Chapter 4 - Nightmare within day time.

1057 Words
"Huh!". She uttered out with a low voice while biting her lower lip. "Can't you watch the road properly before crossing?". Haneul Choa asked. Yang Jiao doesn't know what else to say, so she quickly stares at the floor, and that was when her brain registered to her that she left her ice cream on the floor. "Why did you even help me out?". Yang yelled while hitting Haneul on his stomach because her ice cream is already ruined without her even having a good taste of it. "I helped you out. Besides, you would have died if not for me!". Haneul's said, and a hypnotizing voice rang in her ear. "Thanks for saving my ass. And if I may ask...... aren't you the one I met at the X player company?". Yang asked. "Let's go. I'll drop you off!". He said, and just as if he cast a spell on me....... I found myself following him towards the car. "Where do you live?". He asked. Yang doesn't want to say anything, but only his presence alone demands her to start talking. "I live at number two Rashnix street!". Yang said while forcing herself to smile. The young handsome guy beside her nodded his head, as he accelerated the car engine, and started driving. Yang on the other hand started crashing her body. Her body was damm inching, so try as much as she could not to let the guy who she doesn't even know his name to notice her. Yang couldn't bear it any longer, so she placed her hands on her mouth, and before she knew what was happening she suddenly puked. "So you are lying?". Haneul asked while arching his brows, but Yang didn't reply to him, as she started vomiting all the ice cream which she consumed a while ago. "Can you please pull over!". She asked and Haneul nodded his head before pulling over beside the road. Yang uses this opportunity to get away from the red hair guy while holding her bag properly. "Who the hell are you?". She asked, which caused Haneul to smirk. "What the hell are you doing to me, and how did I get inside your car?". Yang asked but still, Haneul Choa didn't answer. He stares intensely at his car steering before shifting his gaze to Yang. "Come inside the car and sit down!". He commanded with a calm and low voice while locking his eyes with that of Yang. Her body was no longer hers but belongs to someone else entirely. She finds herself raising her feet, as she closes the distance, before entering the car. She looks more like a blank piece of paper, which has lost its value. "Where....... do..... you...... live?". Haneul asked with the same calm voice which he had been using to talk to Yang. "I live downtown!". Yang replied blankly. She just wasn't in control of her body again, and she felt as if her soul had left her body. "Good girl!". Haneul praises Yang, before driving to her house. He stopped the car at her house, and with a smile on his face, he told her to get down from the car. "Get down, wifey!. And walk straight inside the house to get changed!". Haneul said, and Yang found herself doing as she's told. She walked like a newly made robot and entered her small, ugly house before heading inside her room. Yang pulls off her clothes, with her mind still blank before walking inside the bathroom to take her bath. After taking a nice cold bath....... she stepped out from the bathroom and that was when her brain which had left her........ came back. 'How did I get here?'. Yang yelled with her eyes wide open. She touched her body, and was about to let a scream out because she thought she was currently naked in someone's house.......but realized that she's currently in her house. 'Mamma Mia!'. Yang exclaimed while staring at her naked self. 'What did that guy do to me?'. She asked herself, but it was too bad for her because she wasn't able to find the right answer. Yang wore a short split cut, with a short white singlet before sitting down at her small bed. She could clearly remember that she went to the company and at the company….. she was told to resume work tomorrow but after that......... All she could remember was being called 'wifey', and the crazy thing about it is that she was unable to recall the face of the person. She started thinking of how she got to her house, but she just couldn't remember. 'I might have entered a cab!'. She muttered to herself, and that was when the picture of a red-haired guy suddenly popped up in her front. 'What are you staring at, wifey?'. suddenly rang in her ear. 'So you are lying?'. 'Come inside the car and sit down!'. All started to ring in her ear, making her head to start spinning, and just for a while, Yang felt as if she's inside a haunted movie. *Bang Bang*. The sound of someone hitting the door of Yang room was heard, which caused her heart to skip a bit, as she jotted back to reality. "What do you want, Dad?". Yang asked before getting up from the bed. The person on the other side of the door didn't reply to her, and Yang was hundred percent sure that it's her Dad, and maybe he's already drunk, and he's looking for items which he could destroy. Yang's Dad has always been like this, and whenever he comes to her door-knocking...... Yang would just let him in, and when he's done taking something nice to destroy, which most times end up to become her bedside lamp….. then he would go to his room and destroy it........ which is currently the reason why Yang didn't bother to buy a bedside lamp for herself because her Dad would still help her to destroy it. "Dad, what do you want?". Yang asked, but her dad didn't reply, so she had no other option but to open the door for him. Immediately she opened the door...... the first person that she saw was the red-haired guy. The one who has been making her have nightmares within daytime.
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