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THAT night Charles went to his bed early to take a rest. He is dead tired but maybe because his mind is full of so many thoughts he finds it hard to sleep. He then reached for his cellphone on his side table and opened the images folder. Then she saw a familiar face that made her smile. He doesn't know if she got the job. He wanted to find out the result of her application. But because he didn't want to have an issue, he preferred not to do anything. Well just in case she got the job surely he will be able to see her in the office.  For a few moments, she remained staring into that girl's picture on his phone. It was not the first time he had seen a beautiful woman. But he admits that this one is different from the others. His mood quickly changed when his phone rang and saw Shara calling. He immediately returned his cell phone to the side table and chose to ignore the call. It wasn't Shara's last call to him after she broke up with him yesterday. Even in the office, she does the same. So he wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow suddenly she came to work to convince him to make up with her. At the last thought, he had a deep sigh. And for a moment, he seemed to feel a great deal of tiredness in the kind of relationship he has been having from day one. He didn't seem to remember the time when he was serious and was in love. And as his parents often remind him, she is not getting any younger and neither they are. The only problem is, even if he says he is getting tired if he doesn't see the woman for him, it still doesn't make any sense. But deep inside him, he knew that when their paths cross he just wanted to do something. Marry her and love her completely. IT was her father who took her to work. According to Lando, since it's her first day, it would be better if he will know where is the exact location of their office. At the entrance, she smiled at the guard and did the same. She was already in the elevator and right at the door when another one came in. Keira's chest pounded rapidly when she recognizes who it is. None other than their boss, Mr. Charles Salveron. "G-Good morning sir" even though it is like he was alone in the elevator the man acted out of seriousness who did not even glance at her, she still greeted him. That's normal because he's her boss. But in her mind, why does it seem so arrogant? Then the man turned to her. "Good morning" was the formal answer as the elevator doors opened. They were on the sixth floor, so Keira was anxious to get out of the elevator first. And when his boss probably noticed it, he turned to look at her and spoke seriously. "After you." Keira could not understand why the nervousness she feels became more intense because of that simple words from Charles. Yet she preferred to think that maybe because of his seriousness, plus the fact he is her boss made her feel so intimidated. "Thank you, sir," she said smiling broadly to Charles. Charles only nodded as he walked into his office. As for Keira, she really couldn't take her eyes off him.  Miss Wendy told her yesterday that being serious is on Mr. Salveron's nature ever since. But despite that, he is kind and generous to his employees. It is also Miss Wendy who told her that their boss is still a bachelor. She may not admit it but she felt happy on that part. She would be lying if she will deny the truth even to her self that Charles is the kind of guy she wanted to date, and he passes her standard from head to toe. She was already at her desk but Charles was still in her mind. What he said is like a broken CD that plays repeatedly in her mind.   He's got gentleness on his other side, and that is very attractive.   A MONTH passed quickly and like what her first impression, Keira's work environment changed her completely. She is happy because aside from having good co-workers, she has this feeling that she belongs to this company.    Nothing has changed to her boss. Nothing had changed to her boss, he was still serious and he didn't even smile at all. Chance became elusive for them because of her moment of 'After you' with Charles did not happen again. "Keira are you going home?" it was Miss Wendy.  "Yes Miss Wendy, why?"  "I'm so sorry this is so sudden that I didn't inform you. Go to the President's office. He'll explain it to you "she said.  From what she heard, her chest pounding immediately became abnormal. But despite that, she still tried to act normal and succeeded. "All right, I'll just retouch for a moment," she said. Miss Wendy gave her an understanding smile. Keira bit her lips when the woman turned her back. It's not likely that she will give a different meaning to what she said as she will face their big boss.   THREE consecutive knocks and from the paper he is reading, Charles raised his head. He replied and shortly after the door opened and spat out the woman who had made him lost his breath. "S-Sir, Miss Wendy told me that you wanted to see me?" he could hear the shaking in her voice and he likes it, why? That he cannot answer. Even though he seems to have many butterflies in his stomach, Charles still leaned back against his swivel chair. Then he nodded and pointed to the chair in front of his desk. "I will tell you this straight. You are Wendy's recommendation as my secretary. My current secretary has an emergency so she has to resign immediately" he didn't smile but he saw the admiration in the man's dark eyes. "The result of her evaluation of you is good and she thinks it's you who is fit for the job" Charles explained to her in a tone that indicated that she did not have to give her promotion a different meaning because she had undergone a proper evaluation.
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