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Kelsie's POV And that's what we do. After taking a cold shower, which was not a cold shower at all since Connor did nothing the whole time other than making me in heat, we decided to go to Mr. Bane's house. I thought I wouldn't want to do it the 2nd time around since I can still feel the soreness all over me, but who am | kidding? We just had a 3-round shower s*x! "Are you ready for the Salutary test?" Connor asked as we both stepped out of my room. He reached for the doorknob behind me and locked my room for me. "I guess so. Although treating wounds and injuries are not my field of expertise since mostly, I am the one responsible for giving people something that they should heal." The Salutary test will happen in the next two days. Today is the last day of the Guardian's test and tomorrow will be the rest day for all of us. We will use it to prepare for the other three days designated for the Salutary test. He shakes his head with an amused expression written all over his face. I am not certain if he's laughing due to my ridiculous statements or if he just wants me to rub it off and forget about what I did. "You know I'm responsible for what happened to Mr. Bane," I said as we both walk downstairs. Years of living here in the Alpha house, I am fully aware how massive this is that even I and my stepmother and sister doesn't bump into each other that much. This house is huge but it feels crowded when they were here. But right now, it feels so spacious and relaxing. "I never said you were not," he replied. "What I am saying is it was an incident. You should forgive yourself." I pursed my lips. We got into the ground floor of the house. Some omegas are cleaning while. We quickly caught their attentions One of them stopped sweeping the already cleaned floor and darted her eyes at us. The confused expression swiftly crossed her face. She darted her eyes at me an her lids blinkuncontrollably before landing her eyes to Connor. She then lowered her head as a sign of respect. "G-good morning, Alpha... and princess." She tightens her grip on the handle of the sweep without removing her eyes on the floor. "Good morning, "I greeted back while Connor nod at her. His hand crawled around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I can sense in my peripheral vision that they are all watching us now. 'They are staring,' I said in my mind, hoping he would read it like he always does. However, he maintained a straight face and even tightens her hand around my waist. Now I'm wondering if he intentionally did not read my message. When we got out of the house and the refreshing breath of the Black Claw's pack touches my skin, I felt refreshed. I look back inside and saw the omegas craning their necks while watching us. When they saw me looking back at them, they quickly went back to cleaning. "What's with the red pin on their collar?" I asked. I saw it to Gia last time and I thought it was just some sort of accessory. But I noticed all of the omegas in uniform are wearing it. "It's an indication that they are omegas." I nod my head. "So that explains the engraved letter 'O' on the pin," I said. "But I thought the tests are ongoing?" "Some of the omegas chose to not take the test and stay as an omega," he explained. "Really?" I mean, there's nothing bad about omegas. Our pack actually need their group. Without them, no one will clean and serve us. They may be at the lowest rank, but they are vital. Even so, I don't know there are people who wants to stay at the bottom rank. "Kelsie, there are people who are already contented on their life, while others simply doesn't believe on themselves that they can somehow leave the life they are used to even they don't want to be part of it anymore." I nod my head. "Comfort is the enemy of growth..." I uttered. I shake my head and darted my eyes in front. "It's not bad though. Given my experience with some of them, I am guessing that they have more time to gossip than to clean." Connor shrugged. "Don't mind them." "I don't." It took us only a good 10 minutes before we reached the executive houses. There is an enormous two-story house which I believe my step mother and sister are currently staying, while there are more than five average size houses around it. "Do you know where Mr. Bane is staying?" I asked. He pointed at the classic black and white house. Every houses here have variety of exterior designs. I guess my father still applies the rankings here since the colors and the atmosphere of each house screams the different rankings in our pack. One house has a muted color orange with a small front yard to plant some herbs. I am guessing this is for the salutary wolves. While the other had a wood exterior with a fencing and archery equipment on the front yard. It's probably for the scouts since the black and white house where Mr. Bane is currently staying is for the Hunters. I still can't believe he was a hunter. He did looked physically strong without his wrinkles and saggy skin. How come I did not notice that he's one of the respected heads here. We stepped into the porch of Mr. Bane's house. Connor knocked three times. It did not took us a minute before someone from the other end opened the door for us. My eyes dropped on her collar. Red pin with a letter "O" engraved on it. "Since when did this pin-thingy started again?" I asked. "Just two days ago," Connor replied. Oh, I see. So he is indeed busy these past few days while I did nothing other than giving him trouble. "Good morning Alpha! G-good morning, p-princess..." the omega greeted. I nod at her as she stepped aside to let us in. My brows furrowed when I heard someone laughing at the distance, Every step we take towards the house, the louder the laughs are. I scoffed when I realized who the owners are. When we get inside the receiving room, we saw my step mother and sister, sitting side by side on the long couch across Mr. Bane. My stepmother darted her gaze at me. The big smiles on her lips slowly faded. "What are you doing here?" she asked in a slightly annoyed tone.
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