29 - Please, calm down

2431 Words

Fenrir Confusion fills me. I don’t understand what I’m seeing. One moment, my daughter lay dead; the next, my sister was bringing her back to life. No, not my sister, her unborn son. I saw the light leave her stomach and swirl around my daughter. I saw the light flow into Melody and breathe life into her body. This is what Odin fears, the strength of Hel’s son. From within her womb, Kaiden gave life to another. As Gods, there is much we can do, but no one can bring someone back from the dead without altering them irreparably. Azrael is the only one who can grant life without repercussion. Only time will tell if Melody will be altered. If she is, then I will have no choice but to end my own child. I pray to no one – my mate, maybe – but I will pray to anyone up there that Melody remains

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