Chapter 4 opening the last box

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Star’s P.O.V   I placed the box down on the bed and sat down with Kelly sitting down on the other side of the box. I sat there and just stared at it for a while, not sure what I was going to find inside it and whether I would be able to handle whatever it was. Yes, it had been a year and yes, I had come to terms with the fact that they were all gone and that they were never coming back, but opening this box would mean that it was really over, that it really was the end and that upset me. Was I really ready for this? I guess I would never be completely ready, but I had to do it.   “Okay, let's do this together. Are you ready for this?” Kelly asked and I nodded, taking a deep breath. We both placed our hands on either side of the lid, lifting it up and looking inside. I was glad that Kelly was doing this with me, but I also felt really guilty that she and Noah had left their honeymoon because of me.    “I’m sorry I ruined your honeymoon.” I blurted out before we went any further.   “You didn't ruin anything. Noah and I will be together forever and we can go anytime we want to, so stop worrying about it. We were just worried about you.” Kelly said, smiling at me. I looked in the box and found a letter from my mother, another two boxes, my mom's wedding dress and veil, so I put them to the side. Why would she give me the dress and veil she used to marry my hateful, abusive bastard of a father? I looked back in the box and found a lock box with a key taped to it and another letter, but this one had a small crown on the envelope, which was really weird. I put the lid back on the box and Kelly put it to one side, while I decided to open the letter from my mother first. My dearest daughter, I knew it was going to take you a while to do this and I know that even now you are still in mourning, but know that I love you with all my heart, you are the light in my eyes and I am so very proud of you. I know you're probably wondering why I gave you my wedding dress and veil, especially after everything your father did to all of us, but I don't want you to wear it. I want you to burn it. Your father was a cruel and heartless man, but I am grateful to him for two things and that is you and Luke, without him I would have never had you two and I thank the Moon Goddess every day for that. I want you to take the dress and veil after you have looked through the other boxes and burn it. When you open the small boxes you will find a bracelet in the one which is for you, my sweet baby girl. The other box, just throw it in the fire. I am sorry to have to put this burden on you, but I am unable to do it. I love you my sweet daughter and remember I will forever be in your heart as you are always in mine. The lock box is for you, open it after you are done, but make sure that someone is with you please. Love always, mom. I looked at the wedding dress and veil and threw it on the floor, making Kelly give me a weird look.   “It was my mom's wedding dress and veil, she wants me to burn it for her and I will do what she has asked.” I said, explaining it to her.   “That sounds fair enough, I don't think I would want to remember being married to him either.” Kelly said and I started to laugh a little. I opened the first small box up and saw the bracelet, which was absolutely stunning. It was a gold bracelet with two hearts engraved in the middle of it. I opened the next box, curious as to what else she wanted to burn, but when I opened it I found old pictures of my dad and her together, their wedding certificate and also their wedding photos. Now I understood why she wanted me to burn these and I placed them back into the box, not bothering to go through them because I didn't want to see photos of my dad, especially after how he turned out. I looked back in the box, hoping I had missed something, but there was nothing else there. I opened the letter with the small crown on it, looking at Kelly for support and she nodded as I started to read it. Star, How I wish I could be there with you today and every other day, but know that I am watching over you just like your mother. I’m proud of you and everything that you do, but you need to move on with your life. I know that by now you probably still haven't accepted National as your mate, but I’m telling you that I am fine with it and you have my blessing. I know that he will look after you and love you like I did, you just need to let him. I will forever be in your heart, you deserve to be happy and open your heart back up. Be the woman I love, be the baddest Alpha Warrior I know you can be. I know you're wondering about the small crown on the envelope, it's the same crown that is on your bear. You are my Queen and I love you. Love forever, Nash.   I placed the letters back in the box and looked at the lock box, I knew I wasn't ready to open it, but I also knew that I had to do it. I took the key from off the top, unlocked it and opened the lid, looking down. The lock box was filled with old pictures of me and my brother when we were much younger, there were also pictures of my mom, she had beautiful dark hair, her eyes were the greenest green and her smile would light up the room. I looked at all the photos, handing them to Kelly so that she could look at them too and we both laughed when we found a naked picture of my brother in the bath when he was like five. Once we had looked at all the photos I noticed that there was another letter in the bottom of the lock box, so I took it out and opened it. My dearest daughter, I know that you have now read all the letters, but I just wanted you to have these pictures. Please give some to your brother and tell him I love him, that I am very proud of him and you. Love mom.   “I’ll do better than that mom, I’ll show him your letter so that you can tell him yourself, well, he can read it in your handwriting.” I said, talking not only to myself, but my mom as well.   “I think he will like that.” Kelly said and I nodded.   “But this picture I think we should give to his mate Sonya.” Kelly said, laughing and holding up the picture of my brother naked in the bath. I nodded and started to laugh.   “Perfect, but instead of us giving it to her, we can put it in an envelope and ask my brother to give it to her, it will be so much funnier that way.” I replied and Kelly almost fell off the bed laughing as I handed her a blank brown envelope.   “That's brilliant, I love it….” Kelly said, placing the photo in the envelope and sealing it shut, writing on the front for Sonya’s eyes only. I started laughing again, sorting through the rest of the photos and putting the ones I wanted to keep in one pile and the ones I was going to give to Luke in another pile. I put the letters and the photos into a box where I kept the rest of the letters I had received from Nash, his parents and my mother, then put the box back on the shelf in my closet. I let out a huge sigh and was so happy that I had opened the lock box, now I was finally done looking through everything. I walked over to the dresser, picked up what I wanted and then walked back over to Kelly.   “I have been thinking about this and I know that you told me I could do it when I was ready, but I’m ready now. This belonged to Nash and I want to put it into the museum, I also have that sword over there that I want to put in the museum too.” I said and handed Kelly a long gold dagger. She looked at it before nodding and looking back at me.   “I'll put them in the museum tomorrow morning because it's getting late now. Hey, now that National’s back have you decided what you are going to do? Are you going to go out on a date with him?” Kelly asked and it was all I had thought about.   “Yeah I've decided. I'm going to make him sweat it out a bit, maybe for a day or two, after all he left me for six months without a word. What's a few days going to hurt?” I said, shrugging my shoulders.   “It's not going to hurt one bit.” Kelly said, laughing. Kelly and I carried on talking for a bit longer before she left and I turned to look at my moms wedding dress and veil that were still lying on the floor. I went over, picked them up, put them in a box and grabbed the other box that my mom wanted me to burn. I walked out of my room, downstairs and outside to the backyard. I put the dress, veil and box in the fire pit and lit the match, tossing it into the fire and watching as it all went up in flames.   “There you go mom, I’ve done exactly what you wanted. I hope that this puts you at rest now.” I said, watching as the ashes flew into the sky. I waited until everything was completely burned and turned to ashes before going back inside the pack house and back to my room. Today had been a long and stressful day, I was looking forward to my bed and just resting.
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