26- Late

1276 Words
Keslie's POV I stare at my ceiling for a couple of minutes now. I know I should be jolting up in my bed since today is the first day of the test, but the comfort of my bed is pulling me to stay with it for another minute. Why did he doesn't want to adjust the test? Ugh, why does it have to be Monday?! Connor was a well-respected member of our pack, even before he became an Alpha. Boys and girls like him. If there's someone who doesn't like him, it's either they are jealous of him or they came from other packs. However, last night, I heard some complaints about the sudden test that will be held today by our own members, but none of them talked behind his back even though they were slightly pissed by the sudden announcement. The test for the Guardians will start at 7 in the morning. It's already 6:30 and I haven't started my morning routine yet. I can already hear the noise of the group of people outside the pack house. I wonder when will I have to move out, or do I have to? I was born as the Alpha's daughter. Now that I'm not, I have no idea if it is mandatory for us to leave the pack house. Maybe I should ask Garnor. What if I was supposed to leave the pack house and transfer to the Scout's quarters, but none of them told me because they are too shy to do so? But even my stepmother and sister are still staying here. Maybe we should just wait for Connor's announcement on how our arrangement would be. "Oh my--!" I almost jump in my bed when the small alarm clock that I placed on the bedside table went berserk. I sigh. I reach for it and switched it off. It's already 6:45 in the morning. The test will start 15 minutes after. Maybe I should get up in bed now. I'm late anyway, why should I rush? I shrug. I calmly got up in bed and prepared my dress. I went to the bathroom and started my morning routine. The water is cold and refreshing which made me stay in the bathroom for a while. I finished my preparation at exactly 8:20 in the morning. I am an hour and twenty minutes late, but that's fine. It was just a Guardian test. I do not think I will fail at all. Guardians are like helpers of the Salutary. I may not be good at taking care of others, but I know I can learn. With my comfortable gray jogging pants and fitted long sleeves top, I grab my water bottle with me and grace my way toward the Guardian's quarters. Their quarter is located right behind the Salutary quarters. When I got there, I notice them doing household work. Some are cooking porridge for the elders, and others are attending to some weakened elders. In one of the houses, there are several beds that are intended for the elders to rest and those who need immediate care. As I roam my eyes, I see no injured elders. Most of them are just hanging around and chatting with girls my age. I even saw my stepsister talking to an elder and are both laughing. I thought this is a test. Then I don't see a competition here. "You're here." I turn my back to face the owner of the voice. I flash a smile when I see Mrs. Percy. Her dark-colored skin perfectly matches her muted orange dress. "Good morning, Mrs. Percy!" I greeted. She nods at me and smiled with her lips closed. "Good morning too, Kelsie." I once again traveled my eyes on the room. Everyone is busy and no one even noticed my presence. It's good tho. I don't like being in the spotlight either. I clasp my hands together and sighed in relief. When I darted my eyes back to Mrs. Percy, her expression changed. The smile on my lips slowly vanished. "Kelsie... I know you're still adjusting from the recent happening, but it isn't an excuse to be late... especially on your first test." Just when I thought my punctuality wasn't a big deal, Mrs. Percy immediately made me scratch that thought. "I-I'm sorry, Mrs. Percy. I was tired from the event last night so I woke up late." I bite my lower lip. I guess a white lie shouldn't be that bad, eh? I mean, it's true that I was tired from last night. She sighed. "I know that it's been exhausting for you lately, but Alpha Connor made it clear to us, heads, that we should not give anyone special treatment." My heart started pounding loudly. It was never my plan to be part of the Guardians, but the thought that I would fail one of the easiest tests makes me anxious. I may be carefree but I am competitive. I don't like it whenever I see my name at the bottom of the list. "Uhm, Mrs. Percy, I'm really sorry. May I know what I can do to somehow pass the test today?" I asked. As far as I remember, this test is supposed to be a 3-day test. Every day, we will be graded. There is a huge board that is placed near the Alpha's house. The names will be listed on there and everyone will see their grade and if they pass the test or not. On the list, there is a red horizontal line the near bottom. The names that are listed under the red line are considered to fail. My gosh! I doubt someone would fail this test. This is practically a humanity test. You will do nothing here other than take care of others and attend to their needs. If I fail this, I swear, I won't let my face be seen! "The boys already had enough wood to use for cooking. They are now assisting some of the elders with exercising. On the other hand, the girls are now done cooking. They are even done eating breakfast and now, they are attending to the needs of the elders who need companions." I bite my lower lip. They did all of that in just an hour? "So... what am I going to do now?" I asked. My eyebrows arch when an idea pops into my mind. "Oh! I knew it. I will just help some of the girls clean. It is important for the elders and injured members to have a clean quarter--" "Kelsie, I think you are missing the point." Mrs. Percy cut me off. She then sighed. "One of the traits of being a guardian is always being present. If you were late to attend to the needs of our respected elders, then I don't think you fit in here," she said in a dismayed tone. My jaw dropped. "Then what should I do, Mrs. Percy? I swear, this will be the first and the last time I'll be late. It won't happen again," I replied, hoping she would change her mind. "Honestly, it's not my call to make. You should talk to the alpha." I feel like my mind started getting blank. What does she mean by that? "I'm afraid to disobey him. Maybe you can talk to him and tell him about what happened today. Afterward, you can tell me his decision and I will come up with mine." ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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