Chapter 12 send Eve

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Karen’s P.O.V   I liked that woman, she was a really friendly witch, not like the ones on the tv and definitely nothing like the green one out of the wizard of Oz, but I was sad to see that she didn't have any flying monkeys, that would have been awesome. When I finally got back to my brother I looked through the window and saw that he was angrily pacing back and forth, waiting for me to get back. As soon as he saw me he quickly sat down, ready to listen, it was like he was an excited child, waiting to be told they were going to Disneyland or something.   “So, did you find a witch? What did she or he say? Do you think they can help?” Kevin asked, not even waiting for me to sit down or even catch my breath, but then again he didn't care so I just nodded.   “Yes, I found a witch and she was very kind to me. She wants me to take you to see her in three days.” I replied and he frowned.   “Why can't we go and see her now?” Kevin asked and I rolled my eyes at his impatience.    “Because she said three days, if you go now then she will not help. She has to get prepared, but if you go there before the three days then she will point blank refuse to help you.” I replied and he shook his head.   “This is going to be a long three days, but until then we need someone to keep an eye on that pack. I can get Kenny to do it, he doesn't have any family so if he gets caught then it's not a problem.” Kevin said and I rolled my eyes at him again. This was starting to become a habit for us, he would say something stupid and I would roll my eyes at him.   “If you remember Kenny has a little brother to look after, he’s only four and if you remember their parents were killed in the last war. Try someone else.” I replied and he started to pace around the room again, rubbing his chin as he thought.   “Okay, so how about Lori, she doesn't have anyone, right?” Kevin said and I yet again rolled my eyes, frowning at him.   “No, she doesn't have anyone, but she's a female and hasn't found her mate yet, why do you want her to go?” I replied and he threw his arms up in the air, huffing.   “Goddess Karen, who the hell can I send then?” Kevin asked, crossing his arms over his chest and having a mini temper tantrum.   “How about sending Eve? She's been wanting to help and Goddess knows that she wants to be your Luna, so this will be a sort of test in a way. If she passes then I will approve of her.” I replied and Kevin nodded in agreement.   “Alright, Eve it is then. She is kinda hot, so if she passes this test as you call it then I will make her my Luna, but if she fails then it's off to the cells she goes.” Kevin said and I nodded. I didn't really like Eve that much, she liked to backstab people and start rumours just for the fun of it. She loved to mock others and treat people like s**t, but I had plans for that she-wolf and she won't be coming back. Kevin’s eyes glazed over and I knew he was mind-linking Eve to get her to start straight away, but that also didn't give me a lot of time to put my plan into motion. I quickly excused myself when he had finished mind-linking her and went to the first rogue I knew that only cared about money and would keep his mouth shut, Norton. He would do anything for money and he would disappear straight afterwards because he actually likes the rogue lifestyle. I found him in his usual place, the woods at the back of our territory and as usual he was alone. He never mixed with anyone, he didn't like anyone and preferred to keep himself to himself. I often wondered if he was lonely and it made me feel sad to think he was, I always made every attempt to talk to him and check on him. He had been this way ever since his mate was killed by his previous Alpha and since then he had major trust issues, but he was always nice to me.   “Hey Norton, how are you?” I asked, trying to make small talk and not just come right out and ask him.   “I’m fine, except your brother and that b***h Eve are pissing me off. She keeps telling everyone that I had my mate killed because I am a monster, I just want to rip her throat out, but your crazy ass brother would never allow that.” Norton replied, clearly pissed off.   “Well, you are in luck. I’m not my brother and I am willing to pay you to kill Eve before she gets to the Black Moon Pack.” I said and his eyes lit up, but then he looked really confused.   “The Black Bear Pack, isn't that National and Star’s pack? Why would you want me to do it? What's in it for you?” Norton asked and I wasn't about to lie to him.   “I dislike Eve just as much as you do, she is a vile person and as far as my brother is concerned he doesn't have to know about this. You see, my brother is going to start another war, which will only result in more of our pack members losing their lives and I don't want that, I want to prevent it, but like you said my brother is crazy. My brother has already asked Eve to go there and watch the pack, but I know Eve and I know what she will do, as soon as she gets there she will go running to Alpha National, telling him everything and that will start a war that my brother won't back down from.” I replied, explaining everything to him. Norton looked like he was deep in thought for a few minutes before finally nodding.   “I’ll do what you have asked, but I don't want you to pay me, I will do it for free, but afterwards I will leave the pack. I don't like being here with this many people, I like my privacy and I like my peace and quiet, but no offence your brother is crazy and he won't stop until he has the war he wants, I don't want to be around when the s**t hits the fan.” Norton replied and I nodded. I knew exactly what he meant, but I wanted him to take the money, he was going to need it after he left here to start up again.   “Please, take the money, I don't want you to go without when you leave here and you are going to need it.” I said and he hesitated before nodding.    Norton’s P.O.V   I accepted the money because Karen was right, she was the only one here who actually cared enough to speak to me and now she was giving me exactly what I wanted, Eve’s head on a platter. I left Karen, took my clothes off and tied them to my ankle, making sure to put the money in my pocket before zipping it up and shifted into my wolf. I followed Eve’s scent, even though it repulsed me and found her in her wolf form just on the outskirts of our territory. I waited until she had crossed the border and as soon as she stepped foot across the border I went after her wolf. I snapped my jaws at her as she swung around to attack me and we ended up fighting for about ten minutes before I had enough of toying with her and snapped her neck. I had finally gotten what I wanted and now the b***h was dead. I left her body on the border of the territory before taking off to start my new life, alone.   Karen’s P.O.V   I made sure to watch from a distance and I didnt think that Norton would be so fast. The way he fought with her and killed her was scary and yet impressive. I quickly took Eve’s body and gave her a burial, not the proper one for our pack members, but one that was suitable for a b***h like her. At least now she couldn't torment any of the pack members anymore, I thought to myself before heading back to the pack house to let my brother know that Eve had failed and that she was dead. I would of course leave Norton’s name completely out of it, he had suffered too much in this lifetime and I didnt want him to suffer anymore, he deserved to find peace.   “Eve’s dead, I buried her, she was killed by a rogue or something.” I said, not bothering to sugar coat it for him and he growled loudly at me.   “Karen, she was the only female that was willing to do this. Just go and send Justin, tell him to be careful. All he has to do is watch for two days only and then come back, that's all. Tell him not to make any contact and if he feels like he's about to be found then run back here.” Kevin said and I nodded. I left my brother alone and went to go and find Justin in the one place I knew he would be at this time of night, his room. I walked inside, not bothering to knock and saw him sitting on his bed.   “Justin, Kevin needs you to go and watch National’s pack for a couple of days, don't make contact with them and if you feel like you're about to be found out then run back here. You need to be careful.” I said, closing the door behind me and he smiled at me. It had been a few days since I was last in this room with Justin. We weren't mates, but we played around every now and then. Justin suddenly got up from the bed and grabbed me around the waist, pulling me closer to him.   “So you want me to be careful, huh?” Justin said, smiling at me.
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