Chapter 19 seeing the white witch

1951 Words
Karen’s P.O.V   “Well hello there little one, your back and you brought company. How can I help you today?” The woman said and I really liked her. The white witch was sweet and I liked how she called me little one, it made me feel a bit precious. The young woman was only about 5.1, with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes, but the weird thing is that this is the first time I had really taken in her appearance. I had also realised that I never asked her name and that was a bit rude of me, but when I first came here I was nervous because I didn't know what to expect and now I could take it all in, even though I was still nervous due to my brother.   “Hia, I brought my brother like you said, giving you three days so that you can get prepared.” I replied, smiling and she smiled back at me.   “Good, good, I’m glad you followed my instructions. Come inside all of you and we can talk about this, watch your step when you come in.” The woman said and we all followed her into the house and to the same living room I was in before. I immediately sat down in the same comfy armchair I had before while the woman sat in her chair, Justin stood behind me and Kevin stood by the fireplace.   The White Witch’s P.O.V   It was so good to see the little one, Karen again, but I wasn't so happy to see her brother. I could sense his evil and destructive aura as soon as he walked up the path and I knew that he was up to no good, but I decided to find out what he was up to before I did anything. Like the old saying goes, never judge a book by its cover.   “So, what do you need my help with?” I asked and her brother just stared at me. His eyes held evil intentions, but I didn't know what they were yet.   “I need your help getting this powerful she-bear. She's beautiful and powerful and I want her.” The brother replied and I smiled.   “What is your name and who is this she-bear that you are wanting, dear?” I asked, wanting to know who I was dealing with. Karen had already told me on her last visit that it was Star, but I wanted to make sure that it was the Star I thought it was.   “My name is Kevin and the one I am talking about is called Star, she has powers and I want her, she is the Alpha of Black Bear Pack.” Kevin replied and thankfully he looked away from me when he said her name. I knew Star, she helped me a few months back. I was starving and beaten by rogues. I was near death when she found me at the border of her territory, instead of just leaving me to die like others would have she took me in, fed me and gave me the medical attention I desperately needed. She got me back to health, but the rogues beat me so bad that I was left blind in one eye and I would be forever unable to have children of my own. If it wasn't for Star I would have been dead and I would be forever grateful to her for that.   “So, what do you want me to do?” I asked and he shook his head.   “I want you to do something, you're a witch, do what witches do.” Kevin said and I couldn't help laughing my ass off. This man was so stupid it is unbelievable. I was laughing so hard it took me a while to recover, but when I did I shook my head at him.   “So, you want me to do something witchy for you without giving me anything in return?” I asked and he placed a small sack on the table in front of me. I took the small sack and opened it, emptying the contents out onto the table. I handed the money back to him as I have no interest in money or anything I can use it for, after all money doesn't buy happiness. I gladly accepted the herbs as they always came in handy, not just for my potions, but for cooking too. Then I saw the small plastic bag that was soft and squidgy, I opened it up to see that there was a piece of flesh inside it and I shook my head, resealing it and giving it back to him.   “For starters I don't want or need your money, so you can keep that. The flesh is more for dark witches that practice black magic and that is not me, I’m a white witch and only practice good magic. As for the herbs I will keep them, I can use them in potions that don't harm anyone. Thank you it was quite an interesting experience to see what you thought I would take.” I said and watched as he breathed a sigh of relief that he could keep his money. Was he really that desperate to get something for nothing?   “Okay, so what happens next? Do we wait around for you to do something witchy or do you give us something we can take with us? What?” Kevin asked and I shook my head.   “Here's what you I’m going to tell you, come back in four days and I’ll have a potion ready for you…..” I said, but before I could finish Kevin rudely interrupted me.   “Four days, I have to wait another four days? I already waited three days and now you want me to wait another four days? Are you serious?” Kevin angrily said, shaking his head. How rude was this twerp?   “If you would let me finish instead of interrupting me then you would find out what I was going to say or would you rather not have my help and do this on your own?” I sternly replied, glaring at him and raising my eyebrow. I knew that there was no way in hell he was going to refuse my help, after all he needed it in order to get Star, but I wanted him to know that I wasn't one to be messed with.    “Fine, please continue. I’m sorry, there, happy now.” Kevin said, smiling fakely at me.    “With the potion that I am going to create you will need to get close enough to slip the whole amount into her red wine. It must be red wine, there is no other way. Now, as for the four days this is a special potion and it will take me time to create it, it will also need time for it to be fully ready. Now I need you to go so that I can get prepared.” I said and got up from my seat, gesturing for them to do the same. I walked them all to the front door, but grabbed Karen by the hand to stop her from leaving. She had to be warned.      Karen’s P.O.V   “Karen, can you stay back for a couple of minutes please?” The woman asked and I nodded, closing the door as Justin and my brother left.   “I’m sorry about my brother, he can be a real ass at times. By the way I’m also sorry for not asking early, it was rude of me, but what is your name? I don't feel comfortable calling you the white witch.” I asked and she smiled at me.   “My name is Brie, now I need you to listen to me very carefully, this is for your own safety. You need to get out.” Brie replied and I was confused as to what she meant.   “I don't understand, Brie. What do you mean I need to get out?” I asked, wanting to be sure that she was thinking the same thing that I was.   “You and Justin need to leave, leave in three days before it’s time for him to come back here. Your brother is going to lose this war that he is brewing up. Star is a very powerful werebear, she lost her first mate not so long ago because of someone wanting the exact same thing that he does. Star and her dead mate's sister ripped that wolf in half, they didn't show an ounce of mercy.” Brie said, but I felt so confused.   “You knew who Star was all this time and you didn't say anything?” I asked and she shook her head.   “I didn't know you were talking about the same Star, until your brother mentioned the pack that she was from. Listen, you have to trust me, you must leave in three days, pack your stuff and head to Star’s pack. She will take you in and protect you and your mate. You will be safe. I have felt your brother's aura and I will tell you that it is evil, he is going to turn on you as soon as he gets this potion, so you need to hurry up.” Brie said and I sighed. I knew that she was right because I had somehow sensed it myself.   “I know that you're right, I know I need to, but I keep putting it off. I’ll pull Justin to one side and tell him what we need to do. We’ll leave in three days like you said, but we’ll leave in the night so that my brother won't find us until the very last second. He’ll only know once we have left the territory. What about you? What are you going to do? If my brother comes back here and you haven't made that potion he will kill you.” I replied and Brie just shook her head.   “I will be just fine, don't worry about that, just get to safety and take care of yourself.” Brie said and I quickly nodded, hugging her tightly before leaving her house. This was probably going to be the last time I saw her and I didnt want to let her go. Brie pulled away from me, smiling as she opened the door and let me out. I sadly walked away from her, catching up to my brother and Justin and quickly forcing a smile on my face. We didn't say anything all the way back to the pack house, but Kevin and Justin kept glancing over at me from time to time. Justin was glancing at me because he was worried, but I knew that Kevin was glancing at me because he was suspicious. We finally made it back to the pack house and I couldn't wait to tell Justin what Brie had told me, but then Kevin pulled me and Justin into his office. We went in and Kevin shut the door behind us, staring at me the whole time and it made me nervous.   “So, what did she have to say? I know she wanted to talk to you in private, so what was it about?” Kevin asked and I froze on the spot. Oh Goddess, please help me.
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