Chapter 11 the unknown

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Unknown P.O.V (revealed)   “Listen, I have scouted out the territory and it is huge, I mean massively huge, but there are many guards, warriors and fighters, so if we go in there and beg to join the pack we can scout it out better. When the time's right and when the Alpha isn't looking we can take his Luna then lock her up and then the Alpha will have nothing. He will think that she is dead and that's when I’ll challenge him, he will be too weak to fight without her and I’ll win. I’ll take over, kill the ones who don't want to follow me and take whoever we want. He will be dead and I’ll kill him in the fight. This is what we have to do.” I said and my sister just rolled her eyes.   “Kevin, listen, this is a bad idea. Lisa was a hidden rogue and Devon took her away from there so there wouldn't be trouble with her. This Luna is powerful and there isn't any way this could be easy for us.” Karen replied and I shook my head. Why does my sister doubt my plan?   “It can be if we went to a witch. We can turn her powers off, trap her and if possible make her mine. We could pass her around to the rest of the pack and make powerful pups.” I said, but Karen got a disgusted look on her face when I said that.   Karen’s P.O.V   That was the most disgusting thing my brother had ever said, she was a woman, not some piece of meat or a breeding machine.   “Kevin, listen to yourself. This is not a good idea and I’m telling you this for your own good.” I replied, but he wasn't really listening to me, especially seeing as I wasn’t agreeing with him.   “Karen, do me a favour and find a witch, a badass witch and then get back to me. Let me know where she is and I’ll go see her or him, everything will be just fine. I promise.” Kevin said and I just shook my head. The last war we had against another pack we lost most of our people, luckily other rogues wanted to join us, many of them for their mates and we had more pups born, but none of them are of age. I didn't want another war, we lost too much in the last war, but I told my brother I would do as he asked and find him a witch. It made me wonder what he had planned for this witch though, I mean first it was Lisa that wanted the Alpha, but Devon took her to Utah and now my brother wants the Luna. Will he ever learn? I thought to myself, thinking of all the plans he had made before and how each and every time they had failed. I thought of how the hell I was going to find a witch, I mean it's not like I can exactly look on craigslist or anything, but there had to be some way. I asked around the pack members and one of the newer ones said that he knew of one.   “Yeah, I know where a witch lives, but it will take you a couple of hours to get there.” He said and for the life of me I couldn't remember his name. Would it be rude if I asked or should I just pretend like I know it? I'll just pretend, I don't want to hurt his feelings when he's taking the time to help me out.    “I don't mind the walk, it will give me time to think. How do I get there?” I asked and he started to give me the directions. He wasn't kidding when he said a couple of hours away, this place seemed like it was in the back of beyond. I had never been to a witches house before, hell I had never met a witch before, the only witches I had ever seen were in movies or in tv shows.  I know there are two types of witches, white witches which practice good magic and dark witches which practice black magic, personally I was just hoping that she didn't look like the green witch out of the wizard of Oz, I wonder if she has flying monkeys? I set out on my two hour walk, thinking of how I could change my brother's mind when I finally came to the house I was after. I know they say that looks can be deceiving, but this house looked beautiful and it made me think that this witch must be the one that practices good magic. This place was the most beautiful place I have seen, it had a rose garden with tulips, daisies and it was really pretty to see all the different colours. It had a white picket fence and a path way that was covered in these weird thorny bushes. I walked down the path, trying not to catch on any of the thorns as I hated the thought of needles, let alone thorns and went up the steps of the porch to the front door. I knocked on the front door and waited, listening to the footsteps from inside getting closer and then the door opened.   “Hi, can I help you, you look lost?” The young woman said and I smiled at her.   “Hi, no I’m not lost, my brother sent me to find a witch. Even though I think he is crazy and wrong, I am here anyways. Can I come inside and talk to you please?” I asked and the woman nodded.   “Sure, come inside, let's have a little chat.” The woman replied, opening the door wider and allowing me to step inside. I stood in the hallway and the woman shut the front door before gesturing for me to follow her into the living room. She sat down on a really comfy looking cream armchair, while I sat down on the chair opposite her and I was right, this chair is really comfy, so comfy that you seem to melt into it.   “Now dear, what did you want to chat about?” The woman asked, smiling at me.   “Well, you see, it's my brother. He is completely power hungry and the last war he caused we lost so many of our pack members, but he doesn't care. All he wants is power, he wants this Luna called Star, but she is already mated to this Alpha called National. I have told him he is nuts, but he won't listen.” I said and she started to laugh. I don't get it, which part of that was funny? I just told her about war and kidnapping and she's laughing, I don't get it. She must have seen how confused I was because she stopped laughing and shook her head.   “Listen little one, the first thing you need to know about men is that they never listen, it's called selective hearing, they only ever hear what they want to hear. The second thing is that when a man wants something, but can't have it, it only makes them want it even more and that goes for women too, they do the same thing. The best thing to do is bring him here and I’ll think of something, but give me three days and then bring him here to see me.” The woman replied and I started to laugh now that I understood what she was talking about.    “Thank you and thank you for letting me inside.” I said, smiling at her. I got up from the chair and she led me back to the front door, opening it.   “You're welcome, dear. I’ll see you soon. Remember three days.” The woman replied and I nodded as I left her house.
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