6 - To be loved

1677 Words
Hel The moment we’re through the door of Kayson’s cabin, he slams me back against it. I gasp at the lust and desire in his eyes. “Show me the real you, Hel. Don’t hide from me. Not now.” I smile and allow my true self to show. No one but Kayson could want me looking the way I do. But he makes me feel so desired with the way he’s looking at me. “You’re driving me crazy.” He growls while kissing my neck. I slide my arms around him, lifting his shirt from the back. Kayson pulls away enough to tear the shirt over his head. I swallow hard at the sight of his massive chest. He really has grown! I can’t stop myself from running my hands over the bumps of his muscles, the refined eight-pack, and perfect pectorals. Then I see it, my portrait and name over his heart. Not the fake me, but the real me. I don’t remember ever crying, but emotion fills me, and my eyes well up. This man really loves me, and I’m overwhelmed by it all. Kayson cups my cheek, lifting my head. “What is it, my love?” “You tattooed me across your heart.” Kayson smiles. “Because you are my heart, Hel.” I grab the back of his head and slam my mouth against Kayson’s. I love him. I love him so much it hurts to breathe. I need him right now. We’ve waited long enough. Without another word, Kayson takes me in his big, strong arms, pulling me closer. Our bodies pressed tightly together, our hearts racing in perfect sync. We’re locked in a passionate kiss, tongues tangling as we explore each other's mouths. I feel a shiver of desire run down my spine, and I can tell that Kayson feels it, too. Without breaking the kiss, Kayson reaches down and grips my hips, lifting her up and carrying me deeper into the house. I gasp when he sits me on the edge of the dining table. Kayson breaks the kiss and leans his forehead against mine. “I’ve never done this before, but I’m not stupid. I’ve touched myself a million times to the image of you inside my head.” I groan because I need him inside me. I do not care that we aren't making it to his bed. “Kayson. Please. I know you’ve never done this before, but you must have envisioned something like this. That’s why you said what you did to Viggo, and that’s why you sat me on this table. Do whatever you want with me. We have all our lives to explore one another, but I need you…” My eyes widen when Kayson growls, shoves my skirt over my thighs, and tears away my underwear. He grabs my knees and pushes my legs up and apart. He breathes deeper, looking at my intimate parts. Then he drops to his knees and attacks me. Oh, my… “Kayson!” I scream as my eyes roll. He may never have taken a woman with his mouth before, but he has some skill. I clutch at the edge of the table, trying to hold on, but I’m failing. Shi.t, fuc.k, I can’t hold on! “Kayson!” I scream his name as I ride the waves of pleasure against his face. No one has ever given me such pleasure or made me reach climax so quickly! I feel dizzy and fall forward as Kayson gets to his feet and wraps his arms around me. He kisses my head as I hum. Wow, I’m speechless. That has never happened to me before. “Are you okay, my love?” I nod while clinging to my mate. I look at him through glazed eyes. “You took the very breath from me.” Kayson laughs. “Well, that is something.” He kisses me again, and I moan into his mouth. “You taste so good, Hel. I could get addicted to the taste of you.” Kayson says things to me that no one else has. He makes me feel things I never imagined I could. I slide my hand over his toned stomach and palm his manhood. I trace my fingers over the length of his hardness and groan. He’s big, and I want him right now! I snap my fingers, leaving us both naked. Kayson’s eyes widen as he looks at my nude form. “I’ve died and gone to heaven.” I laugh. “So have I.” My eyes roll to the back of my head as he kisses me savagely. I gasp and pant as he kisses my neck and each breast. “I’ve missed you so much,” He murmurs, his voice low and husky. “You are my everything, Hel. Everything!” I lay my hand on his face and look into his blue eyes. “You’re my everything, too, and you always will be.” Again, he kisses me, but I can’t take anymore. “Kayson, please. We can explore each other later, but I need you inside me now.” With my leg in his hand, Kayson pulls me against him. His coc.k strokes over my cli.t, and I whimper. I then let out a moan, my body arching towards Kayson’s. I can feel the wetness between my legs, and I know that Kayson can, too, if the low growl is anything to go by. “Don’t be gentle. Take what you want.” Kayson smirks at me while pushing my thighs wide apart. I let out a gasp as he slowly, teasingly, enters me. All the times I dreamed about this moment, I imagined Kayson taking me like a wild beast. I believed he would take me rough and wild. I never imagined this. Maybe I thought those things because that’s the way everyone I’ve ever been with has taken me. He grabs my ass and slams hard into me, and I scream while my eyes roll. “Oh, Kayson,” I close my eyes tightly as pleasure washes over me. “That feels so good.” Kayson leans his forehead against mine. “You feel good. This is everything I ever dreamed of,” He begins to move inside me, and our bodies slap together in a rhythm that is both primal and possessive. The air is thick with our combined scent, a heady mix of sweat and desire that fills the small room. I can feel the heat building inside me, the tension coiling tighter and tighter with each thrust. “You're so tight,” Kayson groans, his voice ragged. “I could lose myself in you.” The words send a shiver of delight coursing through me. I wrap my legs around his waist, arching my back, pushing myself further onto him. We move together, faster and faster, lost in the ecstasy of the moment. The world around us seems to fade away, leaving only the two of us connected by our desire and our passion for each other. I feel Kayson nipping at my neck, fighting hard not to bite down and mark me. My mate has so much respect for me that he would fight his natural instincts. I stroke the back of his head. “It’s okay, Kayson. Leave your mark on me, my love. Don’t fight it.” “Hel,” He groans in my ear and then bites down, causing me to scream through an orgas.m so powerful I can’t breathe! I pant, elongate my teeth, and bite into Kayson’s neck. He yells so loudly as he orgasm.s, spilling his hot seed into me, that the cabin shakes forcefully. I let go of Kayson as we collapse onto the table, our sweaty bodies sticking together and our hearts racing in unison. The smell of our lovemaking fills the air, a heady mix of se.x and desire that makes my body tingle with want. I can feel Kayson's weight pressing down on me, his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath. “That was... incredible," He pants, his lips brushing against my neck. “I had no idea you’d be able to mark me like that.” “I can do anything I choose. I wanted to mark you as you marked me. I love you, Kayson.” “I love you, too.” Kayson lifts me from the table and carries me into his bedroom. I try not to look at all the pictures of me everywhere, but one of us together draws my eye. A beautiful charcoal sketch of the two of us holding one another. I pull my eyes away when Kayson lays me down on his bed and climbs on beside me. We lie here in silence for a moment, just enjoying the closeness of our newly sealed bond. The tension of the day fades away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment that only Kayson could bring me. I smile because I can feel his erectio.n, poking me in the stomach. Kayson is still a young man, and his stamina for se.x will be out of this world. I reach down to stroke his coc.k gently, marveling at its strength and size. Kayson groans. “Hel,” I smirk while sliding down the bed. I take him in my hand and flick my tongue over the tip of his dic.k. Kayson hisses. “What are you doing to me, you beautiful devil?” “I’m going to show you the night of your life. Just lie back and enjoy.” I suck him deep into my mouth, allowing him to hit the back of my throat. Kayson yells how it’s too good, and he’ll explode if I don’t let go. But I don’t want to let go; I want to feel his seed coat my throat! I do hope my mate can keep up because he has awoken something in me I thought was long since dead.
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