Chapter 13 mate what surgery

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Karen’s P.O.V   “Yes, I want you to be careful.” I replied, rolling my eyes at him, but he just held me tighter. He was looking at me seriously and I had no idea why, he had never looked at me like this before and it was a little worrying.   “Are you okay? I know that we aren't mates, but I do care about you Justin and I want you to be careful.” I said, but he just started to laugh and shook his head. Did I say something funny?   “Karen, when are you going to realise that we are mates? You’re just in denial, maybe I should go and find another female and forget about you.” Justin said and suddenly I growled. Why was I growling? We aren't mates, I would have felt it, wouldn't I?   “Don't you growl at me. Here, look.” Justin said, suddenly kissing me and I felt the sparks between us, but my brother always told me that you always feel sparks when you’re with another wolf. Had he been lying to me all this time? I pulled away from the kiss and looked at Justin, trying to see if he was telling the truth or not. I shook my head and went to turn away when he suddenly grabbed me and pulled me down on the bed.   “The only way for you to know is if I do this….” Justin whispered, leaning his head next to my ear. He started kissing my neck and it always drove me wild when he kissed a certain spot. What is he talking about? What is he going to do? How the hell can he show me that we are mates?    “Forgive me….” Justin whispered, licking my neck and then sinking his canines into the sensitive spot between my shoulder and collarbone.    “AHHHH!!!” I screamed out in pain, dragging my nails down his arms, but then the pain turned to pleasure and it felt really nice. My body shivered in pleasure and I couldn't handle it anymore, I sunk my canines into his neck, marking him as he had just done me. Justin and I pulled our canines out and licked the wounds, before he leaned back and looked at me.   “Now do you see? If we weren't mates then the mark would never have taken. We are now mated to each other for life.” Justin said, crashing his lips into mine and kissing me so deep that it made my toes curl. My brother had been lying to me all this time, but why? Why would he lie about how mates felt when they were around each other? Why would he make it so that I couldn't tell who my own mate was? The sparks of electricity between Justin and I felt like they were going to explode as they shot through my entire body. Justin’s hand moved down my side and to my leg, lifting it up and wrapping it around him as our kiss deepened and got a lot rougher. I grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him closer to me and then moved my hands down to the bottom of his shirt, ripping it and throwing it on the floor.   “Well, there goes that shirt. Guess I’ll have to buy another.” Justin said, moving his hands up and down my body and I giggled. We tore at each other's clothes, throwing them all over the place until we were finally skin on skin and enjoying the sparks and tingles between us. Justin and I knew every curve of one another's bodies, we knew all the sensitive spots and just what to do to turn the other on, but now that we had marked each other every touch, lick and thrust was heightened. It was overwhelming the amount of pleasure. Justin thrust in and out of me at incredible speed and I met his thrusts by bucking my hips up, but suddenly he stopped and pulled out of me. He's never done that before, was something wrong? Was he not enjoying it?   “Come here.” Justin said, grabbing me and lifting me up off the bed.    “I’ve always wanted to try this position with you….” Justin said, slamming me against the wall and sliding me down onto his d**k.   “OH GODDESS!! JUSTIN!!” I screamed out, just as his d**k hit my G-spot. This was so intense, words couldn't describe how amazing this felt. Justin slammed in and out of me, making both of us moan and scream out in pleasure, before he bit down on my mark again sending new waves of pleasure through me. I reached my orgasm and came hard on his d**k as he quickly pulled out when he came and squirted it all down the wall and my thigh.    “That….was……” I said, panting. Justin rested his sweaty forehead against mine and kissed the tip of my nose.   “Tell me about it….” Justin replied, panting as well. We stayed like that for a few minutes before I felt his d**k harden against me again and we were both ready for the next round.   “Round two?” Justin asked and I started to laugh.   “I’m thinking more round two, three, four and five. If you think you're up to it.” I said and he smirked at me.   “Babe, I’m always up and ready for you.” Justin replied, carrying me back over to the bed. We made love for hours and it was early morning before we were done and exhausted. We held onto each other and I had this horrible sinking feeling, not wanting Justin to go anywhere, but I knew that if he didn't my brother would do something to him and I couldn't stand the thought of that. I couldn't stand the thought of losing him.   “Two days Justin, that's it and you better be careful. You're not making me mateless when we’ve only just marked each other.” I said and he chuckled.   “I promise I will be careful.” Justin replied, kissing my forehead.   “I’ll tell my brother we are mates and then we will leave here for good. My brother has gone completely nuts, everytime he thinks there's power he wants it. He's going to end up starting another war and he wont listen to reason.” I said and Justin tensed up. He cupped my face, leaning my head back so that I was now looking at him.   “We will leave in two days, as soon as I get back. I promise I won't let anything happen to you. Pack your stuff and have it ready for when I return, I’ll pack mine before I leave for the other territory. As soon as I’m back we are out of here and away from him.” Justin said, gently pressing his lips to mine. We stayed in each other's arms for a few more minutes before getting out of bed and getting dressed. I turned to face him when we were both ready and pulled him to me, kissing him hard, like it was our last kiss.   “Just be careful and come back to me.” I said and he smiled before kissing me again with just as much intensity.   “Don't worry, I will.” Justin replied, kissing me one more time before I left to start on my packing.   Star’s P.O.V   It has been a few days since I have eaten anything because everytime that I would it would always just come back up. I was so nervous, thinking about what if I was pregnant and my thoughts were going a mile a minute. It was too soon for us to have a baby and we were always careful, but let's face it condoms break and I couldn't take the pill because it didn't work on werewolves, our metabolism burned it off too fast. I decided it was best for me to go to the pack doctors and see what they thought. I sat here in a really itchy hospital gown while the doctors did test after test, but they aren't giving me any answers and something was definitely wrong.    “National, don't get mad but I’m at the pack doctors. Can you please come and meet me here?” I said, mind-linking National. I felt bad for not telling him sooner, but I didn't want to get his hopes up if I wasn't and I didnt want him to worry if it was just a stomach bug or something minor. I was starting to worry and think the worst when suddenly National burst in through the door and ran straight over to me, hugging me tightly.   “What's wrong? Are you okay? Why are you here? What happened?” National asked and hugged me again when he sensed how scared and worried I was.    “I haven't been able to keep any food down for the past few days and I thought it might have been because I was pregnant. I wanted to confirm it first before I told you just in case I wasn't, but they have run a load of tests and haven't said anything. I’m sorry, but I’m worried and scared about what could be wrong with me.” I replied and he looked shocked by the amount of information I had just given him.   “Never do that again, we are partners, mates, lovers and friends. I don't want you to keep anything from me, I don't want you to go through this on your own. From now on we tell each other everything, no matter how major or minor it is. No secrets.” National said, kissing my forehead and holding me tighter.    “I promise no more secrets.” I replied and hugged him tighter as his scent calmed me down. More than thirty minutes went by when the doctor finally came back into the room.   “Star, you're not pregnant you have a cyst. It will be easy to remove and if you haven't eaten anything we can remove it for you today.” The doctor said, making me feel relieved. I looked at National and he nodded as he squeezed my hand. I felt the relief and anxiousness leave both of us as soon as the doctor said it was just a cyst.   “Alright, we need to do this.” I replied to the doctor and he left us alone in the room to go and get everything ready.   “Maybe in a year or two we could have a baby, I know you want children and so do I but I’m glad I'm not pregnant, we’re not ready and it's just too soon.” I said and National nodded and smiled at me.   “I agree completely, we will have children when both of us are ready, there is no pressure or time limit. We will decide on the time when it's right for both of us.” National said, kissing me all over my face and making me laugh. The doctor came back into the room and two other nurses stepped in, getting me hooked up to all the necessary machines.   “Right then, let's get you all better. The surgery should last for about two to three hours, that's if we don't run into any complications, but I think we should be just fine. I’ll get one of the nurses to keep you updated, Alpha National.” The doctor said and we both nodded. National kissed me one final time before I was wheeled back to the operating room to have my surgery.   National’s P.O.V   I was so worried and nervous, but I tried not to let it show and tried to only send her calmness, reassurance and love through the mate bond. They wheeled her into surgery and I sat here in her room, praying to the Moon Goddess for her to be alright. Even though the doctor said it was just a cyst she still needed to be operated on and I was hoping that everything went well and to plan, but let's face it there are no guarantees with anything. Three hours, three hours I sat here alone with the occasional nurse coming in to give me an update on how she was doing. The door to the room flew open and the doctor walked back in, smiling.    “She is doing just fine, we dealt with the cyst, but there was some scar tissue from her previous dealings with her father, so we had to remove that first. She is now going to be brought back in here and when she wakes up I will check her over again and she should be able to go home today.” The doctor said and I shook his hand as a bed appeared and they wheeled Star back into the room. She was sleeping peacefully, but she didn't look at all like what I had expected and the doctor must have seen my confused look.   “We didn't have to open her up if that is what you're confused about. We only had to make a small incision and guide a scope inside to see what we were dealing with and then another scope with that one to take away the cyst and all the scar tissue. It's not invasive at all and she should be able to walk around in a few hours, but she will need to come back in a week to get the stitches out, other than that she can go home as soon as she's awake and dressed in a loose dress. I’ll go fill out all the paperwork ready for her, she should be waking up soon as the anesthetic will burn off pretty quickly.” The doctor said and I shook his hand again, but I was so happy that the doctor had to pry his hand away from mine. I smiled from ear to ear as I sat in the chair next to Star’s bed and took her hand in mine, waiting for her to wake up. After half an hour her eyes started to flutter open and she groaned. I got her a glass of water and helped her to drink it, gently sitting her up.   “You did great, love. They got the cyst and also removed some scar tissue that was there as well. The doctor said you can go home as soon as you're ready and dressed in a loose dress.” I said, putting the water back down.   “Really, that's great, let's go then. Did you get me a dress?” Star asked and I nodded, handing it to her.   “I had one of the pack members bring it over for you, ready for when you woke up. The doctor still has to check you over and you have to sign paperwork, but you're good to go after that.” I replied and she smiled. The doctor came back in shortly after and checked Star over, while I filled out the paperwork and he told her what she needed to do. Once all of that was done and Star was dressed I helped her out of the hospital and into the car, making her take it easy and then carefully drove home. I picked her up and carried her upstairs to her room, putting her down on her bed and tucking her in. Star was out like a light, she was exhausted because of all the stress and worry she had with this. I looked down at her, watching her sleep peacefully and then realised that this was the first time since I had been back that I had been in her room. We still had separate bedrooms and I would have to talk to her about moving into my room, there were too many memories in this room and she would never truly be able to move on until she put them in the past. I knew how hard that was going to be for her, but it would help her to get the closure she needs. I went to walk away when I noticed an open box on the dresser and I was drawn to it for some reason. I knew I shouldn't look, but I just had to.
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