Chapter 2. Ben

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“I now pronounce you husband and wife!” I hate weddings. I didn’t always used to be this cynical. It really only started when my ex, Jeanine, pulled off the engagement ring I’d given her, chucked it at my face, and screamed that she’d rather die alone than marry an unemployed musician. Harsh words not made less hurtful by them not being entirely true. While I had quit my job as a software developer to pursue my passion of music, I was still working as an independent contractor picking up jobs that interested me. Cybersecurity, formatting, web design- whatever sounded like it could pay enough to keep food on the table and a roof over my head while still giving me enough freedom to pour more of my time, energy, and yes, funds into making the band I started in college into something more than just an expensive hobby. It worked, too. Mad Eyed Gazers has been getting some pretty decent paying gigs lately. We even have a fan base on social media, and I’ve noticed a few familiar faces in the crowds at the clubs and bars we pay at. Enough times that I’ve had to be a little more careful about who I let warm my bed after a show. I don’t need to get a stalker to feel like I’ve finally made it. “You may now kiss the bride.” Ugh. I struggle not to roll my eyes, but clear my throat when the kiss has gone on long enough. No one needs to see that. Ash pulls back from Kayla and smirks at me and this time I do roll my eyes. I’m happy for him, really, I am. When he asked me to be his best man, I couldn’t refuse him, of course. And Kayla seems like a really nice person. A little young, for me anyway, but she and Ash are obviously in love. Disgustingly in love. Honestly, if he weren’t my best friend, watching the two of them together would make me want to vomit. It still kind of does. But he deserves this happiness after everything he’s been through. I remind myself it’s time to look like I’ve been paying attention the whole time as Tone, one of Kayla’s friends who got ordained in order to perform the ceremony, announces the new Mr. and Mrs. Denning. Now I’m supposed to follow them down the aisle with the mesmerizing woman who has completely distracted me all afternoon. Kayla introduced her as “Smash,” but I really hope I heard that wrong. She doesn’t look like a Smash. She looks like a Freya or Aphrodite, or Ishtar. I’m not a small man- 6’5” if I remember to stand up straight with broad shoulders and muscular arms from hauling equipment to and from my van several times a week. The goddess standing opposite me as Kayla’s maid of honor is at my eye level in her heels, though I’m pretty sure even without those heels, she would tower over most women and even some men. Her loosely curled, shoulder length hair is a deep turquoise, matching the wedding theme colors. The thin straps of her purple silk dress reveal muscular shoulders and arms, covered in intricate tattoos that I’d love to get a better look at. One arm has a tiger, the other a dragon, both surrounded by a colorful array of flowers and ornate designs. Despite her obvious muscular build, she still has curves in all the right places, making my hands want to trace over every ample inch of flesh. I need a drink. Before I can head for the open bar at the reception, we’re pulled aside to take a billion pictures of the wedding party. When the photographer instructs me to wrap my arms around Smash, I can’t help but notice how well she fits against me, like she was made to be there. She’s too young, I remind myself for the hundredth time since I met her. Someone should warn her about my perverted mind and keep her as far from me as possible. Meanwhile, Kayla and Ash can’t keep their lips off each other. I’m pretty sure their faces won’t be in any of the wedding photos because they are glued to each other. “So, are you two thinking of permanently joining at the lips, or is this just for our benefit?” Smash asks dryly. Damn, she’s funny, too. “Sorry, I just can’t help it,” Kayla giggles. “I love kissing my husband!” “Ok, well you two have fun sucking faces, I’m gonna go get me some brisket before it’s all gone!” she winks as she heads for the tent where tables and food have been set up. I try not to watch her ass as she walks away, but I’m only partially successful. “I’m going to get a drink,” I mumble, not that anyone cares, Ash and Kayla are back at it and everyone else is happily conversing among each other. I agreed to be here for my friend, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to do it sober. Before long, the reception is in full swing. The music is blasting and people are having a great time on the dance floor. I’m content to sip my whiskey, even if I’ve lost count of what number this one is, and watch the people around me. There were whispers when Ash and Kayla’s engagement was so short, after they bumped up the date by several months. Rumors that are all but confirmed as Kayla sips sparkling apple juice instead of champagne, and Ash keeps unconsciously resting a protective hand on her as yet still flat belly. Whatever. I know even if she is knocked up, that’s not why they got married. I’ve never seen Ash as happy as he is with Kayla. I’m sure he’s over the moon to be expecting their first child. I let my eyes drift over the crowd, and without meaning to, they land on Smash. Again. Not that it’s hard to find her. Even if she were wearing beige and had a normal hair color, she would stand out anywhere. At the moment, she’s trapped at a table with an older couple I recognize as the parents of the bride. Her blue eyes seem to know I’m watching and they meet my gaze with an intensity that speaks of desperation. Her full, pink lips are tight, and I get the distinct feeling she’s getting a parental type of lecture. I know she and Kayla are close, and I can’t shake the feeling that means she’s like another child to Kayla’s parents. “How’re you holding up?” Ash slaps me on the back, making me hastily break eye contact with Smash. “Fine,” I say guiltily. “Congrats, man! You really did it!” He sighs and gazes longingly toward Kayla. “Thanks, man. And thanks for being here. I know it’s hard for you.” “I wouldn’t be anywhere else,” I grin at him. Yeah, I’m officially buzzed. He lowers his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “I saw you looking at Smash,” he says with a wink. “Psssh! What?” my voice is way too high and way too loud right now. I try to modulate it and pretend I’m not as drunk as I am. “It’s just… you know, the hair. And she’s tall,” and I’m a lame p*****t. “Yeah, well, she’s actually a really cool person to be around,” he says, his eyes fixed on her. “And if you wanted to be a hero in a tux, you could go over there and save her from Kayla’s parents. Apparently, they’re trying to set her up with their accountant. I’d go myself, but Kayla’s mom scares me.” I snort and choke on my whiskey. “Ok, on one condition,” I say, knowing this is already a very bad idea. “You have to tell me when Kayla’s due.” “Sh*t, is it that obvious?” “When you keep rubbing her stomach like she’s a genie’s lamp it is!” I laugh. “She’s about three months along,” the wistful smile on his face makes me wish my life was different, that I could have that same look. “She’s due the end of February.” “Wow. Seriously congrats, man. I have no words,” I say truthfully. Ash shrugs. “She wanted to keep it under wraps until after the wedding. Guess we’re not doing a great job hiding it.” “Hey, man, if anyone’s got a problem with it, f*ck ‘em!” I say it with the conviction of a man three sheets to the wind. “You know what I say! Ya gotta grab life by the horns and shake every drop of good out.” Or something like that. “Yeah, yeah,” Ash laughs as he shakes his head before nudging me. “Go on, a deal’s a deal. Go rescue the girl.” I down the last of my drink and stand up, surprised my legs aren’t wobbly as I make my way across the tent towards Smash. This is a bad idea. “I know you’re young and you feel like you have your whole life ahead of you… and you do! But you also have to remember that your body has an expiration date,” Kayla’s mom is happily reciting old lines that should have died out centuries ago. “You don’t want to be in your forties and look back and regret not taking a chance with someone that could have led to having a family of your own. Just think about it, dear. He’s very successful-“ “Smash?” I interrupt. If I don’t want to hear another word, I can only assume she’s about to rip her ears off. I wait until her crystalline eyes fix on me. They’re so blue, I feel like I could dive in to cool off from the sudden heat I feel standing in front of her. Suddenly realizing I have three pairs of eyes staring at me, waiting for me to say something else, I feel a little self-conscious. Put me on stage in front of a hundred screaming people, I come alive. Standing awkwardly in front of one pretty girl and I’m a basket case. “Umm… I was… I was wondering if you’d like to dance?” I mumble. “Dance? You want to dance? With me?” for a moment I think she’s going to refuse, but then she takes a sideways glance at Mr. and Mrs. Brown, and quickly nods her head, standing up. “Ok.” I reach out automatically and take her hand, leading her to the dance floor. Once again, I’m startled at just how well we fit together. I start to sway along to the music, testing her out, and she matches me move for move. She’s light on her feet and has good rhythm. She holds her head high, and exudes a calm confidence I’m forced to admire. “Thanks for that,” she says with a smirk. “Whatever do you mean?” I grin back at her. “Rescuing me. Did Kayla put you up to it?” I shake my head and give her a spin. “Nope, Ash did. Although, I was working up the nerve to ask you to dance before he came over and lit the fire under me.” “Sure,” she snorts. “You don’t believe me?” I ask and she shakes her head. “Why not?” “Because someone who looks like you asking someone who looks like me to dance can only be out of pity,” she doesn’t have any tone of sarcasm or dejection and I stumble my next step as I realize she actually believes what she’s saying. I shake my head knowing saying anything more is going to get me in trouble, but I can’t stand her thinking that she’s not the most beautiful woman in the room. The music changes, slows to a low sultry sound. She tries to pull away from me, but I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her close so our bodies can continue to sway together. I might be drunk, but I’m quickly becoming intoxicated by the woman in my arms. Her hips move against mine, her arms around my neck. She’s so close I can smell her perfume, a spicy citrus scent that suits her fiery personality perfectly. “I think you could be the most intriguing person I’ve ever met,” I whisper in her ear. “I know I’ve only known you a short time, but already I know you’re intelligent, funny, fierce, and so goddamned sexy it makes me think of things I shouldn’t think about with someone your age.” Her eyes darken with lust even as a flash of annoyance crosses her face. Her fingers curl at the nape of my neck, sending a bolt of electricity down my spine. “How old are you, Ben?” her voice is like silk brushing over my heated skin. “Thirty-four,” I answer, my own voice low and husky. Warning bells are going off in my head, but my stupid drunk ass ignores them. “I’m twenty-three,” her eyes hold me captive, I couldn’t look away even if I wanted to. “That’s not that much younger than you in the grand scheme of things. Have you really already put yourself out to pasture?” “You’re young enough I shouldn’t be doing this,” I mutter as I lean forward, my lips brushing softly against hers, teasing us both. The music ends, but we don’t change our position. She feels too good in my arms, and for a moment I want to pretend this could happen. I want to believe she belongs to me. Her breasts are pressed into my chest, my hands squeezing her ass, and we’re so close we’re breathing the same air. “Ben,” she sighs my name and I know she can tell what that does to me physically. I want her to say my name again, to moan it, to scream it. I want my name to be the only name on her lips. “Time to cut the cake!” a voice booms out, pulling me out of my fantasy. I jerk back so quickly she takes a step forward to keep her balance. Looking around, I’m relieved to see that no one is paying attention to us. No one except Ash who quirks an eyebrow at me. “I’m sorry,” I apologize to her, feeling like an ass, my heart racing. “I didn’t mean to… I hope I didn’t offend you.” “Offend me?” she asks sounding just as breathless as I feel. “You didn’t. I-” “Come on, you two,” someone nudges us towards the table with the cake where Ash and Kayla are waiting. “Cake time!” Numbly, I stagger to stand beside Ash, keeping my eyes on my feet to avoid staring at Smash and giving myself away entirely. I need to get ahold of myself! “You ok?” Ash whispers to me over his shoulder. “Yeah, fine,” I lie. I don’t want to admit I’m shaken by what I felt on the dance floor. A few hours and another bottle of whiskey later, I decide it’s time for me to toddle off to bed before I do anything I’ll regret in the morning. Anything more, at least.
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