Story By Amaya Lone

Amaya Lone

Curse of the Shadow Walker
Updated at Jan 2, 2024, 11:27
Curse of the Shadow Walker is the sequel to The Quiet Luna. If you haven’t read the first one yet, I highly recommend starting there. “Vessel? Is that like a mate?” I knew I should be asking what the queen wanted, but having my mate so near me was making it hard to think. His emotional outburst made his scent intensify and I had to sit on my hands to stop myself from reaching for him. “Yes, wolf,” he heaved out a breath and paced to the window, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck in an effort to calm down. “Well, if you don’t mind, I’d like to reject you and get it over with,” I said quickly before I could change my mind. “I guess there’s no time like the present.” He whipped around to stare at me, emotions flitting across his face so quickly I couldn’t tell if he was more angry or sad that I was suggesting it. “I’m afraid it won’t work, wolf,” he said at last. “I won’t accept your rejection.” “What?” I nearly screeched, standing up and taking a step towards him. “Why not? You haven’t exactly been jumping for joy finding out we’re mates!” “No, I’m not,” he growled, squaring his shoulders to me. “If I wanted a puppy, I’d have gone to the shelter to pick one out. But that doesn’t change the fact that we are stuck with one another for the time being.” “I, Madison of the Blazing Hills pack, reject…” I stopped to narrow my eyes at him. “Is Cal your full name?” “No,” he glared back at me. “Not that it matters. I already told you, I won’t accept your rejection.” “Well, why not?” I huffed, frustrated and angry. It was obvious he didn’t want me, so why drag this out? “Because I need the queen’s permission first,” he shrugged. My jaw went slack. He couldn’t be serious, could he? “What does she have to do with any of this?” “It’s our ways,” he said in a resigned tone. “I’ve already put in a request to reject you as my vessel… or accept your rejection if you would prefer. But until the queen approves it, we will share this bond, I’m afraid. You’d best get used it. Like I said, with you as my vessel, the queen has more leverage, wolf.” “I have a name, you know,” I grumbled, realizing that he was right- we were stuck with each other until I could either convince him to let me go, or somehow convince the queen that I wasn’t the benefit she thought I was. “I don’t care,” he said darkly, stepping away from me. “The queen wishes to see you. I would suggest wearing something a little more appropriate.” Madison has grown up feeling a little like an outsider in her pack. A prophecy has hung over her head foretelling the downfall of the entire werewolf species, and all signs point to her as the one who will trigger the unfortunate events. It’s enough to cause anyone some self-doubt. Finding out her mate is a vampire, doesn’t help to ease the burden of her destiny. Facing a new threat, Madison’s brother and the new Alpha of Blazing Hills pack, Pax, has taken a chance at forming an alliance with the vampire queen. Her motivations, however are not honorable. Will Madison and her vampire mate, Cal, find a way to trust each other, or will they be caught up in the queen’s vicious schemes?
The Golden Eyed Alpha
Updated at Oct 27, 2023, 13:36
“I don’t want this,” Allegra said quietly. “There are other choices,” he said, deliberately ignoring the true meaning behind her words. “Bourbon, tequila, there’s probably even some absinthe left.” She took a long sip of the drink to calm herself, feeling the alcohol burn down her throat. “Not the drink, idi*t. I mean you! Us! This! I don’t need this. I need an Alpha, not some weak, crippled gamma,” she spat out, instantly regretting the words. Marcus was right, she had a cruel streak that she needed to get under control. Her words stung, but it was nothing he hadn’t heard before. He’d been called much worse by people that knew him better than she did. He was too used to being underestimated to let the hurt show on his face. He calmly sipped his whiskey, studying her over the rim of his glass. “I’ll make you a deal. Give me eleven months before you decide to reject me.” “Why would it be any better eleven months from now?” She hated how much her voice shook as she asked the question, but the rejection of a fated mate was not something to take lightly. “Because in eleven months we will find out if your brother is correct and you are an Alpha in your own right. At that time, you can mark me as your Luna… or not,” he added in a small whisper, the pain and fear of her rejecting him lancing through his heart. “And if you are not Alpha of Black River, perhaps being the mate of a Gamma would be a small consolation. Even a crippled one.” When Allegra Black's older brother, Micah, fails to become their pack's new Alpha, it falls to Allegra to keep their pack together until a suitable Alpha can be found. Micah is convinced that Allegra herself is destined to be their Alpha, there's only one problem: females are not allowed to take on the role. Allegra has to travel to their ally's territory to ask for their continued help and protection while their pack is vulnerable, where she finds out that her mate is Conall- not an Alpha-but a Gamma, that is bound to a wheelchair due to an attack from his childhood. Can Conall help Allegra find the compassion she needs to be a good leader? Will Allegra learn to trust those around her and accept her fate?
Smash and Grab
Updated at Sep 4, 2023, 09:54
This is the sequel to Oh, La-la! Ashlynn and Ben meet at Kayla and Ash\'s wedding and it\'s instant chemistry, despite their obvious age gap. Unfortunately, they both struggle to get out of their own way and allow a relationship to flourish. Does leading busy lifestyles that leave little to no room for a budding romance mean they will let the opportunity at love pass them by?
Tales of Debauchery and Lust
Updated at Aug 2, 2023, 13:53
A collection of erotica short stories. Not for the faint of heart! These stretch from the taboo, to the deviant. Guaranteed to turn you on.
Rejected by Alpha, Collected by Dragon
Updated at Jul 11, 2023, 07:23
“I, Alpha Dominick Canter, recant rejecting you, Chloe Wright, as my mate.” I blink at him, not sure what is going on. Nothing changes, though. When he rejected me, the pain was instantaneous and intense. I wait for the opposite effect, a sense of euphoria, perhaps? Instead, we just stand there blinking at each other. Finally, anger bubbles up in my belly. I grab him by the wrist and start dragging him to the backroom, ignoring the tingles that shoot up my arm the moment I touch him. “Get back here and stop making a spectacle!” I growl at him, slamming the door. “What is your problem?” I hiss, trying to keep my voice down so the wolves on the other side of the door can’t hear me, even though I really want to scream at him. “You can’t reject me when it’s not convenient to have a mate and then take it back! What are you going to do when I irritate you? Reject me all over again? Because, trust me, I will irritate you!” “I don’t care,” he mumbles pitifully. “I just want my mate by my side.” When Chloe Wright turns twenty years old, she's excited at the possibility of meeting her fated mate. What she wasn't expecting was for Alpha Dominick Canter to show up and reject her without even saying hello! Stumbling, in pain from the rejection, she seeks privacy in an alley, only to be found by Duncan MacElroy- the infamous Black Dragon. When he decides to add her to his collection of broken things, they unwittingly begin a strange, yet beautiful relationship. However, maybe Alpha Dominick was too hasty in his rejection. Rather than let the dragon she's come to care about and the mate she's naturally drawn to fight over her, Chloe refuses to choose, falling deeper into an unorthodox relationship that she wouldn't have any other way. But can a possessive Alpha and domineering dragon ever truly share the love of one woman? If you are smut sensitive, this isn't the story for you. Threesomes, light BDSM- I'm not holding back on this one!
The Quiet Luna
Updated at May 26, 2023, 07:35
“She can’t be your mate. She doesn’t have a mate,” Alpha Drake’s words stung, but now I knew just how wrong he was. I had a mate, he was standing in front of me. “She is my mate,” his voice was low and dangerous and I felt myself getting turned on. It was a new sensation, but I wasn’t sure I minded. “I’m not leaving without her.” “Reject her, Alpha Torin,” Alpha Drake glanced at me and growled. If I could have, I would have growled back at him. I hated him with every cell in my body. “If you know what’s good for you and your pack, reject her right now!” ____ Beaten, abused, on the verge of death, and unable to speak. That's what Odessa looked like when she was discovered by her mate Alpha Torin. She's terrified he will listen to her abuser Alpha Drake and reject her on the spot. The question is, will he?
Oh, La-la!
Updated at Apr 17, 2023, 07:30
"Ash?” I stiffen at her quiet call, but I can’t look at her right now. If I look at her now, I’m afraid I’m going to lose this thin grip of control I’ve wrestled to me and say or do something I’ll regret. “I just wanted to make sure you’re handing this ok. This isn’t a big deal.” Not a big deal? Is she serious? I look over at her, shivering in that damned silk robe that makes her look even more enticing than her nudity, if that’s possible. I know I must look intimidating when her breath catches, and she stops moving towards me. “Ok, so you’re not dealing very well,” she says slowly. She takes a cautious step forward like I’m some predator that may devour her. I can’t say the idea hasn’t crossed my mind. “This isn’t a big deal,” she says again, laying a trembling hand on my arm. Her skin is cool and soft, and I feel a vibration run through my entire body at her touch. “This is art, that’s all. It’s just a body. This doesn’t need to change anything between us if you don’t want it to.” “And if I want it to?” The words are out before I can think twice. My voice sounds thick and raspy and I watch as a shiver passes over her. Her mouth opens as she looks at me, eyes wide, her chest rising and falling with every breath. I turn to face her at last, and let my arms circle her waist, dragging her against me. She feels amazing, like she was made to be here, in my arms. I shouldn’t do this, torture myself holding her as if I have any right to her. I pause, giving her time to pull away, to say no, to be the sane person here. Instead, she leans in to me. Need spikes into me, and before I can second guess myself, I lower my mouth to hers and it’s as though the rest of the world ceases to exist. It’s just her and I and this moment that means everything. At first, the kiss is gentle, testing. It’s a question I’ve been wanting to ask for a very long time. I run my tongue along her lower lip, and she opens up to me on a sigh, inviting me in. Our tongues rub against one another, a prelude to something more. She tastes like home, slightly sweet, and welcoming. I feel like I could kiss her forever and never tire of her taste. My hand slides down and I cup a firm buttock, pressing her even closer into me as her hands cling to my shoulders. My head is swimming with the feeling of her, and I pull back, slightly afraid of going even further on this terrace. She sways slightly in my arms and I hold her close, unwilling to let her go entirely just yet. She rests her head on my chest and lets out a contented sigh, making me smile. Kayla Brown is a driven young woman. When she starts working as a project manager and is assigned to Ash Denning, they hit it off right away. When Ash\'s fiancée leaves him for another man, Kayla is the one person he knows he can lean on. As their feelings deepen, their mutual respect for each other turns into a passionate love affair neither was prepared for. There\'s only one problem- Kayla is much younger than Ash. When he finds out just how much younger she is, it shocks him to his core and leaves him questioning his own honor. Before he can attempt to explain his side to her, however, he learns that the co-worker who has been sexually harassing Kayla, Brett Turner, has a dark reputation. Knowing she\'s refused to report Brett for his indiscretions, Ash decides to take matters in his own hands. A decision that proves fatal. **Explicit s*x scenes, violence, and mention of r*pe (not depicted)**
Imitating Fiction
Updated at Mar 14, 2023, 15:02
“That night,” he sounds as though he’s struggling to speak. His voice has taken on a deeper resonance, as though more than one person is speaking. “I thought maybe you recognized me.” “I did,” I say, breathless. “But this is impossible. This can’t be real. Werewolves aren’t real,” I insist half-heartedly. “If you don’t mind me stripping down completely, I can prove to you I do exist,” his grin is feral, dangerous, exciting. I’m an idiot. I grin back. I should be terrified. If he is what he says he is, what my own eyes say he is, I should be running for the hills screaming. And I’m grinning at him. Not just that, I’m still picturing him naked. _______ Looking for inspiration for her next book, Ryeka Haddish moves to a small town in Texas. She gets more than she bargained for when she learns that the sexy werewolves she's written about are real. Jarek Barrett is the pack's Alpha, and right now is not a good time for him to find his mate as he's dealing with a traitor in their midst. It's especially bad timing when he figures out that Ryeka isn't any normal human, but a witch. This is my first completed novel, and it's a bit rough, so please be kind.