Chapter 27

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Maliha's point of view     I knew Kane was talking to a girl, but after what Katie had told me I really didn't think it was her. "This is the woman you have been talking to?" I say looking at Kane with a confused look. He took in a deep breath and released it as he sagged his shoulders and looked down. "Ok fine, we haven't actually been talking like that. I went to her diner one day and she was my waitress. She was just different then any other woman I met. We talked for a little bit while she was my waitress, but not in the lets get together way. I would go back to her diner at least once a week and ask for her to be my waitress."      Kane wouldn't make eye contact with anybody, he was embarrassed, or mad but I couldn't help what came next. Putting my hand to my mouth "Oh poor Kane has a crush, that's so cute." I had laughter in my voice and Ry chuckled from his spot on the couch. Kane didn't like it though, he just glared up at me, and I stifled a chuckle. I needed to know something but I didn't want to make things worse for Kane, so I just linked him instead. "Kane I need to know something, do you feel a connection with Katie here or is it just an attraction?"     He looks up at me and his scowl softens a little as he answers. "I don't know how to explain it, its a connection but you are my mate so its not like she can be also, right?" He said the last part as he raised his brow just a bit. "I think I have an idea but just let me talk to Ry first." Instead of answering he just bobbed his head just a bit in a ok way.     I don't want to startle Katie, but I need to talk to her so I ask her. "Hey Katie can you follow me, I want to show you where you will be staying while you are here." She gets up and follows me on wobbly legs. "Do you want me to help you walk?" She nodded her head no but she lost her balance and and was heading for the floor. I stopped her like I did Kane and helped her back to her feet. I start to think about something and I walk over to her. "Here let me try something, if it is ok with you that is." She nodded her head "Yea of course," she said in her tiny voice. I put my two index fingers onto each one of her temples. I close my eyes and pull onto my energy. I open my eyes and let my fingers fall and tell her to try now. She looked at me and started to walk, a bit wobbly at first but then she was walking normal.      "Oh my gosh, how did you do that?" she has a huge smile on her face while she is almost dancing around on her new found balance. Smiling at her I reply "I just simply pushed all my memories of me learning to walk when I was a child, and intensified it at a quicker rate. I didn't know if it would work, but it was worth a shot." We continue to walk to her room and she ask me. "But how did you do that, can you do magic?" I just chuckled slightly and told her all about me. To say she was shocked would be an understatement. She kinda looked like a fish out of water, mouth kept opening and closing like she has questions but didn't know which one to ask first. Before she could ask anything, we reached her room.      I open the door and we go in, I show her around her good size room. Has a king size bed with a light purple bed spread, a night stand on each side of the bed. The walls were a light shade of grey and had some pictures on the walls but not cluttered. There was soft light grey carpet. there were two other doors other then the one we used to get into the room, one was a good size walk in closet and the other was a bathroom about double the size of the closet. I watch as Katie is looking around and I see her rubbing her feet into the carpet. This must be all so new for her and she looks like she is enjoying it. I love seeing the big smile lining her face, but I need to talk to her so I clear my throat.      She looks at me with her bright smile. "I wanted to show you your room, but I also needed to talk to you in privet. I am able to mind link anyone, but I didn't want to startle you by just doing it out there." I say the last part with a small chuckle, and she just looked confused. So instead of trying to explain I just started talk to her through out link. "Katie watch my mouth, I am talking to you through the link. Please don't freak out, but talk to me." Her eyes are staring at my mouth and they are almost popped out of her head. "What do you want me to say?" She said out loud but was still looking at my mouth. I put my finger at my mouth and pointed up so she would look up. She meets my eyes and I just point to my head to indicate talk to me here. "I don't know how to do that?" I say in our link "It's just like talking to yourself, as long as the link is open it is that simple."     She closes her eyes and I watch her lips, "Ok so now I'm talking to myself, so what do I say to myself?" I just laugh and walk over to her and sit her on the bed where she is facing me. "Ok enough about that right now, now I need to know something." She furrowed her brows and asked "What is it?" "Straight to the point it is then," I say with a small laugh and that earns me a giggle from her as well. "Ok so I was wondering when you see Kane, what do you feel?" I could see from the expression on her face, she was taken back. "I don't really know, I think he is a great guy, but I never let myself feel because of the situation I was in." She lowered her head remembering what her life was. I put my hand on her shoulder and she looked at me. "It's ok, you never have to worry about that anymore."     She nodded and shook it off. "Ok so now I need you to think, when you saw him when he walked in with me, was there anything there?" I can see her thinking about it and I see a small smile tug on her lips. "I guess there was something, I don't know how to explain it, but it was like a small pull." I just smile and I have an idea. I lead her back out to the living room where the guys were and I mind link Ryker as we are walking to the living room. "Hey Ry I think my previous thoughts may be right. I think these two are second chance mates." We reach the living room as I finish my conversation with him. Katie and I sit on the couch and I have a smile on my face, along with Ryker.     "Ok guys, I think I know what is going on. Kane and Katie, are our mer mates but I also believe you two are second chance mates as well. I think the pull you two are feeling is the mate bond, but its not as strong cause you have mates right now." They both look at each other and I can see the pull in their eyes, but not a strong one. "So what are you saying exactly Lea?" Kane spoke up. "Ok so this is where it gets difficult. Ryker and I are not sure what to do with our other mates, cause we only want each other." With that said I could see the hurt in both their eyes. "We didn't want to hurt any of you, so that ruled out rejection. I think there is a way that I can fix this with out anyone getting hurt."     I could see all eyes are on me, even Ryker's. "I think I can make you first mates with the power I wield. If you both trust me and want to do it of course that is." I say the last part with seriousness and in a slower tone to draw out the importance of the statement. I can see they are really thinking about it. I stand up "I will let you to talk about it and let me know." I wave for Ry to follow me and he does. We go to the patio and I close the door, I turn around and find myself in Ry's arms. "I love you so dam much baby," he said right before capturing my lips in a heated kiss. My body was on fire from my mates searing lips on mine. I pull back and it was so hard.      I take a deep breath and regain myself and look at his black eyes that were turning back to their color. "Wow what was that for?" He smiled and rubbed his thumb on my cheek. "That was for being so dam amazing." Remembering something I tell him, "so you gave Katie a real kiss then?" He pulls back with a semi pained expression, "actually I wasn't able to do it. I couldn't bring myself to capture anyone else's lips but yours." I must have had a confused look on my face cause he ask "Whats wrong baby?" I look in his eyes and I know he is telling the truth. "So how is it that I felt the pain in my heart when you kissed her?" He must have knew what I was talking about cause he has a look like he remembers. "Oh that, well when we got here I was telling Katie how we were going to take care of her and she never had to worry about him again. She must have got the wrong idea and she leaned up and kissed me. It felt ok, but also wrong and I pulled away. She kept telling me she was sorry, and I told her it was ok." He looked like he was thinking about something when he came back and finished. "Yea that is pretty much it." He bobbed his head in a yes way and still had the look of him thinking, like he was making sure that was all.     Without thinking I got on my tip toes and planted a big one right there on his very soft, kissable lips. He moaned a bit, not sure if it was out of surprise or pleasure probably both. I just smile as I pull away and he looked kinda taken back and a bit dizzy. "Now it's my turn, what was that for beautiful?" I just giggled a bit like a school girl and simply told him "Because I love you." I didn't mention that him not being able to kiss another woman, even if she is a mate made me the happiest woman alive. Was someone jealous my wolf chimes in. I just snicker a little bit and bit back, no. Um huh is that why your feelings got hurt when you thought he kissed her? I couldn't hide anything from Sheba, my wolf, we share the same brain and feelings for goodness sacks. Ok fine, you know I was jealous but I wasn't going to tell him that. Ha ha I knew it she laughed back. I don't want to hear it in there, you were seeing the green monster just as much as I was. She was quiet for a min before she came back. Yea Yea, well I guess its true what they say, great minds think alike. I just snickered and she went to the back of my mind again.      I linked Kane and asked if they have finished their conversation, in which he had informed me that they had. "Come on baby, they are done talking lets go see what the verdict is." We started walking but as my hand reached for the sliding glass door, Ry pulled me back just a bit to catch my attention. "Do you really think you can do this, like do you think it will work is more of what I mean?" I just gave him a soft smile and simply replied "Yes I do." With that said we went through the door and sat onto the couch. I could see the nervous look on both their faces and I decided to break the silence. "So have you both come to a mutual agreement?" They both looked at each other and looked back at me. "Just a couple questions first and then yes," Kane spoke up. I nodded my head for him to continue and he did. "Ok I guess the first one would be, is it going to hurt?" Looking at both of them I answered "I have never done this before and I have only heard about it being done once before. From what I heard its like you will both feel a pull on your minds and then all four of us will feel a pull on our souls. It is basically making you two mates and us two second chance mates. So no I don't believe that it will hurt." They both let out a breath that I didn't realize they were holding and relaxed a bit.     I looked at Kane for his next question and he looked like he just remembered something. "Oh yea the other question was already kinda answered. I was gana ask what happens to our mate bonds with you, but you already answered." With a smile I asked them, "Good, so are you two going to do it or not?" Again they looked at each other and smiled and they both shook their heads yes. I smiled brightly and proceeded, "Ok good. I need you two to sit there together and hold each others hand, me and Ry will be here doing the same. Now Ry will hold Katie's hand while I will be holding yours Kane. No matter what happens, do not let go, I will be in a trance and I need to count on you to stay in contact." They all gave me the confirming nods and we all took each others hands.     As we are now all connected, I close my eyes and concentrate on switching the bonds. I need to make sure I don't loose focus, cause I don't want to switch mine and Ryker's bond. I can feel the pull in my head, probably a bit more then they do seems how I am the one doing the magic. It feels like the wind is picking up a bit even being in the house, I know magic has a way with the dramatics. I am zoned in to where I need to be and I now feel the pull on my soul. After I finish rearranging the mate bond I open my eyes and let go of their hands. I look at them and what I see was something else entirely.
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