Wish You'd Stay

1204 Words
AISHA I PINCHED MYSELF while looking at Spencer’s manly features right in front of my face. His lips moved a bit each time he took several steps closer to the guest room. My eyes darted to his serious eyes, and our eyes met when he looked down at me. I gulped. “You’ve changed,” I mumbled. He did not answer me but asked something instead, “Are you gonna be okay here alone?” “Why? Would you stay here with me if I told you so?” I may have sounded too confident but when he released me right onto the bed, he did not back away immediately. He trapped me in between his arms and moved his face several inches closer to mine. I used my hands to balance myself as I instinctively moved away from him—confused with what he was gonna do next. I heard ringing in my ears, or maybe that was the sound of my heart panicking. “You just broke up with your boyfriend. You feel terrible of course.” There was a glimmer of dead and cold air between us after saying that in his lowered voice. That was the truth. I inhaled a sharp breath. Instead of his lips touching my lips, like what my delusional self had assumed with the way the alcohol has taken my system, I felt something on my forehead. A soft, tethered kiss from someone who truly cared. It felt exactly that. Then Spencer’s hands pressed on both of my shoulders softly as if that would comfort me. It did. He knew it, he always does just like before. But god, how could this man act so gentle after all those years? I heard his footsteps backing away. “Stay please…” I mumbled. I don’t know how long I remained just sitting on the bed but as soon as I opened my eyes there was already sunlight that was beaming right on my face. I surprisingly had a wonderful sleep but— Soft silky sheets covered my body. When I moved from my spot I felt something hard right behind me. I could sense the weight of a whole person lying right beside me. My forehead immediately creased. I moved once more. And I was not hallucinating. Spencer is sleeping right beside me! This time with the movements I had just made, he moved as well. My lower back grazed on something. And it was hard. No kidding. Oh my god. I pulled the sheets around me as I sat up on the bed. It revealed Spencer was fully clothed in the same clothes he wore last night. And I was wearing all of my clothes as well. I sighed in relief. With my sudden movement, Spencer’s eyes fluttered until they slowly fully opened. A pair of brown eyes landed on me. “Good morning,” he muttered. With the alcohol washed away from my system. I just wanna say a quick response and run away from his suite. “I…” gotta go, I whispered in the back of my mind. Before I could say anything, Spencer got up from the bed and stretched his body. “It’s gonna be a sunny day. Do you have plans?” “You don’t have to know.” That came out of my mouth so quickly I hadn’t given much thought of it. He looked at me in disbelief. “So, you have this feisty attitude when sober… interesting,” he said with a small smirk on his face. A little laugh escaped from his mouth. “I-I mean… I am supposed to leave now. Thank you for letting me stay last night.” “Aisha, I’m not asking you to leave.” “But I am supposed to leave by the morning.” “I did not ask you to.” “But I insist,” Spencer’s voice was stern and commanding. Our gazes locked at each other. And in that swift moment, I saw his eyes landing on my neck and down to my boobs— That was when I realized that the dress that I was wearing was kinda pulled downward and it was showing quite a portion of my cleavage. Spencer looked away so quickly with a hint of guilt in his eyes. “If you’re not comfortable to stay then you are free to leave,” his cold voice echoed in the entire room. Something inside my stomach fell but at the same time shivered. I remembered the time when he would shamelessly look at me with lust in his eyes—with pure hunger and admiration. He would stare at me without even saying anything and I would smile in return with bright red cheeks and weakened knees as I anticipated his touch. That was such a time when things were looking bright for us and without knowing we would end up like this in the future. But we are living those years we couldn’t envision before, right in this very moment. Just not in the same way, we wanted it to be. Metaphorically speaking. It wasn’t right to feel those old emotions rushing in once again. Not this time. Maybe, never again. Something tugged inside of me but I composed myself. “But Spencer,” saying that made him stop on this track. “If I leave today, that means our past will remain buried. I wouldn’t even hear the answers I kept asking myself years ago. It means I won't be able to stop looking back as I always ask myself why.” I inhaled a sharp breath and with a shaking voice, I braved through the fear of confronting him. “Why… despite having a relationship after you, I still keep these questions inside of me? Why do I feel this way when I should have been grieving from the pain of being cheated on? Why can’t I just forget about you and what you did to me?” That was me blabbering the deepest thoughts I usually just keep within myself. But with this man right in front of me, it just comes out without a second thought. Spencer is the kind of person I wanna keep around but also wanna run away from. He was a double-edged sword. Both who could defend and hurt me. But ever since, he was the only person who could urge me to talk about the things I don’t feel too strongly about sharing with people. I am not good at relying on people because most times they only fail me if not themselves. But with him… I did. This man’s bright brown eyes looked at me like hawk eyes knowing his exact target. He could see I was vulnerable. What if he just wanted to take advantage of it? Of me? He turned his back to the door and didn’t continue walking away. “Then stay, Aisha. I will tell you everything.” His words, not mine. My perplexed mind couldn’t grapple with a swift response. “But get yourself ready. Let’s go somewhere first.” Spencer then left the guest room. That sounded like an invitation, or maybe a trap.
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