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Laney I am not sure where I am going. I hear Riley call out to me. I just don’t have time for any of this. I shift and run. I don’t know where I am going, but I just have to get away from here. My determination is keeping me from breaking down. I need to find a quiet place so I can fall apart.    I try to figure out how I can avoid detection from Trevor. I know he can track me, my scent. I need to get into a car and drive away. He won’t be able to find me. He can’t track my scent if I go inside a car. There isn’t any Uber near the territory as we are in the middle of the woods. Plus, I won’t have any clothes when I shift back. Where can I go? Nell.    I run to Nell’s cottage. She lives there with Alexis, a bear shifter who joined our pack a few months ago. They have become very close friends. I know both of them will help me and keep my secret.    I hit their door with my paw. Alexis opens the door. She looks at me closely. She doesn’t know all our wolves were well yet, but she’s got a pretty good sense of smell.    “Laney?”    I go inside and shift.    “I need clothes and a car.”  “What’s going on? You look like a hot mess. Why don’t you shower here, eat, and we can talk out what’s going on.”    “I don’t have time for that. Please.”  Nell comes running in. She looks as frantic as I do.  “Why, what happened? Where is Trevor?” She asks.  “Your brother is fine. He seems to be enjoying the company of another woman. You can ask him about it. I don’t have time for his s**t. I am trying to get away. Please, if you care about me, give me what I need right now.”   Nell looks conflicted, but she agrees under one condition. I need to keep her updated. That sounds reasonable to me.    I just need to run right now. She gives me her car keys, and I take it off and drive as fast as I can out of the territory.    Trevor I follow her scent to Nell’s cottage. Her door is already open, so I barge in. Nell and Alexis look like they are already anticipating my arrival. Nell throws a robe at me.    I shift and put it on. My heart is racing because I don’t see Laney.    “Girls, where is Laney?”    “Oh no, Trevor, you don’t get to ask that. We aren’t going to tell you s**t. You are going to sit your ass down and tell us what happened!” Nell screams.    I really don’t have time for this, but it seems like they know something so I will cooperate. I am desperate. I need to find her. I need to explain to her. This isn’t my fault!   “There is the girl at work, Amber. She is Max’s secretary. She has caught my attention. I told Laney about her because she and I have no secrets. I explained to her that there is nothing between her. Amber keeps pushing herself onto me. I was getting frustrated. I told her multiple times to leave me the f**k alone. She said she wanted to meet privately and discuss this. So I met her very, very casually to tell her to f**k off. She throws herself at me and kisses me. I immediately pushed her away. Some asshole took a picture of the incident. I don’t know why, but someone is trying to set me up. That picture was sent to Laney,” I start. I take a pause because I don’t even know how to explain the next set of events.    “Well, that’s not so bad. I am sure we can get Laney to understand what happened. She is a reasonable person. I am sure she will understand, Trevor. Just give her some time to come around,” Nell says.    I close my eyes. I think my silence speaks volumes because Nell says, “please tell me you didn’t sleep with her. Please tell me that is the end of this story!”   “No, I didn’t sleep with her. We had a breach into the territory. She somehow got inside. I don’t even know how she found me. She was in my bed this morning. Laney found her in my bed. Believe me, please, when I tell you I have no idea how this happened,” I tell Nell. Nell and I have been close growing up. She never agreed with my life choices, but neither did my wolf. I look down in shame.    I hear Nell take a deep breath and let it out slowly.  “Trevor, you are a piece of s**t. You always have been. Laney was finally making you better. I can’t believe you managed to screw this up too. One thing you have never been though is a liar. I believe you,” she says. I look up at her and give a weak smile. It’s nice to know that even stinky sisters will stand by your side through difficult times.    “Thanks, Nell. It means a lot. Will you tell me where she is?” I ask.    “No, I don’t know where she is. She came here frantically, asking for my car. I gave it to her, and she left.” “You let her leave while she was distressed! Why? She could get into an accident. She could get hurt. Why?”    “I obviously made a mistake. She looked so desperate, I didn’t know what to do. I gave her what she wanted. I can’t undo it now, so let’s go look for her.”   I mindlink the crew and let them know what is going on. Nell, Alexis, and I go to the packhouse. Riley is pacing back and forth.    “I took a sedative last night so I don’t have visions. It lasts twenty four hours, so I have to wait until later to try to see if I can enter her mind. She has a block up, so I can’t reach her,” she says.    “I am sorry about Amber. I didn’t know this was going on. You should have told me, I would have fired her. This behavior is unacceptable,” Max says. I look at him.   “It’s my fault. A part of me didn’t want to hurt her. She has always kept it professional. I don’t know what happened the past day, but she just lost it. I wasn’t prepared for it. I think someone is trying to set me up. I don’t know why though. Someone has been taking pictures of Amber and me, making things look like we are intimate. These pictures were being sent to Laney. Well I know of one picture that was sent to Laney. I have no idea how this girl ended up in my bed today, but Laney found us like that,” my voice breaks a little as I say those words. The love of my life had to see that. I don’t expect her to forgive me. I don’t deserve it.    “I am not sure how she slipped past the patrols. We set up cameras all over the perimeter of the territory. She didn’t cross that way. Riley had put up a spell to prevent anyone from teleporting here. I don’t know how she came in, but she had to have help from a powerful witch. Have you slept with any witches in the past? Someone who would be pissed off enough to come after you,” Jace asks.    “No, I usually slept shewolves only. I am not aware if some were part witch or not. Amber isn’t a shifter. I don’t know why she is after me,” I tell them.    “Well, Amber is in the dungeon right now. So let’s go find out, shall we?” Max asks.
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