Chapter seven the talk and building

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Star’s P.O.V   The dinner had been amazing, we were really getting on well and getting to know each other even better, which was great. I wasn't nervous anymore, not until I saw that we weren't going back to the pack house, we were going down the highway. Where were we going now? National grabbed my hand and gently held it in his, making my heart skip a beat.   “The date isn't over yet, I want to take you somewhere else. It's a cliff overlooking the forest and you can watch all the wild animals roaming around and playing.” National said and I nodded, relaxing back in my seat. So far so good, I thought to myself. I wonder what else he has planned because I didn't want this night to end, I was having so much fun. We turned off the highway and drove for about a mile and a half before driving up this long and bendy road to the top of the cliff. When we reached the spot where he said he turned the engine off and raced out of his seat to open the door for me. He held his hand out and I gladly took it as I got out of the car, but then he didn't let my hand go and walked me over to near the edge of the cliff.   “See, this is what I was talking about. You can see everything from up here, you can look out over the whole forest and watch everything and everyone.” National said and I looked over the forest with him. It was so beautiful up here, there was barely a breeze and it was so peaceful. I looked up at the sky, looking at the stars and how full the moon was. This was a wonderful first date, but my thoughts were interrupted when National gently squeezed my hand, drawing my attention to him.   “Star, we need to talk. I knew that we have both been through hell and back, both of us have lost our mates, but I also feel the bond between us, it's getting stronger and all I want is to be with you. No matter how hard I try and fight it, I can't stop it, nor do I want to. I want you, I want us, that's what I want, I want us.” National said, making a lump form in my throat. He was so sweet and a perfect gentleman, he had waited for me, not knowing if I was ever going to accept him.   “You're right, we’ve been through hell and back, but I will tell you now that I still think about Nash and I still miss him . I also know that I need to continue with my life, it's time. I want us as well, I have been wanting us, but it was just too soon and I was still in mourning. In some ways we both still are, but if you're willing to try, then I am too.” I replied and his eyes lit up, but then he looked confused.   “So, what are you saying, Star?” National asked and I rolled my eyes.   “National, I just told you what I was trying to say, think about what I just said, all you have to do is ask.” I said and he looked like he was thinking when suddenly a lightbulb went off in his head and he looked at me like he was the dumbest guy ever as he slapped his forehead, making me laugh.   “Star, do you want to be together with me? Do you want to be my mate for life? Do you want to see where this goes?” National asked and watched as I nodded.   “Yes, I want to be together, I want to be your mate for life and I want to see where this goes.” I replied and National smiled from ear to ear.   “What are we going to do about our packs?” National asked and I smiled again.   “I’ve already thought about that, I was thinking about what would happen if we accepted each other and I have an idea. We can combine our packs, we will clear our territory and build more onto our land.” I said and he nodded. We sat down on the grass near the edge of the cliff and began talking about how this would all work, how we were going to plan everything out and how we were going to let both of our packs know what was going on. I knew my pack would be fine with it because they had already given me their blessing, but I had no idea how National’s pack was going to react to it. We sat there for hours and ended up agreeing to build on my land because our territories are so close together, so we could even combine the pack house as well to make one massive one. It might take some time to do, but it will happen.   National’s P.O.V   This had been an amazing night and I was over the moon when Star agreed to be my mate. She was amazing and everything I could ever ask for, she was perfect in every way and I was the luckiest man alive. We had talked for many hours and neither of us realised it was so late or should I say early until we saw that the sun was rising.   “How about we mind-link our packs and tell them all to meet on your territory, that way we can tell them all in one go?” I said and she nodded. I watched as her beautiful eyes glazed over and she was so mesmerising. I closed my eyes and created a link between me and the rest of my pack.   “Everyone, I need you all to meet me on Alpha Star’s territory, right now.” I said, mind-linking everyone and just as I ended the link I opened my eyes to see that Star was staring at me. I smiled at her as I stood up and held out my hand helping her up. We got back into the car and headed back to Star’s territory, where we knew everyone would be waiting for us by the time we got back. I held Star’s hand all the way back, hoping that everyone would agree to the plans we had in mind, but if they didn't then they were free to leave and join other packs. I wasn't going to lose my mate because of one of my pack members again, not like I did the first time. We finally got back to Star’s pack house to see that every single member from both of our packs was here waiting for us. Star and I looked at each other, smiling.   “Do you want me to do the talking or do you want me to start and you jump in?” Star asked and I smiled.   “Yeah, the second one please.” I replied and she started laughing. I wasn't much of a big talker, especially when it came to this many people. I got out of the car and made my way round to Star’s side, opening the door for her and helping her out. I stood beside her as we looked at everyone.   “Alright, so I’m guessing everyone already knows what this is about. Yes, National and I are mates and we are now together. We are going to see where this goes, but we have already accepted each other as mates for life. What we are going to do is combine our packs, we are going to clear the land between our two territories and build on it, our pack houses are close enough together to build onto them to make them one massive house.” Star said and then she turned and looked at me. I stepped forward and looked at everyone, looking for any signs of doubt, worry or defiance.   “So, to clear the air does anyone have any problems with us being together? We are going to start clearing and building in two days time, so that everyone can get used to the idea and know which part they will be working on. I think that this is going to take two to three months to do, so if we start straight away then everything will be finished in two months. Is there anything anyone wants to say, while we are all standing here?” I asked and Luke stepped forward with his mate Sonya.   “Yeah, I have something to say. It's about damn time.” Luke said and everyone started laughing, except for a few people who I could see didn't like any of this one bit. I smiled as I looked at Luke and Sonya, but then I saw that she was carrying a brown envelope that had been opened. What was that for?   “I have something to say as well, Luke, sweetie. You know how you poured freezing cold water on me when I was in the shower?” Sonya asked and Luke nodded, laughing. I looked at Star wondering what this was about, but I saw her and Kelly slowly backing away into the pack house.   “Well, I would like to show this to everyone and see if you are still laughing when you see it.” Sonya said, pulling what looked to be a photo out of the envelope. Sonya held the photo up high, letting everyone see it and we all started laughing and whistling when we saw that it was a picture of Luke naked in the bath. Luke looked at the photo and his face drained of colour, the smile disappearing completely.    “STAR!! KELLY!! I SWEAR TO THE MOON GODDESS I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!!” Luke shouted, running after the squealing women into the pack house. I was laughing so hard that my sides were hurting. Sonya and I ran into the pack house after them, wanting to see what he was going to do.   Lisa’s P.O.V   I hissed as they announced that they were together, it was disgusting to see them like this, especially when it should be me. Nothing was going to stop me from being Luna. I will help them build, but as soon as it's done I will step up and challenge Star for her crown, at least by then I will be the Luna over two packs and not just one, but until then we all need to help and build onto my territory. I want this place to look amazing for when the time comes for me to rule over it all.
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