Chapter 18 warning the white witch

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Leticia’s (Lisa’s sister) P.O.V   The next day the whole pack had training, the warriors were on one side and the fighters were on the other side. They all had to do eighty laps, then squats, sit ups, push ups, leg lifts and finished it off with sparring against one another. I was keeping an eye on my target, Star who was right in the very middle of it all. Trust that b***h to be the center of everyone's attention. Goddess how I hate her. I watched as she shifted into her huge bear and she and Kelly  started sparring against other she-bears and she-wolves, but by the time they had stopped they were all a bloody mess. All the women shifted back into their human forms and quickly healed, no one would ever know that they had been injured if they weren't still covered in blood. Lisa was my sister and I had helped her by sneaking into Star’s room the night that National came back, but I didn't find anything that could help Lisa get rid of Star. I couldn’t look any further because I heard the water shutting off so I had to get out of there really fast, but I forgot to close the window behind me and it was too risky to try it again. I still have no idea what Lisa was looking for, but I guess I will never know now because that b***h Star killed her, burning her body and I hated her for it. I wanted revenge for my sister, I wanted to make her suffer like she had my sister.    I found out from Kevin that Star took my sisters mate National and killed her to get her out of the way. Kevin also told me that she had powers, but that she didn't know how to use them and that she wasn't very strong. I had been watching her ever since Kevin told me that she killed my sister yesterday and I had decided that I was going to challenge her. I didn't care about the Luna title, that s**t was too much hard work, I just wanted revenge for my sister. I wanted to teach this piece of trash a lesson, not to screw with my family. I will get my revenge, but I had watched her fighting today and realised that I wasn't really a strong fighter, not in human form either, but I will get her soon enough and then I will make her pay for what she has done. I stormed off to my room, trying to think of the best way to get to her and kill her.   Star’s P.O.V   The training session today had gone really well, we had all worked really hard and each of us were getting better, focusing on our weaknesses and trying to overcome them. It was a little weird sparring against werewolves, but I bet that they felt the same as what we did, sparring against werebears, we were equally matched in certain areas, but werewolves were faster than us while we were stronger, so it helped us all get better and was a challenge for everyone. I had this really weird feeling like someone was watching me all day, but I just wasn't sure who it was because shoot, let's face it everyone watches each other when they are sparring. We all shifted back into our human forms after finishing up and that was when I really felt it, the anger of whoever this person was. They were so furious, so angry and volatile, but it was all directed at me and I had no idea why. Who was this person and what the hell did I ever do to them? I'll have to keep my eyes open from here on out, just in case someone is gunning for me again. I need to find out who this person is and what the reason is for them to be so angry at me.   Kevin’s P.O.V   Today was finally the day that I was able to go and see the witch, Karen and Justin were going to come with me, but I haven't got a clue what to bring with me. I didn't know what she would need or what she would take as payment, so I decided on a few things. The first thing I grabbed was money, just in case she wanted it as payment, the second thing was a piece of flesh, but it made me wonder if she was the sort of witch to accept a flesh offering. Either way I don't mind because it wasn't my flesh, I had taken it from a weak Omega who was scared and it made it even more exciting for me. The third thing I took with me was some herbs because I had heard that witches liked herbs and used them all the time, so I figured why the hell not. I put the herbs and money in a small sack, but placed the flesh in a small plastic zip lock bag, so it wouldn't ruin the herbs or stain the money, then I put it in the sack. Karen, Justin and I set off on foot, but it took us about four hours to get to the witch's house because Karen forgot how to get there. We had to pass through thorn bushes, vines and had to go over fallen logs before the house finally came into view.    It was a pretty looking house and Karen was right about how beautiful the gardens were, there were roses, daisies and many more flowers. On the other side of the house was a huge herb garden and I was so thankful that I had brought the herbs with me, it might be just my luck that she will leave the money and just take the flesh and herbs. We walked through some more thorn bushes and then up the steps to the house, where there were windchimes and other little items littered all around the outside of the house, there was even a horse shoe above the door with the ends pointing up. I had heard when I was a child that you point the ends up so that the luck doesn't run out and I just always thought it was a myth, but maybe there was some truth to it seeing as the witch had it positioned like that. This whole house was a little weird, but whatever rocks her boat I suppose. Karen walked right up to the door and knocked on it three times, like it was some secret code she had been taught before coming back here. We were all nervous because we didn't know what she was going to say or if she was going to help us, but then I heard footsteps and the door slowly opened.   “Well hello there little one, your back and you brought company. How can I help you today?” The woman said, talking only to Karen, but looking directly at me. By the way that she looked at me it made me wonder if she already knew who I was and why I was here?
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