24- New Agenda Part II

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Kelsie's POV I glued my eyes on the table without slumping my shoulders and my back maintaining its good composure. I do not want to look intimidated by him even if that is what exactly I feel. "Whenever we have gatherings and invite members from other packs, we should tighten our security. I don't want anything like that to happen again," Mr. Boris stated. Everyone nods at what he said while I bite my lower lip and lower my head. No matter how I held my chin up high, I know I had a part to play in what happened earlier. I just realized by now that I ruined someone's important event. "I agree. I cannot imagine another omega running down the event with blood all over her face and asking for help!" one of the elders added. In my peripheral vision, I notice a figure leaning forward on the table. I lift my head and turn in its direction. I saw Gia smiling at me. She straightened her back and pointed at her shoulder. 'Your. Bo.Dy.' she mouthed. Good thing she's been with me since I was a kid so I quickly understand what she was trying to say. I silently clear my throat and straighten my back. I need to stay calm and composed. "There are kids who were traumatized. We also need to provide them with enough care. Some of them said they thought they have seen a ghost," another said while shaking her head. It did not past me how she gave me a glance. "Oh my! Poor kids. I bet they were scared when they saw the girl running and soaking with her own blood," my stepmother added. She even dramatically places her hands crossly on her chest as she frantically looks left and right to make sure everyone can see her reaction. I sigh with my lips closed. I would agree with her if I do not know that she has an underlying agenda. It's obvious that she doesn't really care about the kids. All she wants is for me to get pinned down by these people. I roam my eyes on the table. Everyone's nodding their heads and whispering to each other, agreeing with what my stepmother is saying. I raise a brow when I realized something. So she wants everyone to turn their backs on me, huh? A small smirk flashes on my lips. 'Too bad. I'm used to being alone.' "We should start promoting Sentinels. There are a lot of them under training. I think this is the right time for some of them to graduate," Mr. Aguila, the head of the Sentinels suggested. "Not just for Sentinels. Since we already have a new Alpha, why not choose this year to graduate some of them in every position? I also need more hunters," Mr. Leone, the head of the Hunters, said. I look at him. Even at his age, he doesn't look old. In fact, he looks fit. The muscles on his arms are protruding, making his plain black shirt hug tightly onto his upper body. "I already thought about that..." Connor said after his long silence. Everyone turns their heads to him, including me. "The wolf ranking that was put to a halt will be continued. After the ranking, we will have our graduation. Since most of them were training for years, I think two weeks to 1 month of a test is enough to determine if they fit on the quarters that they choose." "What about those who need to shift quarters? I think we need more than a month for them," Mrs. Genevieve, the head of the Salutary wolves, said. "I agree Mrs. Gen. There are some of them who force their way or used their influence to choose whatever quarters they want even if they are not fit for it," Kristine said. I know Mrs. Gen mean well when she stated her opinion, but the follow-up statement made by this b*tch is far from how I understand what the head said. Without trying to hide it, Kristine looked me dead in the eye and raised a brow. "We should look into it," she added. I curled my fist under the table. I can feel my nails digging onto my palm. Excuse her! Since when did I use my power to get what I want? I get what I want because I am working on it! I gritted my teeth. I swear to all the gods and goddesses that I am trying to keep my cool here and socialize with them, but they are always giving me a reason not to. "Why are you looking at me that way?" I asked in a low voice. All of them shifted their looks to me. Kristine plastered an innocent expression. She even pointed to herself as she looked left and right to make sure I am talking to her. When she realizes I am not looking at anyone but her, her eyes widen and her lips part as if she was shocked that she is the one I am pertaining to. "What are you talking about? I'm just stating my opinion," she said softly. Is it just me or I can easily distinguish her fake tone? Ugh! "For the record, indeed, I personally chose to be a scout, but no one... especially my late parents, would agree if I am not fit," I said. I am a daughter of the Alpha-- was. To be considered as a part of that quarter or position is inborn. If your parents are Sentinels, then you will be a Sentinel. In my case, since I was the Alpha's daughter, then I am destined to be either the Luna of this pack, or I can choose any quarter where I want to belong, or I can have both. It was my privilege as the alpha's daughter to choose whatever quarter I want to be in. I remember how my mother told me that it is not mandatory for me to choose a quarter. I can just wait until I'm 18 and find my mate and be a Luna. But the bad thing about me is, I hate waiting. Also, the thirst for social validation and a sense of belongingness eats me up when I was a kid. As the daughter of the Alpha, everyone's afraid of you. They were too scared to make a mistake when you were around. I remember the time when no kid wanted to play with me because they were scared that they might accidentally hit me or something while we were playing. I grew up alone and the only way for me to socialize with the pack is to join a quarter. "I was five when I choose to be a Scout," I say out loud. I look Kristine straight in the eye before continuing. "If I am not fit for it, then my parents should have suggested that I shift. I am already 18, but I am still part of the quarter," I said coldly. I can feel my nails digging hard into my closed palms. Good thing it is under the table. I hate doing this. I don't like getting angry and losing my composure. I hate it when I found myself explaining to someone why I deserve what I have. I feel like I am too desperate to be seen. "Well, in respect to Aunt Kelsha and our late father, maybe they were just complacent that you would be a Luna so they were not really bothered what quarter you chose so they let you on wherever you want to be?" she replied. Slowly, the side of her lips rose for a smile. I look at her coldly. How dare she talk about my parents with her filthy mouth! I know this kind of mockery doesn't deserve a response. But I do not like it either if my pride is being trampled on. I already organized my thoughts and was ready to breathe fire when suddenly, Mr. Wayne speak. "As the head of the Scouts, I must say the princess has an extraordinary skill. She is fit to be a Scout." I bite my lower lip to stop myself from showing any emotion. Mr. Wayne has been the head of the Scouts since I decided to be a Scout. He is a great mentor and a leader. He teaches how to be a great Scout. He is motivating me and is always patient with me whenever I throw tantrums before. Mr. Wayne look at me and gave me a friendly wink. The kind of wink he always gives me whenever I'm throwing tantrums during our training or when I am being ostracized by the group. "Well, if you have had a personal trainer since the day you were born, it's shameful if you can't be the best in your field," my stepmother stated. I shake my head mentally. There are people who will never be happy about your success, and that's okay. Normally, people won't be happy to see others being better than them. I admire Mr. Wayne for not responding to my stepmother. If I were in his position, roasting my stepmom in front of high-ranking officials and elders will be my top priority. "Let's get back to the topic," Connor announced. He clasps his fingers together and places them in front of the table, Kristine shifted on her seat and leans forward to attentively listen to him. The obvious movement she made caught Connor's attention. He gave her a glance. I raise a brow and scoff. Can you imagine how my stepsister shamelessly giggled when he darted his eyes at her? She was not even shy and proudly gaze at her mom with a proud look on her face. "The reason behind the wolf ranking is to train the members of our pack on how to be the best on their field-- Yes, Mrs. Tamaska?" Connor said when my mom raised her hand. She flashes a smile and glances at me before looking back to Connor. "As far as I remember, the reason why the wolf ranking was implemented is that my late husband wants to find Kelsie's mate. He wants the strongest and most skilled in our pack to be her mate. It was never for the members," she said. My jaw dropped. I am aware that it is indeed the real reason why they started the test. But isn't it confidential? Did father tell her about it? "What do you mean by that?!" said one of the elders. "Is it true?!" the other elder asked. He looked at me with furrowed brows. I open my mouth to say something, but I was immediately cut off by another member. "Are you saying that the test was made for the sake of her? I know she was the Alpha's daughter, but I do not think wasting everyone's time and effort on the tests that they were so worried about not passing is worth to sacrifice just to find her mate!" My lips parted and my jaw dropped. Where the hell are these coming from?! "Our members trained hard for them to be the best in their field. I know this is also one of the reasons why the test was held. But the fact that the main reason is for her to find her mate makes it nonsense. She should find her mate on her own and not rely on everyone!" the other said in controlled anger. "So you are saying that Alpha Audig is filtering out our members to find the best in our pack and give it to his daughter? Unbelievable!" The table became chaotic. Everyone is stating their opinions about how irresponsible and selfish my father was. I want to say something but their voices are overlapping and I do not know how to meddle. I look at every one. I saw my stepmother and sister smirking on their seats while looking at me. I watch the elders and some heads of the quarters arguing. I hear Mrs. Coral sigh beside me while Mr. Boris is calmly sitting on his chair. On the other hand, Connor is observing everyone. His eyes did not even dart at me for a second to check what I am feeling after hearing everyone's comments. This is always happening to me and I should not be surprised anymore. Once again, I feel that it is my first time being alone when in fact, I always have been. ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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