Bad to Worse

1299 Words
Trevor  I immediately pull away.   “No, no, no. What is wrong with you? I said no. If you were a girl and I did this to you, you would be outraged. It would be called assault. Just because I am a dude, it doesn’t make a difference. I won’t press charges, but stay the f**k away from me because the next time, I will use force!”   With that I jog to my car and lick the door. I leave her in the parking lot. It was a mistake to come here. I have to check on Laney. I hope she is okay.    I drive to the packhouse and go up to our floor.  Laney is in the common area. “Hey, did you have dinner already?” Laney asks.  Her voice upsets me. She usually calls me babe and sounds bubbly. Right now she is more firm, cold, business-like. This can’t be good. I don’t understand. She was not this bad this morning.  I look at her in the eye and try to read her.  “Babe, talk to me. I know what I said was a lot, I want to know what is going through your mind.”   “f**k you, Trevor. You want to know what is going through my mind, you two timing piece of s**t. This is going through my mind.”  She takes out her phone, and it has a picture of Amber kissing me. How did she get that? And I know I am in deep s**t.  I look into her eyes and wince at the pain I see there. I promised so much to this woman. I never wanted to see her hurt. I am ashamed to say I did this to her. I swallow the lump in my throat.    “Babe, she forced herself onto me. I didn’t kiss her.” “Did she force you to go out on a date too? Were you kidnapped?” “It wasn’t a date. It was a meeting.” “You had a meeting with Max’s secretary. That’s who this is right? Did you talk about all the new travel the company is planning? Or are you planning a more private event?” “Laney, it was a meeting to let her know she needed to stop making advances on me.” “Oh, I see you went on a date to discuss your relationship with her. And you shared one last kiss goodbye, right?” Great, I am just digging my grave right now. She is twisting everything I am saying. I can’t blame her; it looks really bad. I just wish she would listen to me. Not that she owes me that.    “Laney, I love you. I am sorry you had to see that. I had no intention of that happening. I just told her to stop coming after because I am in a relationship. You can choose to see it how you want, but that is the truth,” I say with just as much honesty and seriousness I can muster.    She looks away.  “I made a chicken and broccoli casserole. You should eat,” she says as she fixes herself a plate and walks to a guest bedroom. A guest bedroom? Did she just move out of our room? Things are just getting from bad to worse. I feel like I am losing her.    “Laney, why did you move out of our room?” “I need some space.” “You should stay. I can move out. This thing is my fault anyways.” “I don’t want to see your face right now, Trevor!” She exclaims as she slams the door shut.    I can’t eat right now. I just go shower and get into bed. I start having troubled sleep until Laney finally comes to bed. She put her arms around me. I turn around, half asleep. She gives me a passionate kiss, l lazily kiss her back. I am so glad she came back. I couldn’t sleep without her. I fall into a deep slumber.    I wake up in the morning slowly. Tired from the night before. My eyes flutter open, and I see Laney standing in the doorway. She has this look of shock on her face. She looks distressed. I try to jump out of bed but someone’s arms pull me back. What the f**k?  I turn around to find Amber. Amber! How the f**k did she get here? I don’t have time to think about this. I pry her arms off my body. Laney is already out the door. I don’t even bother with a robe. I run out in my boxers. I see the elevator doors close with her in it. s**t!   I hit the button at least twenty times. I go grab and robe and wait. I can’t believe this! Amber comes out of my room.    “Why did you leave?”  “What the f**k were you doing in my bed?” “You didn’t have a problem last night.”  I don’t have time for this s**t. I mindlink Jace and Max. Get this b***h out of here. I don’t know how she got into our territory and into my bed with all the patrols. I am going to kill her if I ever see her again. I have never killed a woman before, but she is looking like a good first candidate.    The elevator finally comes up. I get in. She tries to follow me in. “STOP! If you value your life, you will stay the f**k away from me. I will kill you if I ever see you again. This I promise you.”    She winces at my tone, but doesn’t say anything. Good. I am done dealing with this. I need to find Laney. I try to mindlink her but she has a block up. s**t.   I get down to the first floor and ask everyone if they saw Laney. I don’t see her anywhere. I don’t cry. Ever. But I am pretty damn close.    I find Riley outside pushing Jameson and Emma around in a stroller.    “Riley, have you seen Laney?” I ask.  “I saw her run out of the packhouse five minutes ago. I was going to stop her, but she didn’t stop at all when I called her. She shifted and ran. I just figured she had something important to do or just go for a run.”  Shit.  “Do you know where she could have gone?”  “Nope. Why don’t you mindlink her?” “I tried. She put up a block. She doesn’t want to talk to me.” Riley sighs.  “What did you do, Trevor?” “She saw me in bed with another woman.” “What the f**k Trevor?” “I don’t know how this b***h got into my bed. Nothing happened. She has been stalking and harassing me. I have asked her to leave me alone. She isn’t a part of our pack, so I don’t know how she ended up in our territory undetected especially with the increased patrols. Not only that, she ended up on my floor and in my bed. There is a major security breach, but I don’t have time for that. I need to find Laney.”    I shift and start following her scent. Where are you my hot chocolate? 
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