to explain why I am here in his house when my eyes landed on the fruit basket on the center table of the room. Shoot! Why didn’t I think of bringing something? I cleared my throat to continue the words that was about to escape from my mouth. “Uhmm…” Before I went here, I already organized the words and the arrangement of the phrases that I will be saying, yet the first thing that comes out of my lips was a filler word. My eyes are all focused on Mr. Bane while he’s patiently waiting for what I will be saying. Kristine scoffed. The smirk on her face made a hiss sound that caught my attention. The smug look on her face and her annoying mocking smile are plastered on her face. It’s actually surprising that recently, she’s doesn’t even trying to hide her evil smirks, eye rolling, and b*tchy attitude. I guess now that my father is gone and she thought she now owns the world, she can easily trampled on whoever she wants to. I instinctively straighten my back when Connor’s hand snaked around my waist and pulling me closer, making the small gap between us closed. “We’re here because Kelsie wants to apologize about what happened.” Connor did the explanation to me. In my peripheral vision, Kristine’s eyes blinked, as if she could not understand why Connor is the one speaking for me. Mr. Bane’s laugh echoed. “It’s fine, princess. I was actually amazed by your force. You’re pretty strong! I did not see it coming so I could not dodge it.” I awkwardly laugh. I do not know if I should take it as a compliment or I should be ashamed due to my uncontrolled temper. “She’s always been that way. Too hard to control,” my stepmother meddled after her long silence. I almost forgot that she’s also in the room. “Kids shouldn’t be controlled, Denette. They should be taught,” Mr. Bane answered. He gave me a friendly wink before sitting back on the couch across my stepmother. “And for the record, Kelsie is teachable. I heard she got some skills.” “She just failed the Guardian’s test,” Kristine chuckled. When she realized she’s the only one who laughed, she bite her lips inwardly, trying to lose the upward curve on her lips. “Oopsie!” She shrug her shoulders at me and playfully walk back to sit beside her mom. She then tap the vacant seat beside her. “You may sit here, Connor—I mean, Alpha!” Kristine gestured the seat to him. My face grimaced on what she said. I look around and saw the vacant chairs inside the room. How bold it was for her to do that. “Thanks,” Connor replied. I cross my arms over my chest and look at him with pure disappointment in my face. He is looking straight in the front so he did not notice my annoyed expression. He rested his arms around my waist and motioned me to sit on the couch. I tried so hard to glue my feet on the floor, but he easily walk towards the seat. And since his arm is tightly snaked around my waist, I am left with no option but to follow him. Kristine’s smile grew wider as she watch us walking towards the seat. I did not hide myself frowning. I am already accepting the fact that I will sit alongside my stepsister when Connor used his free hand to reach for the single sofa seat and drag it near the center table. He then comfortably sit on it. I am still processing what he is doing when he grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me to him, making me sit on his lap. My eyes widen and I my body stiffened. On the sides of my eyes, I saw how Kristine’s smile dropped and her lips parted. On the other hand, Denette straightened on her seat with disbelief on her face. Mr. Bane is the most carefree and chill out of all of us. He just chuckled and shake his head while giving a thumbs up to Connor. His left arm is still snaked around my waist while his other hand rested on my lap. “What are you doing?” I asked with my teeth gritting against each other as I speak to lower down my voice and in the hopes for the people in the room to not understand what we are talking about. Connor did not answer me. Instead, he leaned forward and raked my hair to tuck them behind my ears. He leaned forward ad gave me a swift kiss before whispering on my ear. “Let them see that you’re mine.” My fingers prick each other, conscious of our position. His hand resting on my lap reach for my hands and cup them. “Is there something going on between you two?” Denette asked. “Not to sound rude, but I think it’s none of your business.” Gladly, I found my voice just on time. Disbelief expression crossed on her face. She scoffed and shifted on her chair and formally seated. She pointed at herself while looking at me with her eyes widen. “Excuse me?!” she pointed at herself. Her mouth is open wide as her shock face displayed in front of us. “I am your mother. Stop talking to me like that!” “You are my father’s wife, but never my mother,” I replied. “Alright alright… Everyone, let’s stay calm.” Mr. Bane meddled. He place his hands on front and moved in a motion on where he is like trying to calm us down. Denetted narrowed her eyes at me. Her vibrant red lipstick collided as her lips pressed into a thin line. “You’re just like your mother…” she uttered in a low voice but enough to everyone of us hear. “Denette, stop.” “I do not think it is proper for us to talk about the dead.” Connor and Mr. Bane said at the same time. Connor is calmly sitting but since I am on his lap, I felt how his body stiffened and annoyance embraced his atmosphere after the mention of my mother’s name. He gently squeezed my hand, nonverbally saying that ‘I’m here. You don’t have to worry.’ “What? You heard her disrespecting me and now that I am doing my job as a mother, all of you want to make me look bad?” she arch her brow. “I am disciplining my child here!” her voice slightly rises. She then faced Mr. Bane. “We both know how much of a sl*t Kelsha was—” “Denette!” I aggressively stand from Connor’s lap and angrily faced my stepmother. “Don’t you dare call my mom names!” Kristine stand in between me and her mom. “And who are you to raise your tone to my mom?!” Her wide eyes and unusual high-pitched voice echoed in the room. We looked at each other intensely, no one is willing to withdraw from our eye contest. “Ladies,” Connor stand in between us without removing his hand on my waist. The pride I felt made me at ease. Especially when I saw the hint of pain on Kristine’s eyes when her gaze dropped on his hand on my stomach. “Baby…” he whispered. I shifted my gaze at him. He is looking at me in full confidence. He tilts his head and gently pushed me away from my sister. He motioned me to sit, and so I did. I darted my gaze to my sister who was left standing in front of me. Gone is her strong energy and all I can sense from her is weakness. If her mother did not pull her to sit down, I bet she’s still standing. We all settled down. Since I am sitting on the single couch, Connor went behind me and rested his hands on my shoulders and leans forward for a more comfortable position. His chin is on top of my head, but it isn’t touching my scalp. His hands resting above my shoulders stretches up in front of me, almost touching my chest. I can sense him leaning forward towards my ear. “Calm down,” he murmured and went back to his position. Mr. Bane sighed. He placed his right hand on top of his knee while his free hand is holding his cane to help him shift his gaze and look at me. We are in a triangular position. Kristine and Denette are sitting on the long couch in the right side while Mr. Bane is sitting across them, which make him sitting on the left, while we are in the middle part of the ‘triangle’. “Kelsie, I am no father of yours, but it is not proper to answer your mother like that—” “Stepmother,” I corrected. Mr. Bane gave me a patient nod and corrected himself. “It is not proper to answer your step mother like that. Even you two are in a misunderstanding, respect to each other should be given.” I want to argue more since I disagree to some of his statement—like the last line of what he said. For me, respect should be given freely and naturally, but if it is not reciprocated, then you have the very right to withdraw your respect from them. Respect begets respect. “Maybe we should talk about something else,” Connor suggested. “I agree,” Mr. Bane draw a check on the air, agreeing to what Connor suggested. “So… since you are all here already, what if we talk about the ongoing test?” Mr. Bane decided to break the silence. I know he just want to lighten up the mood, but I do not think the topic he picked was of help to me. “Uhmm… I haven’t apologized yet,” I said. “I’m sorry about what happened last time. I did not mean to hit you,” I added immediately since if I won’t say it, I probably never would. Mr. Bane waved his hand in front, nonverbally saying that it’s not a big deal. “It’s fine, Kelsie. I know you did not mean it,” he smiled genuinely. I reciprocate the same energy to him. “So, how’s you test?” he asked while looking at the two of us. Well, in this room, it’s only me and Kristine who is taking the test. And Mr. Bane is probably not aware of what happened to me. Kristine, as expected, took the floor and made our eyes glued to her. Before she speaks, she gave a glance to our position and secretly rolled her eyes. “I passed the test for the Guardians. Almost everyone does. It is the easiest test among other tests,” she proudly said. My eyes did not let past the eye-roll she gave me. “Guardian may be the easiest test to pass but it isn’t the easiest task. Guardians are responsible for the health and safety of the weak like me. Without them, majority of the elders that needs help won’t survive. A lot of you are taking the test just to pass it, but I hope you will also learn and understand the responsibility of a Guardian. And I think that is the purpose of the test,” he eyed Connor. “Indeed. We made the test this way for the members of the pack to understand how important the role of everyone in our pack. It is not a secret to us that there has been a discrimination going on among the quarters.” I nodded. Years of being in the political family, if not almost, I witness everything—be it rainbows and rains. “Reality speaking, we could not completely eradicate bullies, but I hope this test will not only help the members find their perfect quarter for them, but to also lessen the discrimination among the pack. “That’s great. Would you mind reiterating how this test is being programmed? I kind of didn’t understand it.” Connor stand straight. His hands did not leave my shoulders. “To put it simply, all members will take all the tests given by each quarter. If you failed all the tests, then you will be placed as an omega. However, they can still retake the test after a year to give them time to hone their skills and to know what quarter do they really want to be belonged,” he explained. “So, Omega’s quarter is more like a temporary quarter?” Mr. Bane asked. “Not really.” Even I could not see him, I can sense Connor shaking his head. “There are omegas who chose to stay as an omega. Some of them love serving other people and do household chores. I already gave the badges to Mrs. Aura so she can contribute them to those who decided to be a permanent Omega. I actually see some of them wearing badges earlier.” Ohh, so that explains the badges! “Aura is still the head of the omega?” Mr. Bane asked. I can sense Connor nodding his head. “Yeah, but the last time we talked, she told me that she wanted to resign and she’s only looking for someone who can replace her.” “It’s only proper for her to step down. She’s too old already,” Mr. Bane chuckled. Given the way he talked and address Mrs. Aura, I am guessing she is his age and an old friend of him. “Did she have someone in mind already?” “She still haven’t told me about it,” Connor answered. The talk went on and on and the topic became more less tense. Good. I have no plans of arguing with these two remaining girls if things go south again. “You can ask me for advice if you guys will take the test for hunters. Maybe my hunter instinct is still here and I can give you tips!” Mr. Bane suggested. I agree. Aside from apologizing, that was what I was planning to ask him earlier. “Tomorrow, we will be having the test for the Salutary. I’m more than excited than nervous. It’s my field of expertise!” Kristine shared enthusiastically. “That’s great! Then you don’t have to worry about failing anymore. I bet you will ace the test,” Mr. Bane commented. Kristine gradually accepted the compliment by nodding at him with all smiles. Mr. Bane darted his eyes at me and genuinely offered me with a smile. “I know you’re going to do good too, Kelsie!” I shrug. “I don’t think so. I failed the easiest test,” I answered. Mr. Bane’s brow furrowed. “What? But, why? I was the one who graded you and I am certain that I made you pass the test.” Yeah, right. Mr. Bane had a say on what my grade would be since he is the one that I directly made service of when I was taking the test, but in the end, it is still up to Mrs. Percy on who will fail and pass the test that she provided. “What happened?” Mr. Bane asked. If I won’t answer him, I’m sure he can easily find ways. There’s no point of hiding it from him. “Mrs. Percy failed me when I got into a fight,” I explained. He pointed his finger to Kristine with his brows almost meeting each other. “I thought you passed the test?” he confusingly asked. “I did,” Kristine answered. “How come? You two fought but Kelsie was the only one who failed?” “Mrs. Percy emphasizes that I made injuries and casualty to the victims.” I almost rolled my eyes when I uttered the term ‘victims.’ Kristine smirked at me, but I ignored her. Her childish act doesn’t irritate me anymore. Frankly speaking, her face is more annoying than her attitude. “You mean when you hit me?” he clarified. I nod casually. “Yes. And when I made Laine occupy one of the beds in the Salutary quarter for three days because she claimed that I broke her bone,” I shrugged. To be honest, I doubt if she indeed broke a bone because of me. I don’t remember hitting her that hard although she bled. Mr. Bane shake his head out of disagreement. “I’ll talk to Percy—” “No, sir. I already asked her once to retake the exam. It is not proper to ask for another one. I know the consequences of my actions and I am willing to take it,” I answered. From the days that I’ve been resting in my room, I realized that not everything will go according to my plan. All I can do if that happens if to move on and do better next time. I know to myself that I can do both. I can move on and do my best, but I do not think I can let past rudeness, bullying, and disrespectfulness. I sigh in my mind. ‘I need to learn how to fight back without putting myself in the disadvantage.’ Connor’s hands give my shoulders a good squeeze. I lift my chin and look up to him. He is still standing behind the chair on my back. He looked at me straight in the eye. I can sense the ghost of a smile on his lips as his face lightens up and a proud expression hiding behind his dark gray eyes pierced onto me. I guess he read my thought. ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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