Chapter 3 - Reflection.

1067 Words
"Why are you all behaving like this if you haven't seen my pretty girlfriend?". Haneul said while winking at Yang. "Huh! you mean she's your girlfriend?". Haneul's mother asked. "Okay, Mom! Let me be formal. This is Yang Jiao. She's currently going to resume work here and will start working as an intern in this company. She's the only child of her parents, and she's a keeper. I found this realm gem for some months now! and I will love to spend my life with her". Haneul said, which made his Mom continue staring at him with surprise. Yang Jiao was still surprised at what was happening and was more surprised at how she got inside the elevator because she's about to leave the company...... but now she's going back to the upper floor, which she just left. The elevator door suddenly opened, so Yang smiled at Mrs. Irene before walking away, but Mrs. Irene dragged her back inside the elevator. "All of you should leave right now. I want to speak with my son in private!". Irene said as she dismissed all those that just entered the elevator a while ago. "Alright ma!". They all chorus as they leave Haneul, Yang, and Irene to be all alone. "Young lady, are you his girlfriend?". Irene asked. All through the time, she became very close to Haneul! She knew that Haneul could never praise a lady like that! but the way he praised this young-looking lady in front of her was just not like him. "Yes ma! I'm his girlfriend. We have both known each other for some months now! and I'm so sorry for not coming to visit you and introduce myself!". Yang found herself saying. It was as if her mouth didn't belong to her, because she didn't know how those words came out of her mouth. "Huh!". Irene utter out while arching her brows. "Do you mean that you both have been staying with each other?". Irene asked. "Yes, Mom!". I recently went to Haneul house. He has been pleading with me to stay with him....... but I finally decided to move into his house some few days back". Yang replied smiling. "Really!. That's great...... hmm..... I'll leave you two alone for now. I have some important things to take care of!". Irene said before leaving the elevator in a hurry. Yang Jiao turns around and stares at the handsome guy in front of her, but then the guy wink again at her. She turns around and stares at the elevator door before opening her mouth to utter something but the handsome guy cuts her off. "Tsk!. You don't have to worry about anything because I'm only kidding with you. And I know you feel like you're not the one in control of yourself but all that you just see is a reflection. If you think I'm lying then look outside the elevator and you can see for yourself". Haneul said before leaving the lady's presence. Yang still doesn't know what is happening, so she kept on pondering on what just happened five minutes ago. She placed her hands on her lips and shook her head sideways, for she refused to believe that the words that came out of her mouth came out of her mouth. 'God! this is a dream right?'. She murmured. She shifted her gaze outside the elevator but found nothing. She is hundred and one percent sure that she heard Haneul saying that she should look outside the elevator to see for herself. Yang walked out of the elevator and ran towards the restroom. She watches her face properly before entering another elevator because she has to go back to the last floor, in order for her to leave this company. Yang entered the elevator, and with a fake smile on her face, she hugged her bag firmly while staring at the floor. When she had finally succeeded to reach the last floor...... She ran out of her elevator and started running across the street. She planned on using her transport fare to buy herself an ice cream...... and right now! ice cream is what she needs to cool herself from the mysterious dream she has..... for she considered all that happened to get in the elevator as a day dream. "Hey Mister! please can you give me chocolate ice cream, mixed with vanilla flavor?". She informed the man who sells ice cream. "Chocolate and vanilla flavored ice cream is coming right up!". The man replied as he went back inside his van. In less than two minutes! her ice cream became ready, so she paid the man and took the ice cream before walking away. 'Well! I hope that not everything that happened today should be a dream because I don't think I can come back to this company tomorrow, in reality, to answer questions again'. Yang said to herself as she ate the ice cream and got a spoon full. Yang kept on walking along the street as she headed straight to her house. She tried all she could do to set off her mind away from today's event...... but all to no avail. She was still pondering about what occurred in the company not knowing that she was already crossing the road. She kept on walking without being cautious of her environment, not until a car horn was heard as it noise filled the entire place. She turned around, and stared in the car direction..... but too bad for her because the traffic light was already showing green and a different motor started moving. She stood there, staring at the car that's about to hit her with her eyes wide open. When the car was about to get closed, she closed her eyes, ready to accept death....... but shortly she felt someone's hands on her waist. She opened her eyes, and shifted her gaze to the person holding her, and that was when her eyes locked his green emerald eyes. She was lost in the person's eyes, that she wasn't aware of when she let go of her ice cream cup...... and wasn't aware of when the person brought her to where pedestrians could walk on. "Yang! try to be more careful okay!". The person said before walking away. Yang's lips curve into a smile, as she recalls how the person pronounces her name in a sexy manner.
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