42- Part II

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Kelsie's POV "Stand properly, I am not even starting yet, Kelsie..." He inserted a finger inside of me. The way it slides smoothly shows how wet I am down there. He started thrusting his finger in and out of me. He grabbed my a*s and squeeze it before giving it a slap. The muscle in between my thighs clenched and tightens around the finger inside of me. "Good girl," he uttered. Two words from him but he made my head fall back and a cry escaped from my lips. His free hand ch*ked my exposed neck, making me stay looking at the ceiling. His finger gripped my neck, choking me a little harder. Instinctively, my hands reached for his hand on my neck and attempted to free myself, but he quickly removed his finger inside me and lightly slapped my hands. "Put them back on the wall," he ordered. I obediently did what he said. I place my hands back on the wall. I do not understand myself. I know that what he is doing is rude. Commanding me; slapping my hand; hitting my b*tt; torturing me by not making me reach my c****x, but despite these, it still pleasures me. At the back of my mind, there's a part of me that is enjoying it this way. His hand is still on my neck while his other hand cups my mound. His fingers started walking from the middle of my mountains down to my belly button. His hand is just above my throbbing cave, making me ache and beg for him to have me back. I arch my back in the hopes that he would understand what I want. I think he understood what I want him to do when his hand crawled further down and cupped my cave. Two of his fingers held my folds and parted them open. My love bud and hole are now fully exposed, waiting for him to fill them in. However, instead of satisfying me, he left them open without touching me all the way in. "Tell me what you want me to do, Kelsie," he whispered. His words are words used for pleasing, but his tone says otherwise. His finger tapped onto my love bud and slid inside of me. I thought he was going to thrust as he did earlier to pleasure me, but instead, he did not remove his finger or moved them. He just stayed inside of me, feeling my muscles tightening around his finger, begging him to move. I tried to grind my hips to make him insert a finger or somehow make a move, but he withdraw his hands resting on my neck and placed them on the left side of the waist to hold me firm. "Don't move," he said in a husky voice. Before, I hate being commanded. I always do whatever I want and dislike when someone tried to meddle with what I want to do. But right now, all I want is to obey whatever he wants. I did not know that I have this kind of attitude within me. Connor does make me release things I do not know exist. "C-Connor, p-please," I beg. "Please what?" he teased. This time, his index finger pressed onto my cl*t and put a slight pressure on it. My lips automatically parted as the pleasure hit my system. He moves his finger horizontally, focusing on my love bud. My palms resting on the wall clenches. I badly want something to grip and hold on but I do not want to disobey him. His other hand is placed on the side of my waist tempting me to hold onto it as he pleasures me with his finger. But the thought that he might stop what he is doing when I lift my palms on the wall frightens me. This pleasure is too good not to have! "I'm asking you." "Ohh!" A loud wail slips from my lips when he inserted a finger deep inside but quickly removed it from me. He started walking his fingers on my folds, tickling the most sensitive part of my womanhood. "I--I w-want--Ahh!" I yelped. He used his other hand to yank my hair without removing his finger from his other hand on my cave. The pain on my scalp as he pulls a handful of my hair and the way his fingers move expertly on the thing in between my thighs perfectly mixed together. I never thought pain and pleasure can be a good combination. "Want what?" he asked. "I w-want you.... i-inside me." I bite my lower lip. His fingers started getting faster. My knees started trembling, making it hard for me to maintain my position. I can feel something inside of me forming. Like a ball of heat wanting to explode out of me. I feel like I am reaching something but I am not there yet. I can already feel that I am approaching the finish line. My eyes shut closed and my lips stayed parted. My soft cries echo in the corners of the small bathroom. The fact that he doesn't even insert a finger but can still make my soul leave my body says a lot about how good he is at what he is doing. "I t-think I'm c-coming!" I said, warning him. His pace went faster. My hips started grinding, moving along with the rhythm of his fingers. I am already ready to release whatever it is that I want to release when all of a sudden, his fingers stopped moving and his hands left my body. 'What the actual f*ck?!' With my confused and dazed-looking eyes, I look to my left side to somehow see his face. I feel so dissatisfied and empty-- like a little girl who dropped her lollipop that her mother just gave her. Connor made me face him by reaching for my waist to turn me around. He then pinned me against the wall and let me fix my stance. This time, my cycling short that was hooked on my feet the whole time was completely removed from me. My body felt weak. I want that to happen. I wanted to release it yet he did not let me! "Not yet," he explained. He probably notices my facial expression. Before I can speak my mind, he cupped the back of my knees and lift me from the ground. My eyes widens and I yelped. My upper body leaned forward and my stomach dropped on his shoulder. "Hey!" I called, however, he ignored me-- as if he can't hear anything or that my voice doesn't matter at all. My face is facing the cold floor of the bathroom. I heard the door open and Connor started walking. From the white cold tiles of the bathroom floor, the ground that I am looking at was replaced by the wooden-designed tiles and carpeted floor of my bedroom. I saw the edge of the bed and I can already sense what he is about to do. He aggressively lay me down on my bed. My back felt the comfort of my soft foam. He crawled up to me and level our faces. He used his elbow to support his weight on top of me. Our eyes locked. His dark-gray eyes looked hungry and full of rage. Although the anger behind them isn't anger at all. More of an uncontrolled emotion, he's trying to control but obviously winning over him. My eyes crawled down his body. I notice that I am completely n***d under him while he still has his boxer shorts on. That's unfair! I tried to reach for the only cloth he have but he quickly caught my wrists. He used his right hand to pin my hands above my head while his free hand is on the side of my head, still supporting his weight. "You're unfair," I pouted and my eyes unconsciously dropped just below his trousers. Even though I could not see it, I can completely feel it on my inner thigh. Even with a tiny piece of clothing that bars me from nakedly making skin-to-skin friction with him, I know that it is now hard and eager to slide in. He tilt his head and leaned forward to me. Our lips collided while my head falls back and pressed against my soft pillow. Before, I thought I want someone who is gentle and caring in bed. Someone that will treat me like the Princess that I am, but I never thought I would like it this way. We are both enjoying our lips when he decided to pull away. He also released my wrists and pulled his body away from me. I was about to complain since this is the nth time that he is pushing me on the edge, but he quickly turns me over, making my back face him while my chest is pressed against the bed. "Too impatient as always," he chuckled in my ear. He sensually bit my earlobe and flicked his tongue on it. "Ready?" he whispered. I only give him a nod, wanting him to do it right now. I felt him positioning himself above me. He place both of his arms beside my head until he used his right hand to guide his shaft into my hole. When his tip touches my entrance, I almost cried in pleasure. I bite my tongue to stop myself from crying out loud. I almost lost my soul when he successfully get inside me. His hand found its way to my neck and wrapped it with his fingers. "Ugh!" Connor moaned when he started thrusting behind me. His moves are slow yet hard, hitting the right spot. I can hear our bodies clashing against each other-- as if someone in the crowd was clapping. In just a matter of seconds, the heat building up inside me is present again. The familiar feeling of wanting to release something and reaching something that I could not name of envelops mg system. "C-Connor, I t-think I'm going t-to come--" "Not yet!" he quickly responded. He leans his head forward towards my ear while humping behind me. "Ohh!" I moaned when he bit my earlobe. My forehead kissed the bed and I shut my eyes tight as I focus on not making myself release what I wanted to release. When I felt Connor throbbing inside of me, I felt a satisfaction and pinch of excitement. "I'm coming," he said while making his pace faster, harder, and deeper. "Mmhmm..." I can only respond with a hum as we both focus on our pleasure. After a few deep thrusts, I can already feel him growing inside me. Seconds later, I felt the heat of an explosion from him. It was immediately followed by the release of my juice. We are both panting and gasping for air. Connor collapsed above me. He raked my hair and planted a soft kiss on my temple. He snakes his arms around my waist and shifted our position. We are now both laying on the bed in a spooning position. I am too weak to move and my chest is still rising up and down. My eyelids feel heavy and I know any minute, I will be pulled by my soul into dreamland. Connor moved. I then realized that he just pulled out himself from me. "I thought we were going to eat?" he chuckled. Even with sleepy eyes, I smiled. "I thought too. You told me that I would cook," I replied in a sleepy tone. "Yes, you will. Do you want to get up right now?" he asked. I shake my head. My body still wants the comfort of my bed and the warmth of his hugs. We can eat later. He chuckled. "Good thing we have the same answer," he uttered with a hint of small chuckles in his tone. Comfortable silence enveloped the room. Connor planted soft kisses on my forehead, temples, and even on my neck. His grip tightens as he pulled me closer to him. My back hit his broad chest and he places his foot on top of mine. He withdraws his hand from me for a second to grab the newly folded blanket beside him and cover us with it. I chuckled. With closed eyes, I say, "You're too gentlemanly. So who was the one I had s*x with earlier?" I asked in a joking manner. The bed rocked. I felt him moving behind me. "How was it? Was it too much?" The concern in his voice is very evident which made me chuckle even more. He sounds so concerned and less demanding right now that it made me laugh. Earlier, he sounds like a master ordering his slave to do whatever he pleases. It's so entertaining. "Kelsie, I'm dead serious..." I felt him moving behind me. I opened my eyes. I did guess it right. Connor's face is only inched closer to mine. I moved away, a bit conscious of my looks. "What do you mean?" I asked curiously. If he's talking about the hitting and slapping, it's too embarrassing to even say the truth in front of his face. "Did you not like it?" His eyes blinked. I already memorized Connor's body movements. I do not know why he seems concerned right now. We both did enjoy it. "Was I too hard? Tell me, Kelsie," he said in a desperate voice. I look straight into his face. The way his jaw slightly clenched whenever he was nervous but not wanting anyone to notice. The movement of his thin lips pursing together whenever he wants to add something but chose to stay silent. And the way the small bulk in his throat moves up and down whenever he is eager to know something. I notice his small movements and I know almost everything about him. I turn on my back to completely face him. His arm resting on top of me was slightly lifted to make me move. I flashed a smile on my lips to let him know everything was fine. "It was good. I never thought I'd enjoy that, but I did," I said honestly. He nods at me. "I'm sorry if I did not talk about it beforehand. I was... I was--" I shake my head at him. "It's fine," I cut him off. We were both in the heat earlier. Both of our bodies are eager to savor each other. I cannot expect Connor to always have his rational mind with him. He is also a human-- a human that is being tempted. "But, was I too much?" he once again asked, pulling the topic on top of us again. "It's okay with me..." I replied in a soft voice. He looked at me with a flat expression, not satisfied with what I answered. I sigh. "Alright..." I said, ready to release all my hidden thoughts. I notice him being attentive. The heat started crawling up my system. I can feel my cheeks burning. I avoided my gaze at him but it was too easy for him to cup my cheeks and motioned my face to look at him straight into his eyes. I took a deep breath to somehow give relief to my pounding heart. "I liked it. Actually... I w-want it r-rougher t-than that," I replied. I am expecting him to laugh or to make a joke out of it, but he remained silent and serious. He only nods at me before giving me his comment. "Glad that we are on the same page," he answered in a serious tone. My heart started pounding louder as if it wanted to jump out of my ribcage. I am convinced that he can now hear it. Now I understand why I am drawn to him. Connor is the type of guy that can dig into my deepest thoughts. He knows what I think at the back of my head more than I do. I don't need to explain everything to him because he already knows it. He can open my deepest desire and make me honest about it. He unlocks behavior that I did not know exist in me. He is like a guidebook on my personality-- a map that I can use to make things right for me. "Kelsie, can I tell you something?' he said, breaking the comfortable silence between us. "Hmm?" "If I do it way too hard, please tell me," he said. I smiled. And lastly, even though he knows what I want and it benefits him, he does not take advantage of me and sets limitations. I know these things are bare minimums. It is the responsibility of every human being to be decent. But the reason why the bare minimum should be more appreciated is that it is becoming rare nowadays. What was bare minimum before is now too hard to find that it is now considered a gem instead of just the bare minimum. I believe it's sort of an economic thing. The law of supply and demand stuff. The lower the supply, the higher the demand and value. "A penny of your thoughts? You seem thinking deeply," Connor's husky voice interrupted my ongoing productive mind. I shake my head. "Not much. I'm starting to think of how much water should I put in when cooking a pack of pasta?" I joked. He chuckled. "Really...?" I smirked. I know he read my thought earlier. I can now somehow notice it whenever someone's invading my thought. Maybe next time, I can already block them whenever I want to. "You can block them. You just don't want to because your mind is too comfortable in my presence," he answered. "You're too transparent," he added with a grin on his face. I frowned. He chuckled. He snapped his finger on my forehead. "Ouch!" I instinctively place my hand to cover it. "That hurts!" I complained. He caught my hand and gently remove it from my forehead. He then planted a soft and long kiss on the part where he flipped his finger. I jokingly rolled my eyes. "Stop hurting me!" I pouted. His grin grew wider. He shifted his position and closed our faces an inch apart. "Really? I thought you wanted it rougher?" he uttered. "Oh, shut up!" I hit his chest. I then pull the blanket to cover my face. I'm pretty sure I'm turning red now. His laughter echoed in my room while trying to remove the covered blanket on my face. "Kelsie, come on, I want to see your face," he said while trying to pull my blanket away from me. I tighten my grip and did not let go. At that moment, we forgot about the pasta and the meal that we were planning earlier. We spend the rest of the time pulling the blanket and laughing and frowning and teasing each other. Never thought I would enjoy the company of a man on my own bed, under the blanket, with our clothes off. ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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