Chapter 3 conference call

2004 Words
Star’s P.O.V   I woke up early the next morning, dreading the conference call I was going to have to make, but I figured that if I woke up early I could get it over and done with as soon as possible. I quickly showered, dried off, brushed my teeth and got dressed before heading down to my office to listen to four grown men argue over the phone like children. I don't even know why they called me about this, it's not like I’m the Queen of bears or anything, but I guess that's what they must think seeing as they want me to handle this matter for them. I sat down in my chair behind my desk and braced myself before dialling their numbers and waiting for each of them to answer. I intended to talk this through with them and see if they could reach some sort of agreement without me losing my patience or my temper. After the fourth ring they all answered at once, let the mayhem begin.   “Good morning, Alpha’s. As you all know I’m Alpha Star, if everyone is ready then let's get this meeting started.” I said, getting my notebook ready to take notes on what everyone was saying, well, that's what everyone else thought when in reality I was doodling.   “Good morning, Alpha Star.” Alpha Robert replied. He was the Alpha of the Rosewood Pack and he had a vast amount of land and one of the third largest packs in the area.   “Morning Alpha.” Alpha Shawn and Alpha Gareth said at the same time, which made them growl a bit at each other. Alpha Shawn was the Alpha of the Reaper Pack, which was a strong pack because of how many warriors they had and the fact that they never backed down from a fight. Alpha Gareth was the Alpha of the Blue Dawn Pack and his pack were slightly smaller than the other three, but they were no less dangerous.   “Morning Alpha Star, yes, let's begin the meeting. I have other things I need to attend to.” Alpha Patrick replied and he sounded annoyed. Alpha Patrick was the Alpha over the Black Summit Pack, his pack was huge, all his pack members are polite and always helpful to everyone.   “Right then so this land that you four are arguing over is set in the middle of all four of your territories, is that correct?” I asked and it instantly started the four Alpha’s arguing. It was a simple question, I don't understand how that could cause an argument between four grown men, it was a simple yes or no answer. Insults were flying back and forth between the four of them and I’m pretty sure I heard a declaration of war over the rabble. They were behaving like children, actually no that's insulting to children. I listened to them argue back and forth, neither one of them giving the other a chance to voice their opinion, so it just ended up as a shouting match with each of them trying to talk over the other. This was going to be a long ass day.   “RIGHT!! THAT'S IT!! I HAVE HEARD ENOUGH OUT OF YOU FOUR!! NOW SHUT THE f**k UP AND LISTEN!!” I shouted, after four hours of them arguing. All four of them went quiet and it was a welcome sound.   “This is ridiculous. I have never heard four grown men argue so much over a piece of land. The land you are talking about is located in the middle of all of your territories, so I propose a simple solution. One that you should all have been able to come to on your own by the way. Split the land up into four equal sections and share it out equally.” I said, after looking at the map of where the land and the packs were located.    “Seriously, that is your proposal to split the land up and share it.” Alpha Robert replied and sounded angry.   “Yes, do you have a problem with that? It is a piece of land and all four packs surround it, so the best thing to do is split the land into four sections.” I said and then they started arguing again, but this time it was about the level of disrespect Alpha Robert had shown me. This was seriously starting to piss me off. It took almost all day for them to finally calm down and agree to splitting the land into four sections, but now they were arguing about how they were going to patrol each section without the other pack members crossing onto their territory.   “It's simple, leave a part of the land as a neutral area, that way no one can cross onto the others territory. Make it so that there is like a big cross going right through the land.” I said and they all seemed to agree with that. Hopefully this was the end of the argument and the call.    “We would need someone to come down here to mark out the new territory, that way it is equal and no one can accuse the other of having more than their share.” Alpha Gareth replied and I knew just who to do it.   “Alpha Dillon’s territory is not far from all of you. I will ask him to do it or do you have a problem with that too?” I asked and they all agreed to that.   “Right, I will phone him now and that way none of you can say that the other is trying to pull a fast one. Goodbye Alpha’s.” I said, hanging up the phone before they could start arguing again. I quickly dialled Alpha Dillon’s number and hoped that he would say yes otherwise I would have to do it.   “Alpha Star, what a pleasant surprise. How can I help you?” Alpha Dillon asked, answering the phone.   “Alpha Dillon, I need your help with a tiny matter. I have just had the Alpha’s Gareth, Robert, Shawn and Patrick on the phone, arguing about the land that is in the middle of their territory. They have finally decided to split the land equally, but they want someone else to mark it out so that no pack gets a bigger piece. Would you be able to do it please seeing as you're closer to their packs?” I asked, keeping my fingers crossed.   “Seriously. Four grown Alpha’s arguing over land. Why do they even need extra land anyway?” Alpha Dillon replied, confused.   “I don't understand it either. They all have huge territories and you could get lost in the woods if you didn't know where you were walking, but apparently they need it. So please would you do me this favour.” I asked and I wasn't ashamed to say that I would beg if I had to, just so that I wouldn't have to speak to those four again.   “Yes, alright, I’ll do it. Do you want me to let them know, if so what packs are they?” Alpha Dillon asked and I was so, so grateful to him.   “It's the Rosewood Pack, the Reaper Pack, the Blue Dawn Pack and the Black Summit Pack. thank you so much.” I replied and heard him sigh.   “Now I know why you didn't want to do it, those Alpha’s hate each other. Okay, I’ll get it sorted. Goodbye.” Alpha Dillon said, hanging up the phone.   “Thank Goddess that is all over and done with, now for my own pack business.” I said, letting out a huge sigh. Four of my pack members would be graduating as warriors today and even though I had to officially announce it, none of them wanted a ceremony, so it will just be done on the training grounds. I took out the helmets, swords and shields, then left my office, heading straight to the training grounds where I knew they would be waiting for me. When I got there everyone was lined up and ready for me to give them their helmets. I walked over to each one as they bowed to me.   “Today we are here for the graduation of Sol, Honey, Skiler and Kenny. I am proud to say that you are our warriors, protect the pack and our borders, but stay safe.” I said, handing each of them their helmets, swords and shields. Everyone cheered for them and then the head guard Kristi came to the front.   “As you all know we have a schedule to keep. The shifts will start at six every morning and since we now have enough guards we can take shifts and switch off when we’re not on duty. Training will start at five every morning, so everyone has to be there, no buts about it. Now I will hand you back to our Alpha.” Kristi said, stepping back.   “Well, you heard the lady. Get going and make us proud.” I said, turning around and walking back to the pack house. I walked into my office and nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw Kelly standing there.   “What the hell Kelly? I thought you weren't coming back for a few days?” I asked, surprised that she was here.   “Well, we cut it short because both Noah and I were worried about you. I ve tried linking you a few times, but you never answered me back, so what's the deal, Star?” Kelly replied, placing her hands on her hips.   “I’m really sorry, I’ve just been so busy in the last two days that I haven't heard any link coming through. I guess I’m just trying to stay busy, especially seeing as National came back and asked me out on a date, but I told him I would give him a call and let him know.” I said and Kelly shook her head.   “Star, you can't just keep yourself busy, you have been doing this for a while now and it's going to take a toll on your body, hell it already is. You and I both know what this is about, but you are doing more damage to yourself by not facing it. It's been a year.” Kelly said and I held my head down, not wanting to look at her.   “I know you still miss Nash and that's okay, I miss him too, but if you keep on like this then you are going to burn yourself out and drive yourself crazy.” Kelly said and I knew that she was right. I had been putting it off for so long, but I knew I couldn't put it off any longer. Kelly took me by the hand and walked me out of the office and upstairs to my room.    “It's been a year, Star and it's time to open the last box, you need closure or you will never be able to move on.” Kelly said and I knew she was right, but it was just so hard. I didn't want to let go, I didn't want to forget about them. I didn't want to forget about Nash and the love we had for one another, but Kelly was right it was time. I walked over to my closet and took the last box down from the shelf that Nash and my mother had left me with the help of the Moon Goddess. This was it, I was going to do this, whether I wanted to or not, it was time.
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