Chapter 14 finding the box

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National’s P.O.V   I carefully lifted the lid, looked inside and closed the lid back up. I wish I had never done it, I thought and walked out of Star’s room, letting her sleep. I closed the door behind me and as I turned around to leave I bumped smack bang into Kelly and she knew right away that something was going on by the look on her face.   “Spill it, what's wrong?” Kelly asked, crossing her arms over her chest and looking at me as I took a deep breath. I gestured for her to follow me to my office so that we wouldn't disturb Star or wake her up.   “Star had a cyst, but she had surgery to remove it and now she is sleeping. I knew I should have taken her back to my room, but instead I took her back to her room and then I saw the box. I opened it and I saw all the letters. I didn't read any of them, but I did see them. This room was hers and Nash’s, it has so many memories and there isn't any way I can move into that room with her, but I don't want to force her to move into my room either. I don't know what to do.” I said, feeling stressed out as I sat down behind my desk and Kelly sat down on the couch.   “First of all calm down, they are just letters. She placed them in that box to keep them all together, then placed that box on the dresser. Yes, there are a lot of memories in that room and you should talk to her about this, instead of running away from it. You need to remember that Nash was her first love, her first everything. He was my brother and yes it was hard for me to see her happy with someone else, but I’m glad it's you. You have kept her together, so don't run away just because you saw a load of letters. If you're going to leave her then leave her for something that is really wrong, not because of this.” Kelly said and she was right, but I had no idea where I stood with Star.   “I’m not going to leave her, I would never do that, Kelly. We have been through too much, but I just don't know if she is truly happy with me. She never tells me what she's thinking or how she feels, I have to rely on the mate bond to know what's going on with her. Hell she didn't even tell me that she was going to the pack doctors or that she had been feeling unwell. I know what it's like to lose your mate and your first love, but I guess I was just shocked when I saw them, that's all. When she wakes up I will try and talk to her, maybe she can move into my room or better yet we will get another room, there's plenty to choose from after all.” I replied and just then Noah and Luke walked over to us.   “We have a better plan, follow us Alpha.” Noah said and both Kelly and I got up and followed them upstairs and down the hall. Noah and Luke stood outside a huge door and then opened it, letting me walk in first. I looked around in shock, this room was massive, enough to fit a hundred people in it at least.   “This room is yours and Star’s bedroom.” Noah said and I looked at him confused.   “I don't remember this being on the plans when we were building.” I said, looking at Noah and Luke.   “It wasn't. We built this room just for you two. We all know there are a lot of memories in both of your rooms, you with your mate and Star with hers, but we thought that you could make your own memories in this room. Your new room. Now when you take her back to the doctors in a few days, we’ll hurry up and put the room together, that way when you both come home you will surprise her.” Noah and Luke said together, finishing each other's sentences.  It was like they were some sort of scary twins that you see in horror movies, but it was an excellent idea.   “That sounds like a great plan. Let’s just hope she will like it.” I replied and Kelly chuckled.   “I’m sure she will, everything will be new in here so everything will be fine.” Kelly said, smiling and looking at Noah.   “Alright then, let's do this. We will make our own memories.” I said, hoping this would be just the right thing we needed and enough to get Star to open up to me a little bit more.   Justin’s P.O.V   Why was Kevin so obsessed with this pack and gaining power? Hadn't he learned from the last war that looking for power brought nothing but trouble and death? It was now nearly the end of the second day and I sat here watching everything that was going on and there were a lot of people here, not only werewolves, but werebears as well. Kevin never mentioned anything about werebears teaming up with werewolves, but then again there were a lot of things he kept secret. I still can’t believe that he told his sister all that rubbish to hide everything and explain everything about the mate bond, I mean who would do that, especially to their own flesh and blood? He was that desperate to keep Karen just as lonely as he was and loyal to him, that he didn't even realise that he was pushing her further away from him. In fact he was forcing her to leave him with the stuff he was saying and doing. Well times up now, two days have come and gone really fast, but not fast enough for me and I couldn't wait to get back to Karen and take her away from her lunatic brother before she got hurt or worse yet killed. Kevin would stop at nothing to get what he wanted, even if it cost him his sister's life.
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