5 - Monster!

2290 Words
Hel I stare at the drawing of me on Kayson’s wall above the mantel. I have never seen such fantastic brushwork in my life, and I’m older than… It doesn’t matter how old I am. The picture is framed in gold, and I am awestruck. I’m a little freaked out by how many paintings and drawings there are of me in this small cabin home. I already knew Kayson had missed me while I was gone, but I hadn’t realized how much. I know he painted me as a way to have me with him, but this is something else. “Is this how you really see me?” I ask. Seeing myself through Kayson’s eyes is strange. He immortalized me, captured me in beauty that I do not possess – not in my proper form. “That’s how everyone sees you, Hel. I drew you from memory.” I swallow hard and turn to look at my mate. “But you made me look…” Kayson cups my cheek. “I drew you as you are, Hel. You are so beautiful, and one day, you will see yourself as I do.” Aside from the mate bond telling Kayson to love me, what does he see in me? All my life, I was told how ugly and unwanted I was. It doesn’t matter how strong or good a woman is at holding her own; never being shown love hardens a woman’s heart. The day Selene showed me a vision of my future with Kayson, my heart thawed a little. When I met Kayson for the first time, I knew I loved him. Yes, he was fifteen, and it was a different kind of love than what it is now. But over the years, I fell in love with him. When I saw Kayson at Ava’s memorial, that’s when I knew I would die for him. Kayson has shown me that I am worthy of love and devotion all the time I've known him. This beautiful man has given me something no one else ever could—his heart. I lay my hand on Kayson’s chest, feeling his heartbeat against my fingertips. I look him in the eye, and he smiles. “I’m sorry if seeing all this,” He tips his head toward the pictures. “Has freaked you out. You were always inside my head, and I needed to get out the visions of you. I did that by painting and drawing.” “It’s okay, Kayson. I understand. I’m flattered.” I smile, and Kayson smiles with me. “I may have been asleep for six years, but I never stopped thinking about you. My dreams were filled with visions of you and our life together. I even saw our son and watched him become a man.” Kayson laughs. “Was he a good man?” I press myself closer to Kayson’s big chest. “The best. He was just like you, but he had many of my abilities.” I slide my hands along his chest as his arms surround my waist. “He had your smile and your gorgeous eyes.” “Yeah?” I nod. “You got so big, Kayson.” My fingertips flex against his pectoral muscles, and my stomach churns in the best way. Kayson has changed so much from the fifteen-year-old boy I once knew. When I saw him a little over six years ago, he had changed, but not as much as he had since I’ve been gone. “I had a lot of time on my hands waiting for you. I spent most of my time hunting and building myself into the man you see before you now.” “And he is perfect.” He is more than perfect. Kayson is everything. Not because of his looks or how big his body is, but because he’s mine. “Kayson, I have missed you so much. Please, kiss me.” Kayson smirks right before his lips hit mine. My eyes roll to the back of my head when his tongue touches mine. I moan into his mouth while sliding my hands into his hair, pulling him closer to my aching body. I have never felt anything like this. The last time we kissed, it was everything, but there is something very different this time. Last time, it was passionate, but this time, it’s all-consuming. I can’t seem to get close enough, and I whimper when Kayson grabs the back of my head, pulling me even closer. I grind into him, rubbing myself against his evident hard-on. Oh, Gods. How am I meant to get through the day without having him inside me? I groan while pulling away from my mate. I can’t get swept up in se.x right now, not when I need to meet Fenrir’s children. Once I have? All bets are off. Kayson is mine to do as I please with, and I cannot wait! I laugh while Kayson kisses me one more time. “I have waited far too long to kiss you like that.” “I know what you mean.” I smile at him. I lay my hand on his handsome face. “I love you, Kayson. I love you more than you could possibly know.” He slides his thumb over my lower lip. “I do know, Hel, because I love you more than anything. Now that you’re with me; I am never letting you go again.” “Good, because I am going nowhere without you ever again.” I smile when Kayson kisses me again. I will never tire of my mate’s kisses. “Wow, Uncle Kayson!” I startle and pull away from my mate. “Why are you kissing…” The little girl at the door gasps with wide eyes while looking at me. I close my eyes and turn away. “A monster!” She screams. “Melody, wait!” Kayson calls after the girl. My heart sinks. That little girl was Fenrir’s daughter, and she was terrified of me. I can’t blame her for being scared; I am a monster. How could I be anything else when I look the way I do? My mother told me many times how hideous I am. Odin wasn’t much better, and people have shied away from me everywhere I have ever been. Why should I believe that my niece would be any different? “Hel?” Kayson takes my arm, and I look at him. “She didn’t mean it.” “I’m used to it.” I shrug. “She’s a child, and I frightened her.” Instantly, I change my appearance. If I am to meet my brother’s children, I’d rather they didn’t run screaming the way Melody just did. Kayson sighs. “I wish you wouldn’t hide behind this mask, Hel. The pack, including the kids, will have to get used to seeing you around. I don’t want you to hide your beauty.” “I know you think I’m beautiful, Kayson. But no one else does. I usually don’t give a damn what people think of me; I am who I am. But I do not want to scare my brother’s children.” Kayson rolls his eyes while pulling me into his big, strong arms. “I know you probably want to leave,” I chuckle, cutting Kayson off, and look at him. “I don’t want to leave.” I lay my hand on his handsome face. “I cannot stay away from Niflheim indefinitely. I don’t have the same choices as my brothers. However, I can leave more frequently now because I have you.” “I don’t expect you to live here permanently, Hel. I understand your duties as the Goddess of the Dead. I will be by your side for the rest of my life. Wherever that may be, I promise. Here or Niflheim, it doesn’t matter as long as we’re together.” I smile because this man makes my cold heart beat faster. “I love you, Kayson Blake.” He leans in and kisses me. “I love you, too, beautiful. Ready to meet the new brood?” I nod and take Kayson’s hand. As he leads me toward his parent’s cabin, I feel nervous. I have never been nervous in my life! But I strangely am about meeting Fenrir’s children. I don’t blame Melody for being frightened. But I hope Fenrir isn’t too angry with me. Entering his parent’s home, Kayson leads me toward the group of people waiting for us. I laugh when Winter rushes over and hugs me. ‘It’s good to see you!’ Winter still doesn’t speak out loud, I see. ‘It’s good to see you, too, Winter. I’m so sorry that I frightened Melody.’ Winter pulls away from me. ‘Hey now, it wasn’t your fault. It had nothing to do with how you look. Melody is very attached to Kayson and yells monster at every woman who goes near him.’ My face drops. My breathing accelerates as anger courses through me. I know I said I was okay with Kayson finding solace in the arms of another woman, but I lied! Kayson is mine! The people in the room, Starr, Kai, Viggo, Fenrir, a couple of men I don’t recognize, and four young children, all look at me. I don’t wish to scare the children, so I pull back the anger as much as possible. People, including my brother’s, believe nothing bothers me. Perhaps I tried too hard to prove that I didn’t care. But knowing Kayson has been with another woman bothers me greatly! I want to kill something! Kayson grabs my hand. ‘Calm down. What did my sister say to make you so angry?’ ‘Not now. I have a niece and three nephews to meet.’ Kayson sighs as I yank my hand away from his. “Everyone, I’d like to officially introduce my mate. Hel, you remember my parents.” I tip my head in greeting. I’m too scared to speak in case I explode. “The two guys over there are my uncles, Arrow and Zane.” “Nice to meet you, Hel. Kayson’s told us all about you.” Arrow smiles. I know who’s who because Kayson described Arrow to me when he was fifteen and locked in my Realm to keep him safe in the war against Nyx. “You, too.” I manage to say without setting fire to the house with my anger. “Why do you have that face?” “Finn!” My brother snaps. “What?” The sweet-looking boy, who looks much like his father, turns to me. “You don’t look like that in Uncle Kayson’s pictures. Why are you hiding your real face?” “You must be Finn.” Finn nods with a smile. “I hid my face because I didn’t want to scare you and your siblings.” “Why would you scare us? Daddy told us all about you, and Uncle Kayson has lots of pictures of you everywhere. I think you’re beautiful.” I’m stunned, and I blink twice. ‘Told you.’ Kayson chuckles inside my head. “Auntie?” I look at Melody in her father’s arms. “I didn’t mean to make you sad and think you have to hide. I am not scared of your face. I just didn’t want you to kiss Uncle Kayson. He never kissed any of the other girls who wanted to kiss him. He always tells them he loves someone else, then he kissed you, and I thought he would run away with you.” I smile and walk closer to my little niece. “Thank you, Melody.” She smiles sweetly, and this little girl just doused the fire in my veins with what she said. Kayson hasn’t been with anyone else, and he told them he loved me. Only a fool would believe women wouldn’t fall at Kayson’s feet; he’s gorgeous. I guess I’m jealous. “She’s beautiful, Fenrir. She looks just like her mother.” “Yes,” He chuckles. “She does. The little ones playing on the rug are Rune and Raidar, our twins.” I look down and smile. It seems the males all took after Fenrir. They look at me and give me toothy, cheeky smiles. “How long will you be staying?” Starr asks as I walk back to Kayson. “I’m sorry if that sounded rude. I just mean, I know you’ll have to leave soon.” “Mom,” Kayson laughs. “We’ll be staying for a few days, then we’ll have to return to Niflheim. Hel and I haven’t spoken about things yet. But as soon as we do, you’ll be the first to know how long we’ll be here each year.” As nice as these people have been to welcome me, I don’t feel like I belong. I haven’t given myself the chance to get to know anyone yet, and right now, I don’t want to. All I want is for Kayson to take me back to his cabin and have his way with me. ‘I can smell your arousal.’ Kayson growls inside my head. ‘If I can, everyone else will, including your brother.’ ‘That’s a shame for him.’ I shrug. ‘I don’t care. But I think you should take me home and have your way with me.’ I yelp as Kayson swipes his arm behind my knees and lifts me in his arms. “Bye!” He yells and carries me out of there as fast as his legs will carry him.
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