Chapter 6 date night

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National’s P.O.V   The next day came and I was yet again pacing back and forth in my bedroom, but this time I wasn't waiting for a call I was trying to make a decision and it was really hard. Where was I going to take Star on our first official date? It had to be somewhere special, but not overwhelming to the point she thought I was showing off and being flashy. Suddenly there was a knock on my door. It had better not be that b***h, I thought to myself, stomping over to the door and jerking it open, nearly pulling it off its hinges.    “WHAT!!” I shouted, but instantly felt guilty when I saw that it was Luke standing there.   “I’m sorry.” I said, hanging my head and walking back into my bedroom. I flopped down on my bed, holding my head in my hands as Luke followed me into the room.   “Dude, what the hell? I just came by to see if you have everything planned for your date tonight.” Luke asked and I shook my head.   “No, I don't. I don't have anything planned yet and I have no idea where to take her. I keep second guessing myself. Help.” I replied and Luke started to laugh.   “Calm down and just relax. Anyone would think you were planning to storm a castle or something with how tense you are. Why don't you take her to Chilis or the Olive Garden? Hey, how about taking her to a classy italian restaurant?” Luke said, but I shook my head to the last one.   “If I take her to a classy italian restaurant then she will think I’m showing off or something, I'll take her to Chilis, I’m sure we will both like that.” I replied and Luke nodded.   “Yeah, you're right she hates all that classy stuff, it always makes her feel uncomfortable. Well at least now you got a plan, now start getting ready. You need to be there soon, but just be a couple of seconds late. Don't look like your needy being there early or on time, just be you.” Luke said and I shook my head, laughing. As the day went on I took a long cold shower, dried off and started to get ready, but then I had the dilemma of what I was going to wear. I didn't want to wear a suit as it was too formal and like Luke said it would make her feel uncomfortable, but I didn't want to appear too casual either. I don't remember dating ever being this stressful and hard, but she was worth it and more. I finally decided on a pair of jeans and a black shirt, rolling my sleeves up and then combing my hair. I grabbed my car keys and wallet before heading out the door. I really hoped this worked and that she would like it.   Star’s P.O.V   The day went by really fast and I was surprised that I hadn't had a phone call or mind-link off Luke yet about the picture I gave to Sonya, maybe she hasn't opened it yet or maybe he hadn't given it to her yet. I had just started getting ready for my date with National. I took a long hot shower, dried off and hurried back into my bedroom to find out what I was going to wear. I had no idea where we were going tonight, so I had no idea what was going to be appropriate to wear, I didn't want to be overdressed or underdressed. I finally decided on a pair of black ripped jeans that hugged my curves and a sky blue v-neck shirt. I hurried to sit down and do my make-up, I didn't want anything too dark or too light, but I managed to get the look I wanted after three attempts. I brushed my hair and looked in the mirror, deciding what to do with it, but eventually decided just to let it hang over my shoulders with a thin hair band, holding it in place.   “Wow Star, you look amazing. Are you nervous?” Kelly asked, walking into my room.   “Yeah I am a little, but I’m sure I’ll be okay. I mean if the date isn't going well then I’ll just let him know and come back home. A part of me really wants this, but I’m just nervous, that's all.” I replied and looked at the time. Seven fifty five. He would be here soon. I looked in the full length mirror and brushed my hair once more, sprayed it and then I was ready. Kelly walked me downstairs and I could feel how nervous she was for me, which mixed in with my own nerves and I was fast becoming a wreck.   “You know it's going to be okay, just relax and breathe, but also remember to be yourself, okay.” Kelly said, giving me my hoop earrings and bracelet.    “You look amazing, Star.” Kelly said and I smiled as we went and sat down in the kitchen. I kept looking at my watch, listening out for his car and it was five past eight when I heard him pull up. I went to get out of my seat to go and open the door for him, but Kelly made me sit back down.   “Let him come up the steps and knock the door, remember this is a date.” Kelly said and I did as I was told, waiting for him to knock on the door. I listened carefully to everything he was doing, I heard his car door open and close, I heard his footsteps on the gravel path leading up to the front door, I heard his footsteps on the porch and then he finally knocked the door. I bolted out of my seat, making Kelly laugh at my eagerness as I tried to calm my racing heartbeat, but when I opened the door and saw how handsome he looked my heart beat just grew faster.   National’s P.O.V   Even though I hated arriving there late I did exactly what Luke had told me and it was agonising, but when she opened the door I quickly forgot about it. I was stunned at how beautiful she looked and my heart felt like it was trying to beat its way out of my chest. I stepped inside and I couldn't stop looking at her, until someone cleared their throat and when I looked up I saw that it was Kelly.   “You have her home by morning, that's her curfew.” Kelly said and we both started laughing, as Star started blushing.   “Are you ready?” I asked, turning back to face Star and she nodded. We left the pack house and I held the car door open for her and shut it after she got in. I looked back at the pack house to see Kelly standing on the porch with her fingers crossed and I smiled that she wanted this for us too. I got in the car and turned the radio off, wanting to focus all my attention on her.   “I thought we would go to Chilis, unless you want to go somewhere else?” I asked and she looked like she was thinking, biting her bottom lip and she had no idea how much that turned me on.   “Chilis is fine with me, we can have a couple of drinks and eat dinner.” Star replied and I was happy that I made the right decision with the help of Luke’s suggestion. I drove away from the pack house and went straight to the restaurant, which isn't too far away and when we got there I parked the car and we headed inside. We were seated at a booth and twenty minutes later a waitress came over to take our drink and food order. We both ordered sizzling fajitas with steak and shrimp, with long island ice teas. The food didn't take too long to arrive and we both dug in, enjoying each other's company. We ate, talked, laughed and joked and by the time we were done we were both full. I paid the bill and we got up from our seats, leaving the restaurant and getting back into my car. I had the next part of the date planned and I was looking forward to seeing her face when she saw it.
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