Chapter two explaining

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Star’s P.O.V   I listened to him ramble on and on, talking about the countries he visited, the drinking he had done and all so that he could try and forget me, which pissed me off, but I knew exactly what he meant as I had done the same thing, apart from the drinking and travelling. I had distanced myself from him and kept him at arm's length, but the thing that had my heart beating faster was when he said he couldn't get me out of his mind. He had done exactly the same as me, he had missed our conversations too, he missed my smile like I had missed his, he had missed my scent like I had missed his. I really wanted to give him a hard time, but even though I wasn't really angry at him, I wasn't going to let him off the hook that easy, not just yet anyway.   “So, you went to other countries to try to forget about me? You drank your sorrows away and tried to find someone else, but couldn't. So from what I'm hearing when you couldn't find someone else, another mate, you came back to me. Hoping I would do what?” I asked, but I couldn't keep my face straight for long because the look of pure fear and dread on his face started to make me chuckle.   “National, it's okay. I understand exactly what you're saying. I’m grateful that you gave me the time I needed to heal, but I am glad that you're back, just don't leave like that again. Why did you leave? Why didn't you even leave a note and tell someone where you were going? Did you think I was going to forget about you?” I asked and National shook his head.   “I hoped you had not forgotten about me, I prayed to the Moon Goddess that you hadn't forgotten about me. I left to give us both time and space, to heal and to see if we were really meant for each other, if we missed and needed each other. I didn't leave a note because in all honesty I had no idea what to say or how to word it, but I did tell my Beta. I’m sorry that I left for so long.” National said and I nodded.   “Well, since you've been gone a lot has happened and I mean a hell of a lot. We held the funerals for the dead and Alpha Blair came and took her dead pack members away, we formed an alliance with Alpha Dillon’s pack and we buried the three parts of Bass out of the way, so he was nowhere near anyone’s territory. I made Kira an official member of my pack after she had died fighting for us and she had a proper funeral with the other pack members. Kelly and I continued with our training and improved over time. Kelly and Noah got married and they left a couple of days ago for their honeymoon, they should be back in a few days. A lot of couples here had pups so we have them running around everywhere, so much so that we had to build a daycare and hire nannies to watch over them while their parents are at work, training or on patrol. Like I said a lot has happened since you've been away, but I’m glad that you are back. I have missed you, I've missed our talks too.” I said, filling him in on everything and admitting that I had actually missed him. National stood there listening to me and when I had finished he smiled at me. Goddess I've missed that smile.   “Well actually, I have another reason for coming here. I came here to ask you out on a date, maybe dinner and a movie, a walk around the park or whatever, you decide where you want to go. I think that we deserve this chance to see where this goes, so when or if you decide that you want to go on this date then give me a call, okay.” National said, handing me the flowers he was still holding. I smelled the flowers, lilies, my favourite.   “How did you know that my favourite flowers were lilies? Thank you so much, I’ll give you a call when I decide.” I replied and he just smiled, nodded and left. I watched as he walked away, leaving out the front door and I turned around, putting the flowers on the table. I looked back to where National had left and brought my hand up to my chest, feeling my heartbeat. My heart was beating ten to the dozen, just from seeing him and smelling his scent, I felt as if my heart was going to beat out of my chest. A date? Where the hell would we go on a date? I thought to myself, biting my lower lip as I was trying to think of possible places. We could go to a seafood place and have a few drinks, but then again I don't know if he is allergic to any types of seafood. We could go and see a movie and talk, but then again we wouldn't be able to talk during a movie. We needed to have a conversation, it was a talk that we couldn't hold off on, but there were so many things to consider before we did that. I decided it would be best to wait a few days before calling him, besides he made me wait a year for him, what's a few days or maybe even a week, I thought to myself heading upstairs.   I needed a nice hot shower, needed to feel the hot water running over my body because I had been sitting for so long that all my muscles had stiffened up. As soon as I got into the bathroom I turned on the water, stripped my clothes off and got under the shower. I stood there for over an hour, allowing the water to ease and relax my muscles, when I was done I got out and dried myself off. I knew that everyone was asleep now and I wasn't going to be disturbed by people knocking on my door for anything, so this was my time to relax and think things through. I grabbed my robe, putting it on as I walked back into my bedroom. I felt a cool breeze coming in through the window, but the weird thing is that I could have sworn that I closed it before I went downstairs this morning. I walked back over to the window, closing it and this time I made sure that I locked it before closing the curtains and lying down on my bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long and full day, I had to be on a conference type call with four Alpha’s, who were all fighting and arguing over territory.
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