Chapter 10 pissed off and moving out

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Lisa’s P.O.V   I stormed around my room, taking my anger out on the things I had. I picked up a vase and threw it across the room, making it crash into the wall and break, scattering the pieces all over the floor.   “Great, now I have to clean it up. Ugh.” I said, shaking my head as I went to get the dustpan and brush from the cleaning cupboard in the hallway. I went back to my room, swept it all up and threw it in the trash before falling back on my bed and sighing, just as there was a knock on my door. Who the hell is that? I know everyone is out except for National and his b***h. I stomped over to my bedroom door and jerked it open to see that Devon was standing there. My eyes went wide when I saw him, why was he here?   “I think we need to talk.” Devon said and I rolled my eyes as I let him into my room, going back over to my bed and sitting down.   “About what?” I asked as Devon sat down on the couch in my room, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.   “Oh you know about what. You've been avoiding me, you know that we are mates and yet you still want the Alpha, well guess what he's taken and there nothing you can do about it. What are you planning on doing, Lisa? Whatever it is you can't do it, you can't go against Alpha National. They are fully mated, marked and everything now, we all felt it, we all felt the bond between them strengthening and the mind-link opening up between all of us.” Devon said and I sighed, holding my head in my hands and running my fingers through my hair.   “I’m sorry, Devon, I didn't mean to avoid you. I’ve had my sights set on National, but he decided that he wanted her. I felt it and it broke my heart. I’m sorry for running away from you.” I replied and looked up smiling as I held my hand out for him to take. Devon got up from the couch and walked over to me, taking my hand and sitting next to me on the bed.   “Lisa, I will treat you right and if need be we can leave and start our own pack. You will be Luna and I will be Alpha, things will go well, you just have to give us a chance.” Devon said and I shook my head.   “No, how about if we challenge them to be Alpha and Luna? The winner takes over the pack, we will train on our own and learn their ways. Everything will be good then.” I said, but this time Devon shook his head.   “Lisa, what happens if we lose, then we would get kicked out. What happens if I beat National and you don't beat Star, then you would be thrown out and I would be with Star or vice versa. Why don't we just leave and start our own pack? We can do it, we can even take some of the pack members from here to get us started because some of them don't like the idea of National and Star being together, so I know they will leave with us. We will start our own pack, I have enough money saved up, we can do this.” Devon said and I finally broke down. I don't know if it was what he said or that I was broken over National mating with that b***h over me, but either way I broke.   “Alright, let's do this. We will take a few with us and we will leave now. I don't want to spend another second in this house with those two. Mind-link the ones you know for certain will leave with us. Let's pack up and go now.” I replied and Devon nodded. I watched as his eyes glazed over, mind-linking all the ones he knew would up and leave with us. His eyes turned back to normal once the link was finished and he grabbed my face, kissing me.   “Thank you, you won't regret this, you won't regret giving us a chance.” Devon said, quickly rushing out of my room and to his to pack what he needed. I packed everything I wanted to take with me and met Devon and the others on the border of the territory.   “So where are we heading to?” One of them asked and Devon looked at me.   “Utah.” I said and they all nodded, as we stepped over the territory line and left the pack for good, heading to our new home to start our new pack. Three Years Later…..   National’s P.O.V   Star and I were going stronger than ever, we slept in each other's rooms now, talked, made out, mated a lot and made the pack stronger together. Then out of the blue we got an unexpected letter from Devon.    Dear Alpha and Luna, I know we left without saying a word, but some didn't like the fact that a bear and a wolf were mates, so I took them away and we formed our new pack. Not to mention that Lisa was upset, so I did the best thing I could think of and took her away before she started trouble. We are doing fine and our pack name is the Blue Moon Pack. We hope to hear back from you soon. Alpha Devon. I put down the letter and sighed after reading it, but Star didn't miss a beat and eyed me up curiously.   “So, why would this Lisa be upset? No wait, don't tell me….she wanted to be Luna of this pack.” Star asked and I nodded.   “Yeah, she wanted to be Luna, she wanted me to mark her and mate with her, but I told her no. You remember the day you called me to make our first date, well she came and tried it on with me then, but I threw her out of my office. I never promised her anything and I never would, so it was best for him to take her away, but I must admit I didnt even realise she was gone, that's how much of an impression she makes. I knew Devon was gone, but I didn't know why until now and I feel really sorry for him if she is his mate because she has thrown herself at every high ranking wolf she has ever met. It is for the best that she is gone because if she ever tried anything I would have killed her or made her live the rest of her life in the cells.” I replied and Star nodded.   “Well, you know that if she had challenged me I would have given her one hell of a fight.” Star said and I smirked.   “No need love because I would have killed her before she even had the chance to start any trouble. Come on, let's go upstairs.” I said and she giggled and ran upstairs.   “I’LL RACE YOU!!” Star shouted over her shoulder as I left my office and chased after her up the stairs and all the way into my room, locking the door behind me.   Unknown P.O.V   It's just like Lisa said and more, this place is massive. The pack house is huge, but she missed the part out about how extremely beautiful the Luna is. Now if I can only get her away from Alpha National, then I'll be able to grab her and he will have nothing left. This will be the perfect plan and I will have it all.
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