Now It's Real

1654 Words
I WAS ALONE in the guest room. There was just me and the bright sunlight from the massive glass wall beside the bed. After several deep breaths, I managed to compose myself from the rush of emotions. “I should stop bursting into tears in front of Spencer,” I mumbled to myself while looking at the fancy vanity mirror with intricate golden carvings on its sides. Looking at my disheveled hair right in the mirror and my clothes crumbled from sleeping… I closed my eyes with a short hiss. I should stop embarrassing myself. I am better than that. I can maintain a casual interaction with Spencer. After all, this would seem like the closure we never had after he just vanished years ago. The closure that I was deprived of having. I can’t let him escape without any explanation. Thoughts after thoughts swirled inside my head. If I had the patience to entertain them all, I’d have a headache by now. And so, I just started moving. I unzipped my luggage and laid my things on the bed as I picked up the clothes. I prepared for Day 1 of this supposed vacation. Everything I packed was perfect for a vacation here in Greece. From the outfits, sunglasses, skincare, and others. It was just perfect to explore and make memories in this wonderful country. But yeah, not everything goes to plan. Some go with people—they are as unpredictable as the weather. A sad smile crept onto my lips. But I am done being emotional. My phone did not beep last night after Ricky sent his previous message. It seemed my family didn’t know about what had happened. I am not ready to tell them either. For today, I will have to face and deal with Spencer. Afterward, I’ll just figure out what I’ll do next without any credit cards with me or any wallet. Maybe I can just access my bank details online and—yeah, that’s it. I will certainly do that. The Vermone Hotel has a great view right from this suite. And the city of Athens, Greece already looked breathtaking just by looking at the neighborhoods nearby. At this moment, it finally sunk into me that I really made it here… whoa. It took a few moments to look at the window and the scenery of the radiant city in the far distance. Until I heard a knock on the door. By this time, I had already finished preparing. “Aisha Vernice?” Spencer’s voice broke the silence inside this massive suite. I walked to the door and slowly unlocked it. As soon our gazes found each other, Spencer said something that rendered me in shock. “Since I think the very start of your vacation wasn’t that good for you. I’d like to do something to uplift a long-time friend. That is, you, by the way. Since you loved history back in high school, and it so happened that we met once again in Athens, we’ll head to the Acropolis Hill this morning.” As soon as I heard that from Spencer, something inside my heart tugged. How come he could still remember that I always loved hearing and learning about history when we were in high school? “I even told you back then that I would bring you to Parthenon,” Spencer added. “Greece has always been on your bucket list. This is one of your dream destinations. I want to make it count.” Despite seeing Spencer in his confident facade, I could hear subtle hints of brittle in his voice. Like every single word he says means so much to him. He couldn’t help but feel the surge of emotions. His wistful eyes glistened in front of me like he had just reminisced about a cherished memory from the past. Is he scared I would not believe him anymore after what he has done? Is that worry that I could hear in his voice? “S-spencer…” I was lost for words. An old friend. That’s what he said. That is what we both are at this moment. All of this meant nothing more than a kind gesture to a friend. “I know what I did ago was messed up. You do not deserve it. None of it at all. Allow me to apologize yet still fulfill my promise to you, Aisha.” Despite seeing a mature man right across me, his smile and eyes still looked like the young boy that once mattered to me the most. “I’m gonna be your tour guide at the moment. That is the least I could do to somehow alleviate the pain I have caused you, Aisha. Please, allow me?” Hearing all of this felt surreal. I looked at the overlooking view of the city of Athens and Spencer. With a deep breath, I nodded at his request. What a coincidence. I actually booked a ticket to visit Acropolis Hill for this vacation. It was both for me and Ricky. I’ve always liked hiking and exploring places. Ricky, on the other hand, preferred more to just stay indoors. When he agreed to this trip and the itinerary that I presented, I honestly was convinced that he was loyal to me and cared for me deeply. Only for those hopes to shatter. People close to me know me as someone who does well in whatever project that I’m giving. It’s the same with work. I believe if it is even worth doing and dedicating my time, it’s worth it being done well. This vacation is a project and a dream come true, whether just by myself or with anybody. Spencer… What are the odds I’d be spending the first day of this vacation with someone else—him? It was one of a million. But somehow it still happened. Spencer was really a big help as we headed to the metro station of the city. I felt free just walking around the streets and knowing I didn’t have to figure out anything because Spencer was right there lending a hand. “Aren’t you here for a business errand?” I asked as we both stepped foot inside the train. I sat on the right side, and he followed me, sitting beside me. “I don’t have a schedule this morning,” Spencer replied. “Oh,” I said. “So, what do you do?” “Close-out deals with our clients,” Spencer answered. He looked at me before looking at this watch to check the time. He must have turned into a very busy person. Judging by his calculating movements and responses, “Whoa, that’s interesting. Sounds sophisticated.” “It’s a fulfilling job,” he just said. I nodded and smiled. “Good for you.” “How about you, Aisha?” Well, of course, he’s gonna ask about me. That’s just how it goes. I cleared my throat before answering. For sure he had known me as someone who liked to write prose and poetry back in high school. Well… surprisingly, like what other people had thought, I did not pursue a career related to it. “I’m an HR assistant at a firm.” Spencer nodded at my answer. He smiled as well, “That’s a great role.” “It sure is.” We both know we aren’t good at small talk, but at least we were trying. After that, we couldn’t think of anything to talk about at the moment. And I could tell my answer left Spencer in deep thought. As we arrived at the exact location, I couldn’t help but feel the rush of dopamine in my system. People were waiting in line for their tickets. And yet Spencer just nodded at me and motioned to keep walking in front. I was gonna pull out my online booking for the ticket to get access to Acropolis Hill, but Spencer had already presented his phone to the attendant and we were granted entry. We started walking, and my mouth remained ajar. “Oh my… this is such a beautiful place. Look at the rocks and the structures in the surroundings; it looked majestic,” I started mumbling. As I kept walking, I couldn’t help but notice the blue sky that completed the structures that surrounded us. There were lots of stairs and Spencer was so helpful with his assistance. He was prepared for this trip as he managed to wear a pair of shoes with tight grip soles. While me? I wore sandals. I thought it would fit the aesthetic of the place, but it made walking on the marble floor kinda difficult. I pulled out my camera and started taking pictures. We walked past several temples, and I was left with no words. I was awed by the beauty and rich history of the place that I always stopped walking just to read the writings so on some corners. By the time we arrived at the most famous and majestic Parthenon, I couldn’t move. I just stared at the massive structure of beauty and history. Such a breathtaking sight… “Want me to take a picture of you?” Spencer asked, as I was still in the middle of a trance. I nodded and smiled widely. I stood up straight and made a pose while Spencer positioned the camera. He backed away a little to get a better angle. And when he got it, I heard a click. “Yayy! T-Thank you, Spencer.” I said, but he didn’t move immediately. He was just looking at the captured photo while standing a few feet away from me. “Your smile still looked the same. So beautiful,” he muttered. Spencer must have just whispered that to himself because he looked shocked when our eyes met; not expecting that I was already looking at him.
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