
Smash and Grab

friends to lovers

This is the sequel to Oh, La-la!

Ashlynn and Ben meet at Kayla and Ash's wedding and it's instant chemistry, despite their obvious age gap. Unfortunately, they both struggle to get out of their own way and allow a relationship to flourish. Does leading busy lifestyles that leave little to no room for a budding romance mean they will let the opportunity at love pass them by?

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Chapter 1. Ashlynn
Quick note: this is the sequel to Oh, La-la! It will make much more sense if you read that one first. “What’s the deal with the best man?” I ask La-la as casually as I can, trying not to show just how intrigued I am by the man. It’s a total cliché for the maid of honor to hook up with the best man, and certainly not something I had thought about until I’d spotted him earlier in the evening as we were all getting settled into the little cabins we would be staying in for the wedding. “Ben?” she looks over towards where he and Ash are talking at the far end of the dining room. “He’s a really good guy. He and Ash used to work together before he went independent. He’s in a band. They’re really good. But,” she squints at me before saying, “he’s not your usual type.” “No, I know that!” I laugh nervously and take a sip of my glass of bubbly to disguise my embarrassment. “I was just curious is all.” It certainly wasn’t a lie. He’s completely different from everyone else at La-la and Ash’s rehearsal dinner tonight. Even in my heels, he’s slightly taller than me, which doesn’t happen very often. My hands itch to run over his shaved head and broad, muscular shoulders. His dark, intense eyes are shaded by heavy brows, and his dark goatee makes him seem even more intimidating. I’m sure most women would be putting more space between him and them, but ever since I pulled up to the little cabins and saw him lifting his suitcase out of the trunk of his car, muscles bunching under his tight t-shirt and the dark lines of an intricate tattoo covering one arm, my mind had started concocting all sorts of steamy situations that involved him. I’m sure it’s only because it’s been over a year since I last got laid, and I’ve started reading e*****a to help me get off occasionally. I’m going to blame the story I read last week about the maid of honor and best man getting it on in the coat room for my current libido situation. Well, that, and the mountain of man I currently would love to climb. Almost as if he can feel my eyes on him, he turns his smoldering gaze towards me. I look away quickly, hoping my blush isn’t too obvious under my make-up. “Are you ready to take the plunge tomorrow?” I ask La-la, trying to change the subject from the incredibly handsome, and completely out of my league man across the room. La-la gets a dreamy look in her eyes and I fight off the urge to gag. I’m happy for her, really, really happy for her. Still, she and Ash are so saccharine sweet with each other it makes me both a little nauseous and envious at the same time. When she’d asked me to be her maid of honor, I’d accepted immediately. Planning their wedding had been more fun than I had thought it would be. Even when they mysteriously moved the wedding date up by several months to be during the middle of derby season. It sometimes took a monumental amount of effort to keep my promises to her, my team, and my work, but somehow, I’d gotten through. Tonight’s rehearsal dinner is a good chance to relax before tomorrow’s crazy schedule. There’s light at the end of the tunnel, though. After the wedding, I’ll have one less thing on my plate to deal with. One less commitment to juggle. Even though I enjoyed doing this with La-la, I’m definitely looking forward to some breathing room. “I can’t wait to be Mrs. Denning,” La-la says happily, staring across at Ash. I swear I can actually see stars in her eyes. He smiles at her and when she sighs, I roll my eyes. “I’d say get a room,” our other friend, Tone, says as he joins us, “but then you’d disappear for the rest of the night!” La-la smirks at him as she gives him a hug and he kisses her cheek. “You’re late,” she admonishes him playfully. “Sorry,” he grins at her before turning to me for a hug and kiss. “I got held up later than I expected.” “With your boyfriend?” I tease him. He blushes slightly and turns away, making La-la and I share a look. He’s been kind of flighty lately, and it reminds me of high school when he was afraid we wouldn’t approve of his romantic entanglements- they never lasted long enough to be called relationships- but I’d thought we’d gotten past that. “This is a really awesome venue you found, La,” Tone says, effectively changing the subject. “Isn’t it the best?” she squeals. Honestly, we were so lucky this place had had a cancellation. She’d been so desperate for an Autumn wedding, and when she suddenly changed her mind and decided it had to be in August instead, we’d scrambled to find a venue that was available at short notice. She’d stumbled across this place, and I have to admit, I’m happy she did. Acres of parkland dotted with trees I can’t begin to name that sway and dance in the constant breeze. Flowering shrubs and trees attract clouds of butterflies and it’s impossible not to feel like a cartoon princess whenever you walk by one of the bushes that seems to release dozens of butterflies to dance around you. Hummingbirds zoom around the little one room cabins that all feature a feeder on the front porch. Each of the six cabins is one room with its own bathroom. Small, but functional, and means we all have our own space for the two nights we’re spending here. The communal dining room where we’re all currently gathered looks like the perfect combination of rustic countryside and smooth elegance. The long table is covered in a white tablecloth, with a centerpiece that runs nearly the entire length with flowers, candles, and peacock feathers that had inspired the colors La-la chose for the wedding. Even Tone and I had managed to coordinate. His hair is the same purple color as the gorgeous dress I get to wear for the ceremony tomorrow, and my hair is the same dark teal as the shirt he’s going to wear while he officiates. “Incoming,” Tone whispers. “Looks like I need another drink,” he says louder and quickly moves away from me. “Smash!” my shoulders sag slightly at the voice behind me. La-la’s mom, Beverly, is like a second mom to me- for better and worse. I love her, but she can be a little much. Turning around to greet her and her husband, Dale, I smile and mentally prepare myself for whatever comes out of her mouth. “Hi Bev, Dale,” I accept hugs from both of them before stepping back. “Did you find the place ok?” “There are so many deer out here, we’re lucky we didn’t get into a car wreck!” Bev exclaims. “Still, I’m glad Kayla didn’t want to have the ceremony in the city someplace like she was talking about before. What a disaster that would’ve been!” La-la had booked a venue in the heart of the city that she really loved, but they hadn’t been available to reschedule for this weekend. She had told her mom that this place was her actual first choice, but they didn’t have any availability later in the year. I went along with the lie, even though Kayla refused to tell me why she had been so insistent in changing the date. “Let me get a good look at you,” Bev says, stepping back and looking me over. I’d chosen a fairly conservative, fifties style cocktail dress for tonight in royal blue. I know I look pretty damned good in it, but I’ve never met anyone who could be as critical as Bev. She means well. I think it’s actually her love language, but it can still be a little frustrating. “I do wish you’d wear flats, dear,” as her eyes reach my three inch heels that put me over six feet tall. “Men like to be taller than their partner so they can feel protective.” “Well, then I’ll just have to find a man taller than me,” I say with a smile, trying not to let my eyes drift over to Ben again. Ever since La-la got engaged to Ash, Bev has made it her mission in life to set me up with someone “nice.” At first, I’d been open to the idea. My last few attempts at dating had been complete disasters. Most of the guys in my circle tend to be conservative, which doesn’t really work for my crazy appearance, or they found me through roller derby and had an idea in their head that I certainly didn’t fit. One guy was deeply disappointed that I wasn’t some sort of dominatrix. And although I’m not opposed to that sort of thing, I’m not sure I have it in me to take charge like that.  Unfortunately, Bev seems to think that “nice” means someone with a good stock portfolio. The reason she’s so obsessed with my shoes lately is because the last “nice” guy she picked for me complained that I was too tall and it wasn’t feminine enough. The guy was a good six inches shorter than me barefoot. It really didn’t matter if I wore heels around him or not. I manage to get through the rest of dinner in one piece- grateful that La-la and Ash didn’t want us to do the embarrassing speeches thing. Normally, standing up in front of a crowd of people- especially when I know most of them- wouldn’t bother me at all. But tonight? Every time I glance at Ben, I get all tongue tied and would be lucky to remember my name, let alone an entire speech. It had been a long day, and tomorrow would start early, so I decide to go to bed early. Thoughts of the best man plague me, though, and I end up tossing and turning for a while trying to avoid fantasizing about him. That would just make tomorrow even more awkward! Still, I wish I’d brought my battery operated boyfriend with me.

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