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"OH my God!" Keira exclaimed as she tried her very best not to cry and even covered her mouth with her own hand. "thank you very much" she added. Charles nodded. "You will start tomorrow. You have to be here in the office before eight in the morning. I love coffee, for your information. Black, no sugar. I also love working overtime and it's up to you if you are willing to join me. Anyway, I will double your salary as a clerk in this position, the same benefits plus a brand new car" Keira's eyes grow wider on Charles's final words. "A-A brand new car?" she said in disbelief. Charles nodded. "Do you know how to drive? It is given one month after you are hired. To make your traveling more convenient. I don't want you to be late and if you have a car all you have to do is leave early so you won't be hit by road traffic "he continued. "I-I don't know how to drive but I think my father can help me with that" her answer was lively. She could not believe that in a moment her life had changed. "Why, may I know what is your father's job? I hope you don't mind, your background is needed anyway" she felt the interest in his question. "My Papa is a taxi driver while Mama is a plain housewife" Keira answered.   "Are you an only child?" Keira shook her head. "I have a brother and I am the one who's sending him to school. He is now on his last year in college, taking Architecture."   "Do you have a boyfriend?" KEIRA was stunned by that question so she couldn't help but stare at the young man. That question is actually nothing. But she does not understand why it feels so different. It was kind of like she thought she had a chance with this guy. But that was impossible so she shook her head immediately. "No, I don't have a boyfriend," she said and smiled shyly. Charles again nodded, after a while, he opened his mouth and speak again."Last question, why is your name Keira? You know it's new in my hearing and I'm just curious." "Ah, Keira means" little dark-haired one. "My hair is naturally black so that's what my mother named me" she explained. "Nice" the man stood up. "so, see you tomorrow?" and he extended his hand to her. Keira stood up and then accepted her boss's handshake. "Thank you very much for trusting me. I promise you I will not disappoint you" she said. Charles shrugged his shoulders. It was when Keira felt that he gently squeeze her hand. "Go home, I'll see you tomorrow."  When Charles released his palm it seemed that an important part of her has been removed. Well, she was right. Charles was kind, and she could not deny that the feeling she felt for the man is even stronger now.   "HI, sir Charles good morning!" Keira's warm greetings to her boss the next day. He just came into his office and Keira is currently transferring coffee into a cup. She saw Charles' gaze at her before speaking. "Good morning," he said sitting down. "thank you" when Keira placed the cup of coffee in front of the young man. "Do you need anything else, sir?" her polite question while starring to the face of her handsome boss. He is now wearing a maroon sweatshirt that suits him perfectly.   Charles shook his head. Charles shook his head. She was at the door when the man called her. "Sir?" she turned around again. "Cherry, my former secretary will be here later for your turn over," he said informing her. "Okay, sir."    THAT day as Charles told her, Cherry arrived for their turn over. She did not ask her why she suddenly resigned but the woman still told her about it. "I'm pregnant, no problem in fact but because my boyfriend didn't want me to marry me my parents decided to take me to France to live with my French dad," she told her. "Really? Oh, I'm sorry to hear that" she said sounded like her words. Cherry laughs softly. "Don't feel sorry about me, I'm okay and I am grateful that aside from the fact that I will become a mother, my family accepts and supports me.  "Yeah you're right" she couldn't tell but she secretly admired her bravery and courage in spite of the situation she's going through. "Well just a piece of advice, get ready with the different women who are calling and chasing our boss. You know, rich and handsome" she laughed softly afterward. "I thought about that actually. But hey, is he really that womanizer?" Keira asks in a low tone of voice.   Cherry shrugged her shoulders. "Plenty actually, I guess monthly there were different women calling here looking for him and sometimes surprise visits. But lately, there is this one particular woman who constantly calling him, Shara." "By her name, she seems to be a very beautiful woman" she did not expect the pain that she instantly felt inside her chest. "All of Mr. Salveron's exes are stunning and sexy. Some are celebrities and beauty queens, but all came to an end. Maybe because there is no spark of love in their relationship" said Cherry. Celebrities and beauty queens. It was as if she now wanted to think that Charles would never notice her. Because of their different worlds. And it was far from the world where she was, so she suddenly woke up. CHERRY and Keira were able to finish everything that day. It was four o'clock when Cherry said goodbye to her and Charles. But before she left, the woman first gave her a folder that was the only job she couldn't finish before resigning. And it's up to her if she continues that. She read the memo twice. That's an invitation to all employees who want to submit a proposal for the new Bluebook Book Store ad. Winners, of course, have a cash prize. The deadline is two days from now and the entry must be submitted via email to the company's Marketing Department. She wasn't creative in ad creation but in those moments she seemed to want to try. The prize is huge and if she ever wins she can at least keep it in the bank as she starts her own savings.   It's embarrassing to admit, but she doesn't have a single saving, even though she's been working for a long time. Her wages were not as good as those of her previous companies and she was still supporting her brother's studies, and so that night she started making the proposal. She is not expecting to win but still praying for it.                      
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