Chapter 8. Ashlynn

1963 Words

When I come out from the locker room, smelling a little better than I did going in, Ben is waiting for me by himself. “Are La-la and Ash meeting us at the bar?” I ask. He smiles and shakes his head. “Kayla decided she was too tired after all,” he says with a chuckle. “I swear she’s like a pane of glass.” “What do you mean?” I tilt my head at him in question. “Well, first she insisted I ride with them tonight,” he says, counting on his fingers, “since the parking can be tricky.” “Our parking lot is huge,” I c*ck an eyebrow up in amusement, starting to catch his drift. “La-la knows there’s plenty of space.” “Yeah, I noticed that when we pulled in,” he smirks. “Then she comes up with this idea of going for a few drinks to unwind after the excitement of the game, just before deciding

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