31- Second Chance

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Kelsie's POV I pursed my lips to stop myself from giggling. I am in front of a lot of people, and chuckling in front of them was never been my thing. Also, the glares I get from my stepsister and her group are still present. 'Do they really think they can kill me by just glaring at me?' I rolled my eyes mentally. My gaze darted at the elder who was with the girl that walked out. She carefully leans her back on the sofa seat and chuckled. "Your thoughts are too loud, young lady. You should know how to block them so a stranger like me won't know how irritated you are with those girls!" she laugh wholeheartedly. "U-Uhmm... sorry about that," I smiled awkwardly. I forgot that I am in a room full of elders. Of course, even without making connection with them, given the years of their experience, they already mastered the art of mind-linking. "I saw Mrs. Percy walking inside her office. She's probably with Mrs. Gen," the elder added. I flashed a genuine smile to her. "Thank you, ma'am!" I greeted. Elders are well respected members of our pack. If some irrational bast*rd would disrespect them, they will be severely punished. I went to Mrs. Percy's office and walk past the group of my stpsister. I can sense their eyes following me, but I ignored all of them. I managed to get in front of Mrs. Percy's office. It is not a surprise that Mrs. Gen is also here. Like I said, Guardians and Salutary wolves are almost inseparable. But even with the small numbers of gaurdians, the salutary still respected them as a co-quarter that is important for this pack. I knock on the currenlt closde door and waited for the response on the other end. "Come in!" I heard Mrs. Percy answered. I twist the doorknob open and pushed the door. Her glass-walled room that has an overview of the grounds and the forest welcomed me. The last time I stepped inside this room was when I was 7 years old. I remember running towards the forest on where my father f*******n me to go. I guess Mrs. Percy saw me and decided to chase me. She sent me here and told me she won't tell my father if I'll let her treat my wounded knees. "There you are, Kelsie!" Mrs. Percy greeted. She stand on her seat and walk to my direction. She then welcomed me with a tight hug. "It's perfectly the same from years ago," I commented after withdrawing from her hug and traveled my eyes in the whole room. The wooden long table that can cater 6-8 people is still there! Also, the orchids and other plants are still here. I wonder how many times did she already replaced them. She did a good job on maintaining the character of her office. "Good day, Kelsie," Mrs. Gen greeted with a smile on her face. I bowed my head to greet her back. Unlike Mrs. Percy's style of clothing, Mrs. Gen, oftenly dress a formal attire. With her white slacks and a white coat, she looks liek she will attending an office work. "Good day too, Mrs. Gen!" I greeted back. She smiled at me and stand on her seat. "I guess I have to go now so you two can have your talk," she politely said. The two said their good byes to each other. When Mrs. Gen exit the room, I faced Mrs. Percy. "Based on how you like, I am guessing this is a good news," she said. Her lips pursed and the dimples in her lips appeared. "Mrs. Percy, the Alpha allowed me to retake the test. I hope you will reconsider," I replied with a huge smile on my face. Mrs. Percy's smile grew wider. She then nods. "Of course, you will. You can retake the test." I almost jump in joy when I heard her verdict. "So, where should I start?" I asked. As much as possible, I want to finish the test early so I can have the rest of my time to rest for the next day. This is a 3-day test and there will be more tests for the other positions so I need to conserve my energy. "The members earlier cooked, clean, and entertain elders. Since the elders already ate and I the members are done cleaning, you can start with entertaining elders," she said. That's it? I mean, not to undermine the guardian's responsibilities. Of course, they are important because the elders need them. But I can easily pass this test! I now ashamed of appearing late. Ugh! "Alright, Mrs. Percy. Anyway, since I am alreday here, may I know what test will be held tomorrow? So I can prepare," I said. I do not know if what I am doing is legal, but this is a Guardian's test, I guess I already knoe some of the test that we weill be doing. Mrs. Percy shrugged. "You have to study herbs. You know Guardians are helpers of the Slautary, right?" She asked. I nod. I didn't see any hesitation when she answered my question so I am guessing this isn't a big deal. "Thank you, Mrs. Percy. I will make sure to do a good job today," I assured her. We bid our good byes and I exit the room. Right after I step my foot outside Mrs. Percy's office, a voice popped in my mind. 'How did it go?' Connor asked. I sigh and continue walking. 'I told you to not just popped in myy thoughts.' 'I'm sorry. I just miss you. I won't do it again, I promise.' I pouted my lips. The sounds of his voice apologizing echoes in my head. I can imagine him saying it in my face. 'Mrs. Percy allowed me to retake the test. I'm kind of ashamed. I never thought I have to talk to her just to retake this. Guardan's test is basically a humanity test. Imagine if I fail at this test,' I mentally shake my head. 'Stop thinking of your mistakes. You can't go back to the past and make it right, but you have the capability to do it right this time.' I smiled. I like him when he is goofy, he can turn my mood upside down. It annoys me when he mocks me but he puts a smile on my face. I love it when he's serious, it makes him hotter than he already is. I cannot think of anything that I will permanently hate about him. 'What are you thinking?' he asked. I shaked myhead even if he won't see me. 'Nothing. Just a random thought,' I replied. 'Focus on your test. I am rooting for you!' he cheered. I nod my head. 'I will. Thank you!' 'Do good. Let's meet after your test?' My heart started pounding loud. I have to take a deep breath to make myself calm. 'S-Sure. But, may I know why?' I answered. 'I just want to give you a present.' 'Present? For what?' I curiously asked. 'For passing the first day of your test,' he replied casually. I burst out laughing. My head falls back. Good thing no one is in the hallway. If ever someone might see me, they would probably think I'm insane for laughing by myself. 'I haven't even started yet!' I answered. I guess my chuckles are even evident on my answer. 'It's an advance present. And who would fail a guardian's test? Just like what you said, it's a humanity test. I believe you can do it!' I nod. I bite my lower lip and cleared my throat silently. 'You're right. Thank you. I should go now.' 'Alright, see you later, my princess.' Our conversation ended but my heart still keeps on jumping. I feel like it wanted to leap out of my chest! ----- Unedited. English is not my first language. My apologies for the grammar, sentence construction, and wrong spelling. ----- Once A Princess, Now A Slave By: Joanne Cristel ©2023
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