Chapter 5 taking to my brother

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Star’s P.O.V   The next few days flew by, with training and making the usual phone calls, but thankfully I didn't have to deal with those four Alpha’s again. Alpha Dillon went out to the neutral land yesterday and marked it for the Alpha’s, who from what Alpha Dillon said watched him like a hawk the whole time and even measured the land to make sure that they all had the same size land. They really were pathetic and childish if you ask me. Kelly placed Nash’s gold dagger and sword into the museum, where it belonged right next to his mom and dad's stuff and with all the great Alpha’s and Luna’s. Today was the day for Luke to come and get the photos and also the secret photo for Sonya, I really wanted to see both hers and his face when they saw that one, but I don't mind imagining it.   “Hey sis, can we talk for a few minutes?” Luke asked, popping his head round the door to my office.   “Yeah sure, come on in. I always have time for my big brother.” I replied, waving for him to come in and turning away from my computer. Luke walked into the office and flopped down on the chair in front of my desk.   “Are you okay?” I asked, looking at him.   “Yeah, I’m okay. Listen I know you told National to give you a few days, but he is going crazy over there. He's pacing back and forth, waiting for your call or for you to come by and everytime the phone rings he practically lunges at it. He broke his desk in two yesterday because he threw himself at the phone when it rang. Why are you making him wait?” Luke asked and I sighed.   “Luke, it's not that easy. I lost the love of my life and then when I finally got my life back on track he picked up and left for a year. I’m not just going to run over there and jump into his arms like nothing has happened.” I replied, shaking my head.   “I’m not asking you to run and jump into his arms, I’m asking you to put him out of his misery and mine. He is driving me nuts over there and you could at least give him a chance, he gave you the time and space you needed, he didn't push you and let you heal.” Luke said and he was right. National had done all those things for me, he was patient with me and didn't pressure me.   “Yeah, you're right. He did all of those things and I appreciate that because he didn't have to, he could have just rejected me instead of waiting for me and I did miss him while he was gone, but I’m not going to tell him that. I will give him a call, just give me a moment.” I said and Luke nodded. I picked up the phone and dialled National’s number. I thought Luke was joking when he said that National was waiting for my call and kept jumping on the phone, but he wasn't because National answered the phone halfway through the first ring.    “Hello….I’m here….I mean this is Alpha National.” National nervously answered the phone, making me laugh.   “Hello National, its Star. I….thought about what you asked me the other day and well, how about tomorrow night? The date, say around eight at night. We can go to dinner and have that talk we’ve been needing to have.” I replied and there was nothing. I thought he had hung up or something as there was nothing coming from the other side, it was silent. I pulled the phone away to see if the call was still connected and looked at Luke who shrugged. I was about to hang up when suddenly I heard National start to talk.   “That's fine. I’ll be there at eight tomorrow and after we eat we can go somewhere to talk. Is there a special place you would like to go to or would you like me to surprise you?” National asked and he sounded more relaxed than when he first answered the phone.   “No, there's no special place, just surprise me. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I replied and hung up the phone. I looked back at Luke to see him smiling from ear to ear.   “Are you happy now?” I asked and he quickly nodded.   “Yeah, I’m happy. Just be nice to him sis. So, you say that you have some photos for me? Where are they?” Luke asked and I smiled.   “Here they are, but could you also give this to Sonya for me please? Don't look inside, it's girl stuff and it would really gross you out.” I said, still smiling and he nodded as I handed him the brown envelope and the photos. I couldn't wait to see his reaction when he realised what it was.   National’s P.O.V   I had been pouncing on the phone everytime it rang ever since I asked Star out on a date, but it was never her and it was driving me insane. I was willing for it to be her ringing me.   “Ring damn it, ring.” I said, looking at the phone and like magic it started ringing. I grabbed the phone and I was so nervous hoping it was her that I started talking nonsense. I cant believe that she actually called, Star actually called me. I’ve been waiting for this day since I left her, wondering if she would call me. It's been a long time since I actually went out on a date, but I’ll make it work. Suddenly there was a knock on my office door, breaking me out of my thoughts of where I was going to take Star on our first date.   “Enter.” I said and turned just as the door opened. Lisa came walking into the office, with barely anything on, only wearing a short silk robe.    “I thought we could continue what we were doing. I want you to mark me Alpha, let me be the Luna of this pack, together we can make this pack stronger than ever.” Lisa said, walking towards me and I shook my head, sitting down behind my desk.   “I don't think so Lisa, I’ve told you before that I’m never going to mark you. I’m not interested in you and I never have been.” I replied and heard her growl.   “So, you want that she-bear for a mate? That will never work, National. What the hell are you thinking? We should be together.” Lisa said, glaring at me.   “Lisa, you have two seconds to turn around and leave my office or I will have you head nailed to my office wall. Now get the f**k out of my office.” I said, getting angry with this w***e. Lisa walked over to me, sitting on the edge of my desk, now this b***h was really starting to piss me off.   “You will highly regret this, if I have my way I’ll be Luna of this pack.” Lisa said, growling.   “THE ONLY WAY THAT YOU WILL EVER BE LUNA OF MY PACK IS IF I MARK YOU AND I WILL NEVER MARK YOU!! NOW GET THE f**k OUT OF MY OFFICE OR YOU WILL BE OUT ON YOUR ASS!!” I shouted and she rolled her eyes at me, walking out of my office.   Lisa’s P.O.V   How the hell could he pick that useless bear b***h over me? I’m a werewolf just like him and yet he wants a bear, a f*****g bear. That son of a b***h will get his. I will be Luna and I will lead this pack.
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