Chapter 28

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Maliha's point of view     When I got done with the spell, I looked over at Katie and Kane. I couldn't believe my eyes, some how I had turned them into flying monkeys. No I'm just messing with ya, but yea I was super shocked when I looked over there. The two of them were making out like there was no tomorrow. I looked at Ry and he had a huge grin on his face. He looked over at me with so much love in his eyes that it made my heart skip a beat. "I wasn't sure it would, but it worked. I am so happy I could howl at the half crescent moon right now." I said radiating happiness. We looked back over at them and I put my hands up in front of my face real fast. They were still going at it but even harder, Kane has some how lost his shirt and was about to lift Katie's up. "Whoo you two, could you please wait like two more seconds to get to your room." I said kinda high pitched.     They stopped sucking face and stared at me like I was bothering them, so I raised my hand in defeat. I waved my hand in front of me creating a small portal from the living room to their bedroom. "Ok see its right there, like I said two seconds." I could hear Ry chuckling his deep husky laugh right beside me and I couldn't help that it made my own bud throb with excitement. The two got up and walked through the portal and I closed it not wanting to see what happens next. Next thing I know Ry is sniffing the air right beside me and I know he just smelled my arousal. I snake a peak at him and see his eyes turned black, so me being the playful person I am got up and took off running.      I heard a low growl come from behind me and I knew he was hot on my heals. I was not sure where I was running to so I cheated a little and created a portal and went through. before he could come through I closed it, but what I didn't expect was him to follow anyways. As he jumped through I gasped and fell backwards landing on my bum. He looked amused but a hint of worry graced his eyes also. "How did you do that?" I said while I let him help me back to my feet. He shrugged and said simply "When you closed the portal, I just wished it to reopen and it did. I thought you reopened it for me."      Jumping up and down like some looney, I also squealed a bit to. "Oh my goodness Ry, you know what this means?" I asked with much excitement. He just furrowed his brow and shook his head no. "Baby this means you have gotten the magic ability. Now I can train you to use your magic."He had a look of shock on his face but then softened to happiness. I start to look around to figure out where we are, yea I know I should have done that in the first place. I easily recognize this place, it's my hidden home in the cave the night me and Ryker completed the mating bond. Ry remembers this place as well cause he just looks at me and smirks. He leads me to the bed and we have an amazing night, a night full of passion and love oh and very little sleep.     The next morning we wake and get dressed so we can head back to the cabin. I look at Ryker and his very sexy bed hair, boy the things I still want to do to you. Ok enough of that we have things to do. I actually think today is the night of our big birthday bash, out 18th. So looking back at him when all the dirty but yummy images get out of my head. "I want you to open the portal this time," I told Ry. He looked at me confused "I don't know how to to that yet." I just laughed and told him "You already did last night, remember." He looks as if he was thinking but then it hits him. "Well yea I did that but I don't know how I had done it." Putting my hand into his like I am waiting to go "What made you open that portal?" He thought for a second and answered "I just wanted it to reopen, and it did." So squeezing his hand just a bit to give him comfort, "So you would say you willed it to open?" I said in more of a question but already knew the answer. "Yea I guess," and at that I smiled at him and I think he got it. "Before you will us any where please make sure its in the bathroom so I can pee." I say while slowly bouncing.      He just chuckled and then closed his eyes and then a portal came up. As we go through I see a toilet and all but tackle it. To be honest if I tried to tackle that thing, two things would happen. ! being I would loose and look like an i***t and the second I would have peed all over myself an I really didn't want that. So after relieving myself, Ry and I took a shower and got ready to leave. I looked up at Ry a few times and it looked like he was talking to someone through their link. Not putting much thought into it cause I figured it was pack business. We head down stairs to the kitchen, and as we neared it I could hear a lot of chatter coming from there and don't forget the yummy smell of food. Walking in I saw everyone who was staying here at the cabin. All of my guardians were here that I have already met except Damon, but that's cause him and auntie Jane live together. Also I see Katie and Kane huddled up next to each other and I couldn't help but smile.     Also I noticed Mick was with his mate Jaz, they were the two cooking. I have been with those two the whole time I was gone and I have come to care for them like they were family. I consider all my guardians thus far as family and soon I will think of this pack as a big family. "Ok guys the food is ready, dig in," Jaz had told everyone while putting the massive plates of food in front of everyone. It looked like you could feed an army with the amount of food that is here, there was massive plates of bacon (both regular and turkey), sausage, pancakes, eggs, toast, biscuits, french toast, even cinnamon rolls. My stomach was growling from the yummy sight and smell in front of my eyes. I was expecting everyone to start to dig in, but only Kane and Katie grabbed their plate and was heading toward the food.      Before they could touch any of the food, Jaz had stopped them. "Not until our queen and king get theirs first," she said in a stern voice. I say Katie kind of shy back into her little bubble like she had just got into trouble from her parents. She recovered quickly when Kane put a supportive arm around her. With a raised eyebrow I ask "Ok guy's whats going on?" And out of nowhere I had hands jolt to my ribs, right into the ticklish spot and every one hallered happy birthday. With my heart racing I turn to see the culprit who jolted my heart into over drive, to be meet with Montana with a s**t eating grin plastered on her face. " You almost gave me a heart attack woman, I'll get you back you do realize this." I said as a smile spread on my face.     As I look around behind me I saw Josh, her mate and also my aunt and Damon. I looked at the door to the closet that was opening again to reveal Shyan and Thane coming through with not so baby River in toe. I gave everyone a big hug and as I was done with Shyan I took a 4 yr old River from her and I was surprised she recognized me. "Happy birfday Lea," she said to me and it was so cute. I think a tear fell from my eye, I realize now how much I truly missed her. We all sat down and ate breakfast and discussed the party that was happening that night and the big reveal.     We got done eating and I tried to help Jaz, Shyan and my aunt to clean up, but got pushed out with them mumbeling something about it being my birthday and I'm suppose to relax today. So I then decided to go and play with River, got her changed for the pool and we got in. It was just us for a few mins before everyone who wasn't cleaning up got in. We had a blast, played marco polo, chicken, a little bit of volley ball, and even shark. This time shark was a bit different cause I was actually able to turn into one with my shapeshifter abilities, but of course I didn't want to scare River so I used a bit of magic to make me a rainbow shark. She loved it and then she wanted to ride me as a rainbow shark. She was in awe about some of my abilities so I wanted to show her one more, also one I have yet to show Ry.     "Hey River do you like faries?" Her face lit up and she shook her head I thought her head might roll off, so I then had Ryker and Montana come over so I could show them as well. "Ok guys listen up, I am going to turn into a fairy first then I will use my magic to also turn the three of you. After that I want you to follow me up in that tree where my little fairy house is, River I will have ahold of your hand so don't worry." I finished and I could see the excitement on their faces, especially River's. So I let my fairy abilities out and turn into my fairy, she is me but with black wings with silver swirls in them, and a silver glow around me. I think I was like a foot tall maybe, but everyone could still see me. I call upon my magic and turn River first and she has the cutest little rainbow wings on her and she is managing to flap them all on her own. She is a natural. I turn Montana next and she light redish brown wings with bright red swirled into them and next was Ryker. Before I could change Ry he had already turned himself, and boy was he the sexiest fairy I had ever seen. He had the most beautiful but masculine green wings, with silver flowing through them, and he had a silver glow around him as well.     I have come to learn quite  bit about the other fae and their abilities and the power the can hold. I have learned that the glow around a fairy is the strength of their power. I do know that silver is the second most powerful with gold being the most powerful. I knew I wasn't the most powerful in my fairy ability but I wasn't expecting Ry to be this high either. The reason the other two don't have the glow, is because they are not fairies, I just used my magic to make them temporary. That is how I also knew Ry has the fairy ability. "Wow Ry I didn't know you had this ability also, it looks like you are getting all of my abilities so far." I said to him as I flew over and kissed him. "Eww, can you tho get a room prease." I heard little River telling us and I couldn't help but chuckle. I grabbed her little hand and made sure everyone was following. We made it up to my little fairy home, to the human eye it would look like a fancy bird house, but to us it was big.      I heard River squealing as the little house came into view at the top of the trees. It was two stories, with a balcony on both stories. I even made a platform out from the house to have a small lawn with a walk way and a small fire pit with chairs around it. The porch has more chairs and a small area with a bar and grill area. The outside of the house was of course a beautiful log cabin, with a green tin roof to blend into the tree. There in the front of the house that faced out of the tree was a window wall to capture the view. I look at them as we land on the makeshift lawn. They are all looking in awe, while River is bouncing up and down with excitement. "Hey guys turn around and check out the view." I say as they do their jaws drop just a bit.     The view was stunning, tree tops as far as the eyes can see. Then mountains in the distance with more trees on them, and a few spots in the trees that had holes in them. I had explored them before and they are watering holes or waterfalls also, and there were a couple that were bug houses but they were farther in the distance. When we finally turned back around, we headed for the door. I turned the handle and opened it, and to my surprise we weren't alone.
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