Chapter 29

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Maliha's point of view     In front of me was a light brown skin, blue wings with purple swirls in them, long black hair with blue tips tied up in a tight ponytail. She had on a blue and black plaid school girl style skirt, with blue leggings, A blue fitted tank top and combat boots on. Before I could say anything I was tackled to the ground with a thud. Ryker was fixing to pull her off but I stopped him. "Wait Ry, its ok I know her." We got up and I saw that River was hiding behind Montana's leg peeking out to see if it's safe. With laughter lacing my voice I tell everyone "Everyone this is one of my good friends Yanzz, Yanzz this is everyone." She looked at me and then to them " Actually guys, I am her savior, and her kick ass friend. Also Lea would it be to much for you to tell me names with faces. Am I suppose to go around and say to everyone, Oh hi everyone, not that I know your names or anything. My friend never told me so apparently your not important enough to have a name." She said all this while throwing her hands around and making quotations. Everyone laugh at her come back and then I corrected my mistake.     "Ok fine Yaz, (which is my nickname for her), This here is one of my childhood and still bestfriend's Montana," I then walk behind her and grab River and say "This little lady is River, she is my cousin, but I like to think of her as my little sister." I put her down and proceed to the hunk of a man whom seems to find us amusing, "And this hunk of meat here is my breath taking true mate Ryker." I could hear the chuckle come from him as he snakes his arm around me. "Now see that wasn't so hard now was it Lea." She looked up at Ry and continued, "So this is the guy you nonstop talked about. About how cute he is, and how you hope he is your mate, and the wet dreams yo." I put my hand over her mouth cutting her off, my cheeks flaming hot at the embarrassment she just caused. "Some things should not be brought up," I told her and I heard Ryker with his husky laugh behind me. "You will have to tell me more about that later Yaz, but for now more about how you saved her butt."      Please earth swallow me up whole now, "You don't want to hear about all that, its nothing really." I tried to say, but Ryker grabbed my waist and proceeded to lead me to the couch that was right there as you walk through the door. We took one of the couches as Montana and River took the other. Yaz took the chair right beside up. "I will tell you but promise me this crazy woman wont interrupt me." Yaz said more to Ryker then anyone else. I threw my hands up in surrender letting her know I wont interrupt.     "Alright then, where do I start. Oh yea the beginning would probably be nice. So a year or so back this girl and a few others walk into out part of the forest. She is in her normal human form, but she was radiating power. I had followed then all the way from the edge of the forest to where out village is. Of course to the human eye it would just look like a bunch of trees with knots in them, that is what we disguised it to look like. Anyway I had told the superior fairies that there were people here, and that they seem to have stopped at the village edge. I went back out there and flew in front of her face, not expecting her to recognize what I was. Again humans see us as dragonflies. All os a sudden she says hi to me and I think I froze on the spot cause she giggled and told me its ok cause she is a fairy also. So long story short she talked to the superior fairies about learning to be a fairy and who she truly was. They ended up staying there for a while, the others stayed in their forms and had tents that they stayed in. Lea here stayed in her fairy form and I volunteered to let her stay with me and I would show her the ropes."     She giggled a little remembering something and continued with laughter lacing her voice. "So the day after she arrives I take her out into the forest just a little bit from the village. We are flying and she is getting good at dodging trees and branches. So she was looking behind her at me and before I could tell her to look out she ran into a huge spider web. She was stuck upside down with her legs being the only thing not stuck, they were flapping around and I couldn't stop laughing. I was about to get my composure when she screamed and I looked up. She had kicked at the spider that was coming at her from the web, so I hurried over to her and used my magic to unstick her from the web." She was going to continue when River piped in, "Why didn't you kill the spider?" I saw a bit of shock in Yaz's eyes, "Why would I do that, the spider is a living creature who's instinct is to eat what lands in it's web. Why would I kill something just because it was doing what nature taught it to do. Would you want someone to just up and kill you cause you ate a meal?" That got River's attention and she thought for a second before piping back in. "No I guess your right, I see your point." I was surprised, I thought she would be a bit scared thinking about that but she was as cool as a cucumber.     "Ok then I will continue. So I got her out of the web, the poor spider looked disappointed and I felt bad for him, but it was a big dense forest I knew it wouldn't starve. So after she shakes it off we continue out lesson when a bluejay comes flying at her. She is flying and ducking. I was trying to catch up to them but I think I was a bit slower cause I was laughing at the same time. When the bluejay got closer to her I sobered up and I got onto the birds back and with my magic, I made a harness from vines and steered the bird away from Lea. The bird ended up finding a real dragonfly and took off after it and left us alone. Needless to say after her luck that day we went home and called it a day." She finally finished up and I heard laughter all around. I smacked Ryker in the chest for laughing at me but then I joined in the fun.     Thinking about something I looked up at Yaz, "By the way, why are you here?" She smiled at me and simply said "It's your birthday dummy, you invited me so why wouldn't I be. I rolled my eyes "Well duh dummy I know that, I ment why are you in my house, how did you know it was here?" She laughed like she was remembering something "Oh that, well I got to your pack house early, and I asked for you. Your aunt sent me to the cabin through the portal and you weren't there. So I asked Mick and Jaz and they told me you were off with Ryker here and that you would be back soon. So then they said I could take a room, or if I wanted to I could come up here to your fairy home. I chose the lather of course and might I add this is a sick ass place you have here. I might need you to build me one." She said the last part looking around.     With a raised brow I asked "When you say early, you ment?' With a big smile she said "Oh just you know, maybe two days ago. Might I add you take forever to get home." I laughed "That might be why Mick and Jaz forgot to tell me I had someone up here." We both laugh at that and we continue to hang out a bit more. Our party starts at 6 pm and it is now 2 pm. I jump up and haller at everyone. "Hey guys it's getting late, we need to get going and get ready for the birthday bash." I look at Ry and tell him "I need to put my Lily face back on so when I do the reveal they will know who I grew up as." He looked at me a bit sad but hid it just as it came out. He then pressed his lips to mine and gave me a loving kiss. "No matter what you look like, you are the most breath taking, beautiful creature the moon goddess has ever created, and you are all mine.      We all head out, I also have Yaz in toe, she said something about doing my makeup. Her and Montana are behind me arguing about who is doing my makeup cause they both want to. We are all changed back to our normal selves an I turn to Yaz. "Do you want me to change you to human for this event, or do you want to be small?" She looked like she was thinking and then she said "Yea just this once I'll be big, that way I can do your makeup better." She said as Montana turned around to argue some more. I put my hand up in a stop both of you kinda way and they both stopped. I waved my hands over Yaz and made her human size. Her wings didn't go away, perks of being full fairy. They can become human size but their wings never go away.     I wave my hand over myself and tell everyone to follow me to the pack land. We go through the house to the closet, everyone already left. We get through the portal and make it to Aunt Jane and Damon's house. As we get to the living room, they are snuggled up on the couch, I hand them a tired River and we head to the pack house. We get there and Ryker goes to our room as I split off with Montana and Yaz. "Hey where are you going, our room is here." He says with confusion on his face. I smile and walk to him, place a small kiss on his lips and tell him. "I am going to Montana's room to get ready, I will see you at the party." He sloches his shoulders as he walks in his room. I turn on my heals and we head to Montana's room. As we open the door Josh is in there sitting on the bed playing a game. "Ok Josh, you out we are stealing your room. Go help Ry get ready for the party, take what you need cause you aint coming back in." I said and I could see him looking at Montana for an explanation, but she just smiled and kissed him on the lips before saying. "We are going to get ready in here since all of my stuff is already here and Lea hasn't unpacked yet." With that said he took off out the door and we started.     It took three and a half hours for all of us to get ready. We all showered, and the two girls compromised on the makeup. Yaz did my hair while Montana did my makeup. Then when I was done they did each others seems how I am no good at either of those things. I was always a tomboy and didn't dress up much. We are all finished up and in our dresses. We walk out the door into the hallway. Before I left the room I made sure Ryker wasn't around so he didn't see me. As we are making our way down the hall we run into none other then the queen b***h herself.  "Hello Kelly, nice to see you," I said in my most polite voice I could muster. She sneered back, "Don't talk to me you slut, you will never be my luna. I will get Ryker back and we will lead this back together." I laughed in her face, like right in her face. "Wow Kel you crack me up you know that," I said with sarcasm, then I turned serious. "You need to be careful who you threaten, I wont say it again. After tonight if you threaten me again there will be sever consequences." I walked toward her till her back hit the wall, looked her dead in the eye and let just a small portion of my power slip so she knew some what of the person I am. "After tonight, when the truth is reveled, you wont get anymore chances."     I saw the slight terror in her eyes as I backed up some and she scurried off like the cockroach she is. I turn with a smile on my face to the two girls who looked a bit pained. "What is it, do I have something on my face," I said while wiping at my face. Yaz grabs my hand and stops me "Stop that before you mess up my handy work, and no there is nothing on your face. It's just the amount of power you let off, made us want to bow to you. We couldn't with out that hoe knowing something was up. But dam girl did you know you are powerful." She said that last part while playfully punching me in the shoulder. I furrowed my brow and told them, "That was nothing, I didn't let it all out, just a droplet." They both stood there with their mouths gaping open. I took both my hands, put each hand under each of their chins and put closed them up before flies flew in.     "Oh now you have to show us your full power," Montana chimed in and I saw Yaz bouncing in agreement. I shook my head and said "Fine, but not here and just for a min." Squealing beside me I shook my head and we went back into the room before I opened a portal to the cabin. Once there I warned them "I never let it all out before, so it might hurt a bit." They shook their heads and I then proceeded to let it all out. It actually felt good to let it all out for a min instead of bottling it up. I looked over at them when I felt it all released and they were on their knees and their heads bowed. I chuckled and rained it all back in, but not before I heard two thuds outside the door.
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