25- New Rules

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Kelsie's POV I want to rub off the smirk and the satisfaction from my stepmother and sister's faces. I bite my lower lip to stop myself from voicing out my ugly thoughts. Will this meeting circulate around what my late father did? Why does no one is talking about how these two women sitting across from me illegally detained the former daughter of the Alpha? I mentally shake my head. I watch everyone rant on their seats. Some elders are looking at me with pure disgust in their eyes. Really? Some of them are being irrational. I do not like that idea either. With all due respect to my late father, but if there's someone they want to put the blame into, it should be him. "Enough." Connor's low and calm voice managed to stop the chaotic scene. He looked at us one by one. When his eyes darted at me for a swift second, I did not realized how my heart skipped. No one dared to speak nor move. Except for Mr. Boris. He leans forward the table and clasp his fingers. Even with his small movements, he successfully caught all of our attentions. "The wolf ranking that the late Alpha implemented was not nonsense at all," he started. He looked at me straight in the eye. I am not sure if it is a look of encouragement or I was just daydreaming for a second, but the sparkle and softness in his eyes when it landed to me made me feel comfortable. "Our pack needs the brightest, strongest, and most skilled Alpha. That test was supposed to narrow down our choices on who will be the next Alpha. We were the Beta..." he pauses. He then darted his gaze at me. "But I and my son both doesn't want the position at that time because we believe, we still lack of experience and skills. My son would join and take the test wth other pack members for fair choosing. However, given what happened to the late Alpha and some circumstances, I decided to take the throne and immediately transfer it to my son." I have no idea what circumstances is Mr. Boris was talking about, but no matter what it is, I'm glad he accepted the crown. I do not think there is someone out there deserving than his family. Also, it would be an advantage to me... I mean, if the Alpha comes from other families, I do not think they will side with me like how the Maccons did. Once again, the table went silent. No one dared to break it. "If you were still at rage because of what the late Alpha did, go ahead and dig his grave and curse him. I will give you the authority to do so. But I hope you remember the years he sacrificed just for this pack to stay united. Black Claw pack wouldn't be on top if not because of him," he added. I bite my inner cheeks. All of a sudden, my eyes stings. I can already feel the hot fluids forming on my lower lid. To stop myself from shedding tears. I blink all of them away and look at the ceiling to completely wipe them off. "To continue, let me explain the test..." Connor break the silence and fix the atmosphere. "Everyone will be taking the test to all quarters. This will give everyone a chance to try and exlore what is best for them. The will be six tests in total. Guardians, Salutary, Sentinels, Scouts, and Hunters. The position for the Beta, Delta, and Gamma will remain as it is..." he look at Mr. Eulof and Garnor, who are the Delta, but now a Beta. He then shifts his eyes to Brent, the former Gamma, but now the Delta. "I willl be looking for the new Gamma myself. Also, Garnor and Brent, you are free to decline my offer and choose another quarter that you think best fits you. Just tell me," Connor said. The two nods their heads. "Yes, Alpha," they formally answered. 'Who would decline such high-ranking position offers?' I asked in my head. Well, Connor and his father once declined the offer of being an Alpha. Maybe he thought everyone thinks like them. I shrug. On the sides of my eye, I notice Connor tilting his head and staring right onto me. I gulped. Why does whenever I have something in my mind, he will suddenly look at me as if he canread my mind. We already rejected the mate bond. We are now like normal friends! I know some mate bonds are too strong to fade that fast even after the rejection, but it is still impossible for him to read my thoughts since I am blocking anything from entering my mind. I mentally shake my head. Maybe I am just overthinking. "So, I supposed the tests for the Guardians will be the first test for the members?" Mrs. Percy, the head of the guardians, clarified. I look at her overall appearance. Even wearing her thick ircular eye-glasses, the wrinkles under her eyes are still evident. I also grew up with her. I still remember how she looked before when she was still young. She looks old but still strong. She's one of the respected heads here in our pack. I hope she will guide me on this test the way she guided me before whenever I am tasked to put my own b*****e on my wounds. "Yes. The test for guardians will be the first test. It should be done after three days. The next three days would be the test for the Salutary," Connor explained. Guardians are liked Salutary wolves, but less the uses of herbs. They are more like teh caregivers. I wonder what kind of test will be made for this quarter. "So, when will the test start?" an elder asked. Conor straighten his back and rest comfortably on his chair. "The revisions for the wolf-ranking will be announced tonight, and the test for the guardians will start tomorrow." My jaw dropped. What?! I know I am not overreacting since I am not the only one who reacted. Whispers started and everyone in the room gasps, even my stepsister who always sides with Connor. Why is this so sudden? "Alpha, isn't it too sudden? Also, it's already late in the night to announce that there will be a test tomorrow. Why not we adjust it for next week?" Someone voiced out my thoughts. Connor looked at everyone with his dark gray eyes. Gone is his usual smirk on his lips. The elder who raises his suggestion shifted on his seat incomfortable when he realizes Connor seems pissed tonight. "Everything will change starting from today. I want no time to be wasted," he replied. His gazes travels at everyone in the table, waiting fro someone to complain, until it dropped on me. "And I don't want any special treatment to be given to anyone. This test will be fair," he added without removing his eyes on me. I couldn't stop myself but to arch my right brow. So, what is he trying to say? That I will pull some strings just to pass the tests?! Hah! The audacity! I am confident that I can pass this test even if I'm alone. How dare him accuse me of nepotism! Is he pissed because of what happened today in his coronation night? Is he blaming me? Should I suggest for another coronation so he can enjoy his big day without any commotion? In the end, I just shrug my shoulders. "Don't worry, I will play fair. You should also tell that to others," I said meaningfully and throw a gaze to my stepmother and sister who were shocked by my sudden voice. ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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