Chapter 8 building on

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National’s P.O.V   Over the next couple of weeks all you could hear were the sounds of chainsaws cutting down trees to make way for the new buildings and everything else that we had planned. We had all the members from the two packs helping out and working on this, hammering, sawing and drilling as we started to build onto the pack houses and join them together. At first it didn't look like much, just a weird structure that stood in between the two pack houses, but after a couple of months it looked like one huge long hallway with rooms leading off it. Each room was built specifically to the needs of the pack members that would be living there, with the mated being upstairs and the unmated being downstairs. We had to build onto the daycare building we already had and turn it into a full blown nursery for the pups and cubs. We built a bigger dining room, one that could seat all the pack members and things were going really well, so well that by the third month we all took a few days off building and just relaxed. Everyone got the sleep and rest they needed, some decided to just lounge by the pool, while others just had fun. After those few days had passed and everyone was back to work. We emptied the pool realising that it wasn't anywhere near big enough for all of us and built a bigger one. The museum was the only building that was left untouched and we had different Alpha’s, Luna’s and other members from different packs coming to put items of their fallen into the museum. A few more months went by and then that few months turned into a year, but everything was finally done. The pack house was completed and it was huge, even more cabins had been built around the territory, two huge playgrounds had been built, one for the nursery and one for the older kids. We had dug up and created more gardens including extra flower gardens, vegetable gardens and even a few fruit gardens, but there was still loads of territory left for us to build onto when we wanted or needed to. Star and I had gathered everyone in the front yard, making them all stand back to see what we all had created and how happy and proud they could be of the hard work they had put in.   “Everyone, I would like to thank each and every one of you for everything you have done. We have all worked hard, we have poured our sweat, blood and tears into this and we have accomplished so much. We all thought it would only take a few months to do, but that soon turned into a year and we got very little sleep. I want you all to take a good look around and see what each and everyone of you have done for your family and for your pack.” I said and I was really getting better at talking to large groups. Everyone started to look around at everything they had created, walking into and around the inside of the pack house, walking around outside and it was amazing. When they all finally returned to the front of the pack house it was now Star’s turn to speak.   “Everyone, I am so proud of you all and I would like you all to give yourself a hand. We all worked so hard on this.” I said and they all erupted into cheers, whistles and clapping.   “Come on, let's go and rest, we deserve it. You are free and welcome to do whatever you want to do. Enjoy yourselves, you've more than earned it.” Star said and everyone scattered going to do whatever they wanted. Some went inside to rest, while others went into town to buy things for their new rooms and cabins, some decided to train, but the warriors had different ideas and all of them stepped forward to speak with Star and I.   “Is there something wrong?” I asked, but they all shook their heads.   “No Alpha’s, we want to carry on building. There are over two hundred of us and we want to build a bigger warrior house.” The one head warrior replied and Star and I smiled to hear them.   “If that is what you want then you are free to do so, do you need any help?” Star asked, but they all shook their heads again. It was like a military formation the way they did it at the same time.   “No Alpha’s, we want to do this ourselves. Thank you.” The other head warrior replied and I nodded. The warriors went over and started work on their house straight away. They worked through the night and after two gruelling days the warrior house was built exactly the way that they wanted it, each of them had their own room and if they had a mate then they were now able to stay with them. It was an impressive sight to see and they all seemed so happy now.    Star’s P.O.V   I felt exhausted and all I wanted was a long hot shower, so I excused myself and went up to my room and straight into the bathroom, getting into the shower. National and I had been taking things really slowly and we were still seeing where this would go, we hadn’t mated or marked each other and were still sleeping in separate rooms, but the time was getting closer. A year had gone by with building everything and I would often find myself wondering if Nash and his parents would approve of what we have done.   “Nash, are you happy with what we have done? Are your parents happy? I miss you all so much and I know that I need to let go, but it's so hard. I’m sorry if you feel that I have forgotten about you, but I want you to know that I have not and never will. I love you and I want to thank you for saving me so long ago, but I promise I will do as you have asked and move on. I will open my heart up and see what happens.” I whispered into the air, looking up at the ceiling as if I was looking up at them. I knew that I wouldn't get an answer, but it still felt nice to talk to them. I stood under the water for a little while longer before finishing up and getting out, drying myself off and going back into the bedroom. I got dressed in jeans and a blouse before putting my shoes on and going downstairs to my office. When we were building onto the pack house National had an office built next to mine for him, it had a door joining the rooms so that we could open it and see each other as we worked. I went into my office and the door between our rooms was wide open, I looked over at National as I sat behind my desk and saw that he was talking on the phone. National looked like he was having a very serious conversation, so I decided to get up and go into his office to find out what was going on. I shut the joining door and walked over to him, placing my hand on his shoulder as I stood behind him. National reached up and held my hand, kissing the back of it and it sent a wave of tingles and sparks through my body. After a while he finished the call and pulled me round, sitting me on his lap and wrapping his arms around me.   “So, what was that all about?” I asked and he shrugged.   “Oh nothing, just Alpha Robert of Rosewood pack. He has rogues running around the  territory, so I told him that I would send him my best warriors in a few days to help. Everyone needs to rest first, so I’m not sending anyone until they are fully rested.” National replied and I nodded. National buried his face in the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent and sending waves of electricity throughout my whole body. The most we had done was make out and that was all I needed then, that was all I wanted then as I knew that I still wasn't ready to go any further, but now I am ready and I wanted to do this with him. I got up from his lap and walked over to the door, locking it and then walked back over, sitting back on his lap as he gave me a confused and worried expression.   “Is everything okay, Star?” National asked and I nodded.   “I thought we could use a little alone time. We haven't had a chance to properly talk about things for almost a year with everything that has been going on and it's almost like we have been avoiding the conversation or avoiding us.” I replied and he shook his head.   “Love, we have just been really busy this past year. Everyone is happy for us and now that we have joined packs most might even find their mate. On the other hand I found mine and we definitely need our alone time.” National said, yet again burying his face in the crook of my neck and inhaling my scent. It had been a year since we agreed to be mates and National had been so patient with me, he hadn't pushed me or pressured me into mating and marking each other, he had been the perfect gentleman, but I was ready now and from the bulge in his pants that was digging into me I could tell that he was ready too.   “Star….” National said, trailing kisses down my neck and making me moan.   “Yes, let’s….” I replied, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer. National quickly took the hint and stood up, sitting me down on his desk
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