To Trust Again

1959 Words
AISHA I KEPT LOOKING at Spencer as he raised my camera in the air and walked closer to me. “I got the perfect shot of you and the Parthenon,” he said. His eyes darted at me, and then to the people right behind us. “You two must be on your honeymoon? A gorgeous couple right here on this majestic hill, it’s kinda the dorm,” said the old woman. She leaned in toward his husband who had the same warm smile as her looking at me and Spencer. “You two reminded us of when we were young and visited this place for the first time. Now, we visit this every year on our anniversary. This year’s our 30th anniversary,” said the old gentleman. The couple may look old, but they sure looked leaner and stronger than their age. “Oh,” I mumbled, then looked at Spencer. He also looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. I laughed a little and instead of correcting the old married couple about me and Spencer’s real connection, I congratulated them. “Whoa, that’s amazing. Congrats to both of you.” “Happy anniversary to you and your wife, sir,” Spencer said and extended a hand to the old woman’s husband. He gladly shook Spencer’s hand, his smile reached his eyes, adorable wrinkles etched on his skin. “This place serves as a reminder of history, beauty, art, and so much more. Enjoy your trip, dear. Sorry for interrupting you a little bit. We shall head on our way now,” the wife muttered as they started hovering away. “Oh, no, we don’t mind. Enjoy your trip as well.” As they walked away with smiles on their faces and their adorable hands raised up in the air for a gentle bye-bye. “Well, I suppose that a simple white shirt complements your beautiful sheer dress in the right places if people assume that we are a couple on our honeymoon.” I shrugged my head and laughed it away. As we kept walking, I admired the view. Breathing in the air of a new country and this majestic view, the weather might be kinda hot, but each step was worth it. It took us hours of roaming around before I was satisfied and started feeling my feet getting dumb from non-stop walking. Well, at least my eyes were bathed with gorgeous artwork and my camera had certainly captured hundreds of photos. I sat on the lowest step of the stairs we had been walking on just a few minutes ago. With a crease on my forehead, I turned around to look for Spencer, only to see him holding his phone near his ear and talking. Looking at him and thinking about how the previous hours passed by perfectly on this Acropolis trip, it was then that I realized we had been comfortable in each other’s presence. Whoa… just like the old times yet still knowing the fact that we were the same people years ago. But that doesn’t seem to matter. “I’m heading for Santorini to meet a client. Do you wanna come along?” Spencer asked all of a sudden. “If you have plans already, that’s fine. I won’t be staying in the suite, and you can have it all by yourself—” I looked at Spencer with disbelief. Then slowly a smile crept on my lips. “Are you serious?” I looked at him with the excitement that friends shared when they both agreed to do something that they both enjoyed. “You’re visiting the most beautiful spot here in Greece and you think I would miss that? I had that on my list!” Spencer nodded, and couldn’t hide his smile as well. “Great. I’d love to tour you around.” “Sure,” I said. Somehow… in this foreign place, while engrossed with its beauty, I was able to detach from the pains I had been carrying and just allow the spontaneity of the moment to fill my heart—it felt amazing… to just live in the present moment and really enjoy. We both went back to the suite and grabbed our luggage. After an hour, we boarded the ferry heading to Santorini. We would arrive there around evening I suppose… given the info that the staff had shared with us. Well, two hours on the ocean sounds like nothing but another exciting adventure. For sure, we were up for another breathtaking scenery once again. The wind was blowing my hair as I leaned onto the ferry’s railing. I looked at the ripple of waves caused by the ferry’s fast movements. I had gone to this spot all by myself as earlier Spencer was busy working on his laptop while talking to people on his phone nonstop. There were several tourists on the ferry as well. And they had both entertained themselves with the scenery. Others opted to enjoy the ferry’s amenities right inside. As for me, the fresh air and the beautiful rock formations and the deep blue ocean is enough to keep me occupied for two hours. Halfway through the trip, I felt somebody walk toward me while capturing a picture of the nearby island that we had just passed by. “Enjoying the view?” “This place is enthralling.” Spencer nodded. “It’s not only beautiful but this place has witnessed a ton of significant memories made by the tourists. Marriage, honeymoon, first vacation, name it.” In the next minutes that passed by, Spencer took in the view as well right beside me. Now, both of us were leaning onto the railing and awed by the view. The crystal-clear water and the magnificent villas of the Santorini island lay bare in our eyes as we got closer to the island. “Oh my god, is this for real?” I mumbled, my mouth went ajar and my eyes wide. The scenery right in front of me looks nothing but beautiful. “We were assisted as we got off the ferry and the next things that happened left my mind until we arrived at the villa that Spencer had booked. “I will leave for a while to meet up with our client. You can explore the place,” that was all he said as he left. His luggage was positioned right beside him on the side of the living room. God, this villa looked like a luxury house—we were told it had a pool right on the balcony and an ocean view. With a jacuzzi, a hammock, and just about anything we hoped to have for a vacation house. I walked on the tiled floor barefoot. I looked at the huge flat screen TV that served as the centerpiece of the wide wall just before the balcony where the pool was located and the jacuzzi. I haven’t asked about the price of this villa, but I will surely have to divide the cost with Spencer and pay him upfront as soon as I get to access my online bank. I never called myself an introvert, but I know I am able to handle myself all alone. Right now, with the complete silence of the villa, I squealed in excitement and ran to the bathroom. I changed into my bikini and took a dip in the pool without second thoughts. “Whoaaa,” I whispered to myself as the cold water seeped through my skin. I wiped the water off my face and looked up at the sky which was slowly getting darker. Right from a distance I am witnessing the sun slowly setting. The entire island glowed in beautiful lights as the well-structured villas lit up. The place looked like a scene from a fantasy romance film. A woman’s dream vacation coming true. I swam in the pool for several minutes. When I heard my phone ring, I got out of the pool and grabbed it. Wearing just a new set black bikini, I looked at my phone screen and realized it was Ricky wanting a video call. Why is this cheating bastard calling me? I did not bother to wrap a robe around my body as I thought of what to do—whether to answer my phone or not. I was also alone for the time being, so it’s fine. Not until I heard the front door beep and Spencer stepped inside while holding a bag of something… “What’s up,” he greeted me, but as he walked toward the balcony, that was when he realized that I had nothing on but a bikini. I felt my cheeks heating up, and I looked at myself and on my phone. “Someone’s calling,” he muttered. I nodded quickly, looking distressed. “I know.” “Feel free to answer,” he said. I laughed in disbelief; my other hand palmed my face. “May I know who it is? Only if you’re comfortable.” Spencer put down the bag of what—food? Right on the center table. Then he walked toward me. “Well, it’s my cheating ex.” He hid both of his hands in his pockets and gave me a look. “Answer the call.” “What?” My forehead creased, and I was about to lash out and shrug my head no. But he smiled at me and whispered, “Trust me.” I was not going to do what he was saying, but my phone kept ringing and maybe Ricky had no plan in giving me peace as he did not stop attempting to a video call even if I was not picking it up. Then he removed his shirt right in front of me. I gulped and gripped my phone tighter around my palm. I didn’t realize what I did made me answer the phone accidentally. “Aisha, honey! Baby, I’m so sorry for what I did. Please… I wanna talk to you.” Spencer raised his brows and gave me a nod. I immediately knew what he was planning. I smirked and nodded as well. I raised my phone and I felt Spencer’s arms wrapped around my shoulders… Ricky stopped talking as he saw me and Spencer… “What?” I asked, but did not give him a chance to mutter a single word. I ended the call. Both Spencer and I burst out laughing. “Now, he’ll go mad thinking about the worst reasons why you were with some guy in this foreign country.” “That cheater got what he deserved! Jackass!” Spencer nodded and tapped my head. He was tall and towered over me with his height as we stood side by side. That sent some warmth inside me. At least I am not sulking in a broken heart despite being cheated on. To my surprise, Spencer jumped into the pool and I followed. Some water splattered on the tiled floor and we both did not mind and kept swimming. Until I felt his strong arms scooping from the water and getting my full attention. “The reason I left years ago…” he started saying. But I was too engrossed with the way his eyes stared at me—it was filled with something I could name. But I could certainly feel it. I bit my lower up. The next thing I knew, my arms were wrapped around his neck and our lips grazed on each other. I was gasping for air as he pulled me up a little, only to wrap my legs around his waist. “I miss you…” Spencer said as his kisses trailed down my neck.
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