27- The Talk

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Kelsie's POV You've got to be kidding me. Why do I have to talk to him and plead to retake the easiest test?! Ugh! This is frustrating. Did I mention that he already transferred here to the Alpha's house? I know he has the right to do so, but he still hasn't talked to us about when we have to move out. I narrowed my eyes at the door at the end of the aisle as I march towards it. When I reached the door, I stare at it longer than I should have. I bite my lower lip. "I can't believe I'm doing this," I whisper to myself. I raise my right hand to knock on the door, After three consecutive knocks, I did not wait for the response on the other end and twisted the knob before I pushed it open. My eyes immediately travel inside the room to search for him. I noticed that the interior of my father's office was renovated. It was once a dark-colored theme, but now, it is replaced by a dark brown and black color palette. However, despite the pleasant design of the room, what caught my attention is a woman grinding on top of him while he was leaning his lower body languidly on his table. I caught both of their attention. The woman isn't wearing any uniform. Therefore, she isn't a helper in this house. She isn't an omega. Based on her overall appearance, I knew it. 'What the f*ck is the slave doing here in his room?!' My eyes drops down and landed on Connor's hand resting on the sides of her waist. Unconsciously, my brows arched. Connor calmly withdraw his hands from her while the slave straightens her back and fixed her stance. I grit my teeth. I want to rub off that smile on the girl's face. She even stands beside Connor and also leans her back on the table. Connor's hand is resting on top of the table, so when the girl mimics his stance, the 120cm table made their hands almost touch each other. "Yes, how may I help you?" Connor asked coldly and in a calm manner, as if I did not catch him with a slave in his room! 'I know having a slave is an Alpha's privilege but, what the f*ck?!' I want to raise the question of why he is acting this way. I am annoyed by his infamous smirk and countless mockery before, but now, I prefer that attitude than dealing with this! "Mrs. Percy said that I have to speak with you," I replied, trying to ignore the slave beside him. I feel like a lump was removed from my throat when he fixed his stance and inserted his hands into his pocket. One of his brows arched."For what reason?" he asked. I gulp. My eyes bore at the slave who is watching us, and then back to Connor. Our gazes locked for about a couple of seconds until he breaks the silence. "Pritty, you may go," he said without removing his eyes from me. My brows furrowed. Did he just call his slave pretty? Or he is talking to me and telling me to go? Who the hell is he talking to?! My questions were quickly answered when the girl straightens her back and turned to face Connor. "I will be waiting for your call," she replied. My lips parted when she planted a kiss on Connor's cheek before leaving. He did not flinch at what the girl did, as if he is already expecting it, and I did not bother watching her leave either. The door behind me opened and closes but non of us dared to remove our eyes from each other. My eyes are glued on Connor who is also looking straight into my eyes. My tongue pushed my left inner cheek as I reminisce what just happened. I fixed my stance and clasped my fingers together in front of me. "Pretty, huh? Never thought you are fond of giving nicknames to your slaves," I raised a brow. He tilts his head without removing his eyes from me and his hands in his pockets. Unconsciously, my eyes travel from his head to his toes and back to his face. I was thinking about what changed in him when my eyes darted at him right after I opened the door, and now I knew it. I am used to him wearing a plain shirt and pants, but now that he is wearing a black suit with white inner long sleeves, he looked different. "Firstly, Pritty is her name. I did not give her that nickname. Secondly, she's the first slave I talked to. So, it's not 'slaves'. Just 'slave'." I scoffed. Who the hell in their right mind would name their daughter 'pretty' when she isn't considered as one? And what did he say? She's his first slave? And he's proud of that?! Ugh! Connor walked towards his swivel chair and lazily dropped himself. I guess he is indeed enjoying being an Alpha. "Feel free to sit," he said and motioned me to the sofa seat meters away from where he is. Instead of sitting where he pointed, I walked toward him and stopped right in front of his desk. "I'm here to talk," I said and crossed my arms over my chest. "Go on," he responded immediately. It kind off shook me off that it made me clear my throat. "I have to--" I paused. I suddenly realized the reason why I am here. I cleared my throat and withdraw my stance. "I'm here to talk to you if you can let me retake my test for the Guardians," I straightforwardly answered. His left brow arched. My confidence is slowly fading in my system, so to compensate, I avoided my gaze at him and pretended to look around his room's interior. "You have good taste," I commented to relieve some awkward feelings building up inside me. "You failed your first day of the test?" he asked, ignoring my latter comment. I pouted. My eyes dropped to the floor as my body sways sideways. "I was late," I answered. "For how long?" "About an hour." He sighed. On the side of my eye, I saw him placing his hand on the table. He started tapping his fingers on top. "And why were you late?" he asked while slowly tapping his fingers. Still staring at his marble floor, I answered, "Because I wake up late." "And why did you wake up late?" My brows furrowed. Pissed by his countless questions, I stopped swaying my body and lift my chin to throw a glare at him. The sides of his lips slightly stretch towards his ears. He stands on his feet and walks towards me, closing our gap. He is way taller than me so I have to look up at him which makes my glares less intimidating. His hand reaches for the sides of my waist and pulled me closer to him. The fact that he placed his hands on that slave's waist earlier should make me push him. However, I found myself melting in his arms. My eyes softened. And my shoulders went at ease. My gaze dropped to his chest. I can feel his breathing on my head. "I have to know the details in order to decide, princess," he explained. My heart pounded. The way he calls me princess is way better than how the others call me. "I--I was exhausted last night. The bed made me so comfortable that it makes me not want to leave it." I answered. A soft manly chuckle escapes his lips. "So it's the bed's fault now, huh?" I pouted. "It's true!" I slightly stomp my foot-- a habit that I usually do whenever I'm frustrated about something. "Alright, I believe you," he replied. It sounds genuine but the traces of his chuckles made me wonder if he is really going to give me another chance. His thumb and forefinger cupped my chin and lift it up to meet his gaze. I notice his infamous grin plastered on his face. Unconsciously, I smiled. 'I miss that.' The sides of his lips stretch upward to reach his ears and show his perfect set of white teeth. "You made me so mad last night but I know to myself I cannot stay angry with you. It sucks," he shrugged. He made me turn my back and pressed my body towards him. My back is leaning on his chest while his arms are snaked around my waist. I can feel his lips traveling on the side of my head and down to my ears. "You have me in your palms, princess," he whispered. The small hairs on the back of my neck stand. His minty breath is brushing against the side of my neck. I tilt my head to the side t give him more access. My eyes close sensually when he gently sucks on it. My lips parted and a soft moan escaped my lips. His right hand stayed on my abdomen while his free hand crawled up, swiftly brushing against my mounds, and embracing my neck with his fingers. My pair of eyes looked for his sight, and before I knew it, I found myself colliding his lips with mine. ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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