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Kelsie's POV Connor's arm is on top of me, snaking around my stomach. His hand rested on my waist, doing small strokes and occasionally bumping his hand on the side of my mound. We stayed on the bed, and none of us want to get up. I stare at his face, memorizing his features. His thick eyebrows always want to meet each other. His hooded eyes perfectly match his dark-grey colored eyes. His thin lips that are currently on a straight line but usually smirk at me. And his jaw always clenches whenever he dislikes something. Unconsciously, I smiled. "What are you smiling at?" he asked. I arch a brow. I place my hands under my head to let the right side of my face rest on top of it since I am laying sideward to face him. "why not you read my thoughts? That's one of your fields of expertise," I mocked. He smirks. "I know what's going on with your mind every moment, Kelsie." "Then why are you still asking." "Because I want to hear it from you." "Hear what?" I asked innocently. "I want to hear how beautifully worded it was when you described my face," he answered. My lips pursed, trying to stop myself from smiling. "You already know how I described you. It will not be as genuine as the first time," I said. "Still. I want to hear them with your voice," he stubbornly answered. "I'm shy..." I shift my position and looked straight into his eyes. "Please?" he pleaded. I pouted. I take a deep breath before letting a word escape from my lips. "I like your eyebrows thick and furrowed when talking to me. It always made me think that you are thinking something deep, confused, or disagreeing with what I am saying. It makes me feel heard and mattered. I love the pair of your hooded dark-grey and cold-looking eyes that can pierce right onto me. Those same eyes never judged me when everyone else does because they can see deep into me. That thin lips that usually annoy me but also the same lips that save me whenever I'm in trouble and slip out words that can make me smile. And lastly, I love that perfectly angled jaw that I will surely break when I see you checking out someone else." His head falls back as he laughs on what I said. He leans forward and planted a kiss on my forehead. "You..." he said, smiling. "Me..." I replied, mimicking his tone. We both chuckled at the silly jokes that only we can understand. If only I can wish that every moment in my life to be always like this... Our soft chuckles and playful jokes were put to a halt by a knock on the door. We both jolted up in bed, waiting for the other end. When we heard another three consecutive knocks, we look at each other. I quickly jump out of the bed to pick up my clothes. "Oh, come on!" "Sshh!" I aggressively turn to Connor who is calmly sitting on the bed with his arms on the side to support his weight. My eyes dripped on his lower body. A blanket is placed on top of his trouser and down to his leg to cover his manhood. "You..." I pointed my finger at him while mouthing the words. "Get. Dressed!" I added. He only looked at me, not wanting to move to his place. I narrowed my eyes at him. I do not have time to argue with him about this. When he realizes that I'm dead serious, he just sighed and slowly got up in bed. Good. At least he moved! "Who's that?" I shouted while rushing to the bathroom to pick up my clothes. "P-princess? It's m-me, Gia. S-sorry for interrupting y-your sleep-- Why are you apologizing to her? We're sisters and it is only proper for her to face me!" I clasped my brassiere and put on my tank top. Based on the voice, I'm sure it was Kristine who cut off Gia. What the hell is she doing here?! I stepped out of the bathroom. Connor is now all settled. He is casually fixing the bed. He darted his eyes at me. Our gazes locked. An idea pops into my mind. "Hold on!" I shouted to the door. I rush towards Connor and grab his arm. I pulled him and he let me drag him toward the closet. I then opened my full-length closet. The unfolded clothes and unorganized things welcomed me. Some of them even fell when I harshly opened the door. "Looks like you don't have time to fix your clothes--" I covered his mouth with my hand. He did not even try to tone down his voice. Gia and my step-sister are just outside! What if they'll hear him? I just hope Kristine is just too busy being annoyed that he was not able to hear Connor's voice. "Shut up, Connor. They might hear you!" I warned. My hand stays on his mouth to stop him from speaking. He did not bother removing it and just frowned at me. I craned my neck to see the door still closed. I know they can't get in because it's locked. I was just too paranoid. I remove my hand from his mouth and faced my closet. "Okay... I got this," I said to myself. I started removing handfuls of clothes and tossing them onto my bed. "What are you doing--" "Shh! I said, quiet!" I said while placing my index finger on my lips, motioning him to stay low. I continued grabbing my clothes out of the closet until there was enough space. I look at Connor and give my closet a side-eye. It looked like he did not understand what I meant so I repeated it. I look at him and intentionally widen my eyes, then I look at the now empty closet and pointed it with my mouth. "Seriously?" he said. I nod. Another knock on the door made me slightly jump in my place. This time, it's harder and louder than earlier. "Keslie, I need to talk to you!" My step-sister' high-pitched voice yelled. "I said, hold on. Don't you understand English?!" I replied. "Connor, go!" I mouthed. He sighed at me. He advances towards the closet. Before stepping inside, he gave me a look, "Final decision? We have nothing to hide and we can just face her--" I cut off his words by pushing him down the closet. When he finally settled down, I slammed shut the door between us. I then rush to my door and reach for the doorknob. Before twisting it open, I took a deep breath, displayed my b*tchy face, and composed myself. "Kelsie, why the hell are you taking so long to open this godd*mn door--" I pushed open the door, enough for my body to be seen. I felt that I hit someone behind the door. I am hoping that it wasn't Gia. I guessed it right. When the door completely opened, I saw Kristine massaging the bridge of her nose. "What?" I casually asked and displaying an annoyed expression. Although, I am indeed annoyed, but my nervousness is overpowering and I need to act irritated even though I am already annoyed. Kristine stopped massaging her nose and looked at me furiously. She also has fair skin, making the redness of her nose visible. "What took you so long to open the door?!" she angrily asked. "What made you go here? Aren't you and your mom already transferred to the exclusive home?" I asked. Annoyance crossed over her face, while satisfaction evidently appeared in my expression. "Why? I can't come here? I am also the daughter of the former alpha!" "Did you go here just to argue with that?" I answered. "Go straight to the point because honestly, I don't see a reason for you to be here," I replied. She arches her brow. She then eyed Gia who is standing on the side, playing with her fingers while her eyes were glued to the floor. Kristine gave the innocent Gia a snide before darting her gaze at me. She crossed her arms over her chest. "Let's talk." "Aren't we talking-- Hey!" I called her when she reached for the doorknob on the other side and pulled the door open. I was a bit taken aback and it is now too late to reach for the door to close it back since she already started walking inside my room. Gia bowed her head before turning her back and walking away. I harshly face my stepsister who shamelessly welcomed herself into my room. I glance at my closet and back to my step-sister. She found her way to the sofa seat in the corner of my room and sit comfortably. She leaned her back on the chair and roamed her eyes on the whole room. Her gaze landed on the messy clothes on my bed. "What are you preparing for?" she asked with brows arched. "Something that is none of your business," I replied. "Why are you here?" I asked. I know it is obvious in my tone that I am in a rush and I just want this to get over with. Who wouldn't?! Connor is inside my closet while I and my stepsister is here in my room. Of course, I want her gone! Her eyes narrowed at me. She fixed her position in her seat and straighten her back. "Tell me, what's going on between you and Connor?" she straightforwardly asked. I know I shouldn't be nervous since I know she isn't aware that Connor is just feet away from us and that her question is just her usual question. "Why do you care?" I replied. "Stop answering my question with a question!" she said, her voice raised. I cross my arms over my chest, mimicking her stance. "Then stop giving me nonsense questions." She takes a deep breath with her closed lips. She shut her eyes tight and her palms curled into a ball as she tries to calm herself down. It's actually satisfying to see her this way-- getting annoyed because of me. "It's not nonsense. But well..." she paused and pushed herself to stand on her feet. She closed our gap and crossed her arms over her chest. I tilt my head, challenging her. "... if sitting on a man's lap is normal to you, then maybe what I am asking is nonsense." She looked at me from head to toe and back to my face. "Seems like you are used to sitting on someone else's lap. Is Connor not the first guy?" she added. I smirked. I made a step forward to close the small gap between us and leveled our faces. "Since you are my sister, I'll answer you honestly." I lean forward towards her ear. I cannot contain the evil smirk on my lips when an idea pops into my mind. "Connor is my first... and will probably be my last," I grinned. When I straight her back to meet her face again, I notice how red she turned. She gritted her teeth. In this distance, I can imagine hearing her teeth grind against each other out of anger. "You're such a wh*re. So much a lot like your mother!" I raise a brow. I hate it when someone mentions my parents in front of me, more so when they talk ill about them. However, I already learned my lesson. No matter how angry I am, I should not give in. Some of them are only using my parents as bait to lure me into lashing out. And in the end, I will be the one to pay for its price. No matter what you do and how many times you confronted them, their opinion of me won't change. You cannot clear your name if they have no plans of hearing your side. "You're right. I am so much like my mom," I smiled. "Because I am as sophisticated, smart, highly skilled, and most of all, if I were to marry, I know I will be the first wife. I won't marry someone if he has an ex-lover, even if he is an alpha." I feel like all blood that runs into Kristine's veins rushed up to her face. If she were a bomb, at any moment, she might explode. "Now, is that why you went here? To ask me about Connor? Why don't you ask him yourself? I believe you are closer to him than we are," I added. I notice how she gulps. Her breath hitched and her chest started rising up and down. Since we are now on a face-off, might as well I'll tell her the things I used to swallow within myself whenever I'm arguing with her. "Aren't you being desperate?" I flip my hair. I scoop them with my hand and placed all of them on my left shoulder. I then narrowed my eyes at her. "Everyone knows you like Connor... and everyone is also aware that he isn't interested in you." "How dare you--" "It's true. You should thank me. I am the only one who had the guts to say it in your face," I cut her off. And there she goes again. Her eyes started watering. Her tears stayed at bay as she try to hold them back. She's so aggressive yet when you start fighting her back, she will cry and will make you look bad. "Stop chasing him, he doesn't want you," I added. "You, b*tch!" she angrily uttered under her breath. I already memorized her body language. With her eyes blazing in fire and anger, and her palms curled into a fist, I know she'll charge. I smirk. I easily dodge her attack when she tried to punch me straight in my face. She's so easy to read. probably because fighting in a battle isn't her field of expertise. I caught her arm that was trying to pull my hair. She attempted to kick my knee with her foot, but I kicked her first, making her kneel. I did not let go of her arm and twisted it on her back. "Ahhh!" she yelped. I yank her hair and made her knees kiss my floor as her back face me. "I told you, you won't win. The only chance you got is if you use your minions to bully me or ask your mom for help so she can instruct the guards to illegally detain me." She struggles to free herself from my hold, but I did not let her. "F*ck you!" she angrily uttered. "Don't you get me? Then let me rephrase it for you..." I lean forward to her ear. "The only time you can have a chance to win against me is when you cheat." I straighten my back and harshly let go of her arm. She immediately stands on her feet and faces me. The angry look on her face made me think that she will once again attack, but instead, she just stand there glaring at me and gritting her teeth. "You should make sure none of your minions will turn their backs against you. Without them, I'm sure you're aware how hard I can kick your a*s--" she did not let me finish and walk out of my room while stomping her feet and massaging her wrist due to my tight grip. I went to the door and slammed it hard for her to hear that I am also not happy about her visit. I pressed the lock and face my messy room. The door of my closet burst out open. Connor steps out. When my eyes crawled up to his face, smiling lips welcomed me. He proudly looked at me and even gave me a slow clap as he walked toward me. "Stop. She's annoying," I ranted. He closed our gap and place his arms on the sides of my head, jailing me in between. "That's my girl," he commented before giving me a deep and passionate kiss. ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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