31- Second Chance Part II

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Keslie's POV I march towards the Guardian's quarter with a huge smile plastered on my face. All I have to do now is to take care and entertain guardians. Although I said earlier that it is the easiest test, it's not absolutely true. As someone who gets drains easily when engaging with people, this might be a little hard for me. I saw the elder that I talked with earlier. She's alone in the sofa seat while holding his cane and looking at nowhere. I was about to go towards her when the girl who walked out earlier suddenly appeared. She went to the elder and asked her something. "Mrs. Dara, do you want some fresh air? We can have a seat outside," she offered. "Really? It's been a long time since I sat outside to catch some fresh air. That would be great!" the elder answered with excitement. The girl nod and lend her hand on the elder. They both walk out of the room to give the elder what she wanted. I sigh. I look around to look for something to do. In this 3-day test, the one who will determine whether we passed or not are the elders themselves. Everyone knows they will pass. Because again, who would fail this test? If I were to be honest, this isn't a test. It is more like a warm-up exercise to set the mood for our real test. I know to myself that I am fit for a Scout. I just hope I won't fail that test. I felt someone poking my shoulder from behind. "E-Excuse me, young lady..." I turn on my back to see who it was. A man in his late 60s welcomed me. His back is slouching and I notice the hinch on his back. Even he isn't standing straight, he is still taller than me. "Yes, sir?" I asked. I lend a hand to help him walk towards the sofa seat, but he chuckled. I almost pout my lips out of embarrassment. "I'm old but I can still walk by myself, young lad!" he enthusiastically answered. The traces of his chuckles are still evident as we walk on the nearest seat. He sighed in relief when he successfully laid his back on the soft chair. He then lift his head and looked at me. "Have a seat. I am guessing you are looking for something to do for your test." He offered the vacant seat across him. I did not hesitate and take the seat. "What's your name, young lad?" he asked as he scrutinize my face. He then place his cane in between his feet. My eyebrows automatically arched to his question. Before I can open my lips to say a word, he once again laugh. I am guessing that he is a happy person. I smiled awkwardly at him while waiting for his laugh to fade. "You looked exactly like your mother..." My smile faded on what he said. If I were to based on his physically appearance, he's probably years older than my parents if they were still alive. "How do you know my mother?" I asked. I instantly regret my question. 'Stupid! Of course he knows your mother. She was the original Luna of this pack!' I bite my lower lip when my subconscious scolded me. "You mean, aside from her being a Luna?" he asked. My face light up. Does he know my mother? I parted my lips to say something but a word did not escape from it. In the end, I just nod at him. He comfortably laid his back on the back of the chair and sighed. "Let's say, I am one of his suitors way back when she was still a teenager." My jaw dropped. I heard some rumors before that my mother is indeed a man magnet. Every man is drawn to her. None of the pack members were surprised when she married the Alpha since everyone already expected it. "No offense, sir, but aren't you years older than my mother?" If I were to guess, he's probably 8-10 years older than my mom! He nods his head with a genuine smile on his face. "Yes, you're right. She was 18 and I was 28 when I courted her." My lips parted. I look at the upper right corner of my eye, trying to remember what age did my mom have me. My heart started pounding loudly as if it will jump out of my ribcage. I shake my head. Numbers makes my head ache. But I'm pretty sure my father is the Alpha. I nod my head to make myself believe it. 'Yeah, right. I am the alpha's daughter. Nothing will change even if I am not my father's daughter--' My thoughts were halted when a hoarse laughter escaped from the old man's lips. I watch him fall his head back while one of his hands is on his stomach. His shoulders are rising up and down as he tries to stop himself from laughing. "You are really your mother's daughter." My brows furrowed. He keeps on talking about my mom and how I am exactly like her but he doesn't explain why! "I can read your thoughts, Kelsie..." he calmly said. My eyes widen. I bite my lips inwardly and lowered my head and shut my eyes close. "Your mom also had a hard time blocking her thoughts. She's meeting only a few people and as few set of friends so it wasn't a problem to her." Maybe he is indeed right. I am my more like my mother. "I laughed hard earlier to your expressions when I asked your name. Your mother also is getting upset whenever someone doesn't know her." "I wasn't upset." I lift my head and looked at him. "But you were surprised," he clarified. I cleared my throat and avoided my gaze. Well, to be fair, it is indeed a surprise, knowing that I was the Alpha's daughter. I remember how my father forces me at a young age to attend meetings with him just for the high ranking officials to know me. "What's your relationship with my mother?" I asked curiously. He smiled and shake his head. "Nothing much. We are more of a friend." I furrowed my brows and laid my eyes at him, trying to determine whether he is lying or not. "Don't worry. You are Audig's daughter," he clarified. I sighed in relief as if a heavy thing was lift from my chest. My eyes even closed for a second as I breath freely. "Why? Were you scared?" he asked. He shifts on his sit and look at me straight in the eyes. "Scared of what?" I replied. "Scared of not being the Alpha's daughter. Scared of being nothing." My eyes remained at him. The sides of his lips stretches up to form a genuine smile, but I couldn't find myself reciprocating it. "Your mother was also scared to not be the Luna. Since she was a kid, everyone around her, including me expects her to marry the Alpha's son, your father," he pauses for a second and sigh. "If I knew I would have an eye on her, I shouldn't took part of instigating that she will be marrying your father. "What do you mean?" I asked. I kind of have a hunch on where this conversation is going, but I'm still confused and I am not sure of it either. "I and your mother were in a relationship." This time, my jaw did not drop like it always does. I grit my teeth to stop myself from making a facial expression. I want to hear more. "We broke up because she believes that she is destined to be the Luna." "You told me that you were just one of her suitors," I coldly said. He nods. "We never let the public know about our relationship. She doesn't want to." I gulp. "W-Why?" I asked. "Simply because she wants to fulfill the thoughts of everyone about her. She wants to prove herself to all." He smiled. "Don't think ill of your mother. Our relationship ended before she started being in a relationship with your father." "I don't," I answered. 'I was just suprised.' He said I an demy mother are very much a like. But I disagree. We are both the opposite of each other. She was loved by everyone. While I am being disliked. Everyone wants her to be the Luna even without her trying, while in my case, no one will ever think I should be the Luna. She needs to prove to everyone that they are right. While I have to prove to everyone that they are wrong. "All I am saying is, do not let others define who you are and what you should be. As much as I loved your mom and respected her as the Luna, I hope you won't take the path she chose." "Are you saying that she should have married you instead?" I raise my brow. A heartfelt chuckle escaped the old man's lips. He even waved his hand at me, as if what I said was very funny. "That's not what I am saying. I am sure your mom loves your father. They won't be mates if they aren't fated to be together. What I am pointing out is, you are very much like her. I don't want you to end up living the life others want you to live." I blink uncontrollably. My heart skipped and I could feel the growing emptiness in my stomach. "Be you. Do you. You do not have to hide from everyone what makes you happy." I swallowed the liquid forming in my lips. The thought of Connor entered my mind. I bite my lower lip and mentally shake my head. 'No. Not now. Not yet.' The old man stands on his feet and arch his back for a good stretch. I lift my chin as I watch him do a little exercise for his joint. "Do not wait for the perfect moment, Kelsie. Everyday is your moment and it doesn't have to be perfect." With that, he turned his back and started walking away. After a few steps, he stopped and once again looked at me. "I hope you stop hiding the life you want to live from everyone. Good luck on your upcoming tests. I am rooting for you." He smiled at me before exiting the room. I looked at nowhere. My mind started getting blank and I feel like I am floating. Is he saying that I should not hide my relationship with Connor? But how did he know I am in a relationship with him? Or maybe it was just his strong guts? Elders are known to be experts because of their experiences. I sigh. Maybe I should talk to Connor. *** I am cleaning some minor messes here in the room. It's been half an hour since the old man left, but I am still thinking about what he said. Our test will be done after a couple of hours. I have nothing to do here, but I chose to stay. None of the takers left and all are determined to finish the time even though there's nothing much to do here. Some are only talking to elders and entertaining them, while others are studying some herbs. I chose to clean up some empty cups on the table. My mind was still not in the present state when suddenly, I bumped into someone. "Omo! Oh my gosh. I'm sorry!" The girl hit my shoulders with a tray full of glasses of juice. They spilled right onto my clothes. Out of shocked, I was stunned. I look at my dress which is now dripping wet. We managed to get everyone's attention. They circled around us as they watch the scene. I shake my hands and tried to squeeze the edge of my s**t to somehow dry my wet shirt. "It's not a big deal--" My statements were halted when I lift my head to look at her face. Instead of her apologetic expression, all I can see is her mocking smile. "Sorry, I didn't see you there. I hope you can forgive me, princess..." she said unapologetically. Whispers around us started. I gritted my teeth. I am trying to be nice today since I do not want to f*ck this up, but I do not think this is right either! I look coldly at the girl's face. I notice her smile faded. She take a step backward. This time, I am the one who smirked. 'No backing out, b*tch!' ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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