Chapter 30

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Maliha's point of view     As I rain my power back in, we three walk toward the noise. It was at the back sliding glass door. As we creep round the corner of the kitchen, I can see something white and feathery outside the door. Here I'm thinking it is some giant bird creature, maybe a pegasus or something. Really Lea, that's what you could come up with. You know they don't exist so grow some balls woman and see what is out there. Came the smart ass remark from Sheba. After her remark, my balls dropped, I stood straight up and marched to the door. At least that is what I thought I did, it was probably more like I ran to the side of the door and crept around the corner to get a better look.      Feeling a bit strange all of a sudden, a bit light headed and dizzy for some reason. I sway for a second before I could get my balance back, then all of a sudden it was gone. I looked back at Yazz and Montana and they had a look of concern and confusion on their faces. I plastered what I hoped was a convincing smile on my face and got back to figuring out who was out side. Out of no where I hear, 'Hello Maliha, I am Shasta. It is nice to finally be out and about.' Wow and who are you, I think I said but it could have been Sheba. 'I am your demon, and Yes Sheba it is nice to be able to talk to to you finally as well.'      Oh so I guess I got my demon finally. After having our little conversation, I left the two in the background to get to know each other while I focus on the mission ahead of us. I peer around the corner to be met with two women standing their with their arms crossed looking at me like are you going to let us in. They don't look like they mean harm so I stand up and open the door. The one woman looks like she just came off the victory secret run way with her butt length barbie doll blond slightly curly hair, bright blue eyes, perfect tanned and smooth skin. She wore white crop top, with light blue jean short shorts, knee length white leather boots, and she had massive white feather like wings. "Can I help you?" is all I was able to get out before I was engolfed in a tight huge from barbie.      "Oh my god, I have finally found you. I knew there was something important that I was suppose to do.' She pulls back and extends her hand and says "Hi Maliha I am Bailey your angel guardian." I take her hand with a smile, Well I guess I have my angel abilities now also. I look over to the other woman and she looks more indifferent. She is a bit shorter then Bailey, but not by much. She has Black hair that is shaved into a mohawk but the hair that is in the middle is long, almost to the middle of her back so it almost looks like she has a ponytail. She has piercing sky blue eyes and fair skin. She is dressed in black leather pants, a pink tank that has a skull on it in diamonds, looks like boots on a bracelet with spikes on it. She looks familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it. She reaches to me and says " Hey I'm Shay, your demon guardian."      After the introductions I look at the time. "Oh crap ya'll we are going to be late. Bailey and Shay you two come as well." They looked at each other in confusion but follow anyways. During our conversation I learned that they felt my presents and was coming to find me, but then I let my power out and they fell from the sky with the urge to bow. So that was why there was two thuds outside my door. I made the portal to be right beside the pack house a little bit from the party.      Ryker's point of View     I'm out and about looking around to see how things are going with the set up for the party. This year is a bit different then the others cause there is an important announcement that Maliha needs to make. I'm walking toward the large pond where the stage is set up, as I realize I haven't seen Lea in a few hours. We still have about thirty mins, so I will wait another twenty before I go looking for her. Looking around fills my heart with so much joy. The pups are running around, laughing and playing, The adults are working together to get everything set up while the elders are supervising. I love my pack and I couldn't be prouder of them at this moment. They come together as one for anyone in the pack, it's just one big happy family.      As I am walking I round the corner of one of the houses and there she is, none other then Kelly herself. She smiles at me as she walks toward my swaying her hips, like that's going to do anything for me. Me being the polite person I have always been, I don't turn, tuck tail and run. She reaches me and puts her arms around my neck, and I almost gaged right there. "Hello soon to be alpha Ryker, I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday first." She said in what she thought was a seductive voice, but it was repulsing to me. Even before I knew Lea was my mate, I never found myself pinning for Kelly. That easy, sleazy just didn't work for me. I take her hands from around my neck as gently as possible, when all I wanted to do was break them off for touching me. "Thank you Kelly, but my mate was the first one to wish me a happy birthday this morning in bed, more then once shall I say." I could feel the heat radiating off her from her temper, she was mad but tried to hide it. "Well you know I could please you better then she can, you know we should have been mates, I think she gave you some kind of potion or had her aunt do a spell on you." She said while rubbing her hand down my arm.     I grabbed her arm with a little more force, making her slightly whimper, "Please do not touch me, and you will not be warned again about talking about your future luna like that." I wanted to say queen, but that will be revealed soon. She dramatically held her hand while running off crying, thank god that was over. Looking at my watch we had only five mins left till the party was suppose to start, where is that beautiful mate of mine. As I am about to take off to find her, I see out of the corner of my eye a portal appearing. I see Montana and Yazz walk through, then there are two people I don't recognize one looks like a real life barbie doll with wings, and the other one looks almost like a female version of Damon. What came next and last also was the most breath taking woman I had ever laid eyes on. She was in Lily form until the revealing, but with her light brown locks curled to perfection to just hang loose and bounce, with her front done up in a bump. Her makeup was perfection, barley visible but some eye liner winged out with the smokey eye look. But what stood out the most was her dress, it was baby blue, fitted to hug her every curve, mid thigh length and it was strapless. She radiated s*x and power, she was a goddess.     As they were walking toward me, I couldn't help the smile on my face, and the thoughts running through my mind and Xander agreed. 'Well don't forget about me, I hella agree to that,' A voice in my head said. 'Who the hell is in my head, don't be talking about my mate like that,' I all but growled. 'Calm down Ryker, she is my mate as well. I am part of you, I am your demon Xavier.' My what, I didn't know I had a demon, 'Yea I don't appear till you turn 18, and you turned 18 two days ago,' he said with a chuckle. 'Alright smart guy, if that's the case then why am I just now hearing you?' 'Well thats easy man, you haven't said or done anything that I needed to pipe in about, but I couldn't keep my mouth shut about this one. So officially I'd like to say hello and it is nice meeting the both of you.' Saying out hellos and introductions, I let Xander and Xavier get to know each other better as I pushed them back into my mind.     Looking up I see that breathing taking woman is just a few steps away and I cant wait any longer. I close the gap and take her in my arms while passionately blowing both of our minds. "Hey Hey Hey, come on now I just did her makeup, you are going to smear it." I head Yazz haller from the side of us. Pulling away finally, I couldn't help but miss her lips on mine already. "Not that I'm complaining but what was that for?" With a grin I tell her "for being my out of this world, breath taking mate." I saw a slight blush grace her cheeks. Grabbing her hand "Are you ready to get this show on the road?" She nodded and we proceeded to the party that had already started. Making our way to the stage we got up and I took the mic.     " I want to welcome everyone here tonight, and thank you for all coming out on this special night. This night is not only special because it is our 18th birthday, but also cause my mate here by my side, you all know her as Lily woods has a special announcement to make. Now I hope you all take what she is going to tell you very serious, and please pay attention cause it will effect each and everyone of you. Thank you all again." Turning to Lea I hand her the mic and stand by her side while she starts.      "Alright everyone, I would also like to start by saying thank you to everyone that has come to show your support." As she is talking I look out at the crowd and surprised to see that even the children had stopped playing to listen, once again proud of my pack. "You all have known me as Lily Woods, I grew up here from the age of pretty much 10. You all excepted me as part of the pack and for that I am forever grateful. But I am however not Lily, I have been in hiding here from the monster that considers himself the rogue king. See my parents are the great Aliha and Xander Novack, the former king and queen." With that said she waved her hand over herself and Maliha was there, my beautiful Lea. Wow if I thought she was beautiful, she is even so more now. I hear gasp in the audience, and she continues. "My real name is Maliha Novack, the soon to be queen with Ryker Black by my side as your king." She paused for a min while letting the chatter die down just a bit.     "Will my guardians please come up on the stage." She waited for them all to come up there, and as I suspected the two from earlier were her last two guardians. "Listen carefully, these are my guardians, they will be treated with respect at all times, not that I worry about that with any of you. They will be helping us train for the up coming battle. There is one other very important matter I would like to discuss with you." She said in all her confidence, she was born to be a leader.     "I have discussed with your alpha already, he informed me that if you all agree then he would be honored. As you all know the kingdom had fallen years ago, and with it the royal packs. I would be honored if this pack would consider taking the roll of being the royal ware pack. Now before you answer let me tell you this, if you choose yes then the fine print is this. First you will all become lycans like me and Ryker. If you do not know what a lycan is, they are stronger, larger, faster and deadlier then any other ware out there. Second you will have to leave your homes and move to the kingdom with me. Third, all children born after this will be born as lycans and carry on in the royal pack, finally there will be a big possibility that some of you may come out of this as a hybrid. You will have till the full moon to decide, which is in three days." An older gentleman spoke up in the back, "I am honored my queen, just one question. If young Ryker here is to become king, then who will take his place as our next alpha. Not that I'm complaining, I think Ryker here is going to make one fine king, but I am just curious." "Thank you Tim, and that is where I am going to let your alpha take the mic and discuss that with you all." She was passing the mic to my dad when out of no where it happened.      
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