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“SIR?” the next day when Charles called her. The man then pointed to the chair in front of his desk. “The Marketing Department has already given me your proposal. It's good, but I just want to clarify what model are you sure it's male? ” Surprised by what she heard, Keira still managed to control her emotions and hide the happiness she is feeling at the moment."Yes, sir, he must be handsome and mysterious" she said smiling broadly. "He must be handsome and mysterious looking?" Charles repeated with his eyebrows narrowed. It was when she stood up smiling broadly. "Yes sir, that kind that will give a woman a sudden and intense heartbeat because it is as if he had some sort of magnet in his eyes! Charles shook his head as if he is not interested. "You're talking about a celebrity Miss Perido" he said in a tone of dismissal and place the folder on the top of his table.  Keira giggled. "Sir we do not actually need a celebrity for this ad, you are actually more than qualified for this. Handsome, mysterious, and experienced. I couldn't ask for more!" at last words she said, Keira bites the lower lip and secretly rebukes herself. "What did you just said? Are you making fun of me Miss Perido? Have you forgotten who I am?" in his usual formal tone while with his eyebrows narrowed. Suddenly all the excitement she felt was gone. His boss seems annoyed that's why she immediately shook her head to somehow ease the tension which spread quickly around the room. “Oh no, sir. Everything I tell you is true ” Keira said in a worried tone. When she saw Charles's face soften, Keira immediately breathed a sigh of relief. “I'll think about it. Marketing has actually chosen three best proposals, including yours. And if you can give it a little more justification at next week's meeting you might win. You know there is only one to choose from and that winner will be our new Bluebook ad that will be featured on all electronic billboards here in Manila.” the young man's long explanation to her. In the tone of Charles's speech, Keira immediately relieved. She couldn't understand why the man had such a strong effect on her emotions when what she feels for him is just a simple crush. But whatever it was, it's fine with her because it keeps her inspired at work and she knew if this will continue, she will definitely progress in her career. ____________________ Time has flown by very fast without Keira even noticing it since she was so busy. She was so shocked when she took a glance at her wristwatch and found out that it's ten minutes after five in the afternoon already. She felt a little sad because of that.  She did not know if she was normal but from the time she started as to Charles's secretary, she had been very sad every time office hours ended. Maybe because she wants to see her boss always and seeing him makes her heart very happy. She was already applying lipstick when the man she has been thinking went out of his office door. Being nervous may seem normal to her every time the young man is around even though what she feels is not actually normal. "I'll see you at the parking lot Miss Perido. I will be waiting for you there, so please hurry up" he said in an authoritative tone. Keira stared at her boss as she held her lipstick in the air. "Huh, parking lot? Why is that necessary, sir?" in a series of questions Keira asked. The room seemed to light up when Charlie smiled for the first time. He smiled at the same time as his glittering eyes does. He spoke in an amused tone only to answer her question.“You started it, didn't you? You need to stand up for what you believe,” he said, leaving her. Keira slowly lowered the mirror and lipstick. After all, she doesn't have a car yet so what can she do in the parking lot? And what did Charles mean by this last word? What does she need to stand for and what does he mean that she started? What kind actually? She sighed and somehow felt a slight relaxation of her chest. It was in spite of the prevailing nervousness that made her very difficult to breathe. "Whatever!" all she had to say then she slipped her shoulder bag over her shoulder.  Ignoring her boss's request would probably not a good idea. For sure he will be mad at her and Keira doesn't want it to happen. Most especially now that he actually cared to smile at her. She feels so blessed because of that. _____________________ FROM inside his car, Charles smiled as he gazed at Keira who is now approaching. She is indeed very beautiful, simple but very beautiful and he is really couldn't take his eyes off her. When he noticed the young lady looking around it was when Charles moved and went off his car. Keira immediately noticed him because of what he did and broke a beautiful smile that made her even look prettier. "I'm sorry if I made you wait, sir," Keira said when she was in front of him already. Charles opened the car door on the passenger seat for the young lady. "No worries, you came just in time. It's cold inside" what he was referring to the inside of his car. He intended to open the aircon immediately so that it's cold already when Keira arrived. Keira didn't say a word on what he said and just smiled instead. "You wanna watch a movie?" he asked her afterward. _____________________ KEIRA was stunned because of her boss's question. "M-Movie?" She saw Charles glanced at her with amusement as he started the car engine. "Yeah, it's been a while since I last watched a movie. And it's just so boring watching alone ” he said in a tone that was very different from the usual that uses. She shook her head. "Oh no Sir Charles you don't have to do this" the true thing is, she feels like she does not have the courage to go in a dark place with the young man. Why? She doesn't know. The young man smiled maliciously. "I know what you are thinking Miss Perido. Don't worry I'm not like that" he said with a tone of assurance then chuckles after. Keira felt the intense blush that spreads all over her face. She feels so ashamed and self-consciously smiled. "It's not like that sir, I'm just really shy" that was half true and the other half, well she knew Charles was actually telling the truth.   
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